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#114 : Comme un rat


Résumé : Lincoln doit être exécuté à 1h00 du matin... La tentative d'évasion de Michael ayant échouée, il doit absolument trouver un moyen d'empêcher l'exécution. DB lui révèle, sans s'en douter, un élément qui va s'avérer très précieux ! Mais Bellick est sur ses gardes. En attendant, Michael et Véronica peuvent rendre une dernière visite à Lincoln.


4.36 - 11 votes

Titre VO
The Rat

Titre VF
Comme un rat

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France

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Photo de l'épisode #1.14

Photo de l'épisode #1.14

Photo de l'épisode #1.14

Photo de l'épisode #1.14

Photo de l'épisode #1.14

Photo de l'épisode #1.14


Logo de la chaîne M6

France (redif)
Vendredi 23.06.2017 à 03:50

Plus de détails

Durée : 45 min

Avec : Dominic Purcell, Wentworth Miller, Robin Tunney, Peter Stormare, Amaury Nolasco, Marshall Allman, Wade Williams, Paul Adelstein, Robert Knepper, Sarah Wayne Callies
Moments forts :

Lincoln et Michael ont droit à leur dernière visite !!
Tweener dénonce Michael...
Sara rend visite à Véronica et demande la clémence à son père...
Le coup de fil entre LJ et son père...
Les adieux entre Michael et son frère et Véronica et Lincoln

Épisode 14 – The Rat

Lincoln, à l’infirmerie, tente toujours de casser le tuyau qui se trouve au dessous de la grille avec un manche à balai… Le Dr Tancredi revient et Lincoln a juste le temps de poser le balai dans un coin, de s’accroupir et de simuler une pressante envie de vomir. Mais Sara lui conseille de rester sous perfusion sans quoi, il n’ aurait aucun droit de rester ici. Un garde arrive et exige qu’il soit menotté… Lincoln résiste mais pas longtemps… de toute façon, le plan de Michael semble plutôt compromis.
Dans la salle de maintenance, où sont réfugiés les prisonniers qui tentaient de s’enfuir, un garde inspecte les lieux et trouve le morceau de ferraille coupé en deux que Michael utilisait comme levier. Il appelle son collègue mais ce dernier ne lui répondant pas, il part à sa rencontre. Les détenus cachés, malgré leur déception, en profitent pour s’éclipser par la trappe… seul Michael traîne un peu. Au moment où les gardes réapparaissent, Michael a tout juste eu le temps de se glisser sous la grille le long de la corde.


Bellick, prêt à partir, remarque que l’IP n’a pas touché aux panneaux pour les murs et que ceux-ci continuent de sécher à l’extérieur. Furieux, ils pensent qu’ils n’ont rien foutus… D’un pas décidé, il fonce vers la réserve tandis que les autres remontent un à un, à l’exception de DB… La porte est bloquée de l’intérieur et Bellick s’acharne dessus. Puis, il finit par l’ouvrir et examine les lieux. En les voyant tous les 4, debout, les mains vides, il ordonne leur retour immédiat aux cellules. Il sort et interpelle un garde… puis, il revient sur ses pas, ouvre la porte à nouveau et demande où est passé le 5ème… DB, faisant semblant de lacer sa chaussure, apparaît miraculeusement, accroupi derrière les autres. Retour aux cellules.

Le jour se lève.

Pope est interviewé devant sa prison par une équipe de journaliste sur le déroulement de l’exécution de Lincoln Burrows. Pope explique qu’il sera exécuté ce soir à 1h00… C’est la 13ème personne de l’Illinois depuis 1976 qui sera soumise à la chaise électrique. LJ regarde l’émission, en pleurs. Henry Pope exprime son aversion pour la peine de mort.

Retour cellule 40

Michael et Fernando discutent au sujet de l’exécution. Pour Michael, il ne reste qu’une solution…

Plan rapproché sur le Dr Sara Tancredi

Michael se rend à l’infirmerie pour son injection d’insuline. Il entraperçoit son frère, attaché dans une autre pièce. Sara vient le rejoindre et Michael lui demande aussitôt si elle peut s’arranger pour qu’ils se parlent. Mais le garde qui surveille Lincoln n’est pas enclin à lui accorder cette faveur… Elle revient vers Michael, dépitée et lui apprend qu’il n’aura droit de voir son frère que lors de la visite finale. Michael tente le tout pour le tout et supplie Sara pour qu’elle convainc son père, Gouverneur de l’Etat. Mais Sara lui explique que son père est un partisan de la peine de mort et qu’il est farouchement opposé aux idées de sa fille… ce qui ne ferait qu’aggraver la situation. Michael insiste : mon frère est innocent, votre père ne peut pas être pour çà ! ! Allez voir ses avocats et vous jugerez par vous-même ! ! Lincoln retourne en isolement sous le regard impuissant de son cadet.

Plan sur la ville de Chicago

Véronica et Nick tentent d’obtenir un surseoir d’exécution auprès de Lyle, un ami qui dirige la cour. Véronica lui apprend qu’un agent s’est fait tuer sous ses yeux et qu’avant de mourir, il lui aurait révélé que Terrence Steadman était toujours en vie ! ! ! En plus du surseoir, les avocats de Burrows exigent donc un ordre d’exhumation afin de vérifier les dires de l’agent Hale. Lyle leur accorde 15 minutes.

Retour sur la prison

T-Bag, frustré par l’échec du plan, s’en prend ouvertement à Michael… mais Fernando intervient et le menace. T-Bag n’insiste pas. DB raconte à Michael qu’il n’y a rien de pire que l’attente pour un condamné ! ! Puis, il se remémore une histoire à propos d’une chaise électrique défectueuse qui aurait valu au prisonnier 3 semaines de plus… 3 longues semaines interminables avant qu’il ne soit à nouveau proposable à l’exécution. Michael ne retient qu’une chose : s’il arrive quelque chose à la chaise alors son frère bénéficiera de 3 semaines supplémentaires ! ! ! Tweener arrive à ce moment et demande de quoi ils parlent mais aucun des deux ne lui répond.

Plan sur la cellule 40

Michael se faufile à travers les couloirs pendant que Fernando surveille les vigils, un drap accroché en travers de leur cellule. Michael, avec un sachet de chips, attire un rat. Il l’attrape et revient dans sa cellule.

Sara demande à Lincoln s’il a des questions particulières quant au déroulement de ce soir. Mais Lincoln trouve la situation plus qu’ironique. Elle l’informe qu’elle sera là au moment de l’exécution puisque l’Etat exige la présence d’un médecin. Lincoln lui demande juste une faveur : qu’elle prenne soin de son frère après sa mort.

Tweener déguste un hamburger sous le regard perspicace du capitaine Bellick. Celui-ci exige en échange quelques informations mais Tweener n’a à lui offrir qu’une maigre affaire de shit. Bellick lui retire des mains sauvagement le sandwich et passe aux menaces… S’il n’a rien sur Scofield alors son cul sera mis aux enchères ! ! ! Tweener, terrorisé, apprend alors à Brad Bellick que Scofield aurait dit que s’il arrivait quelque chose à la chaise, son frère aurait droit à 3 semaines de plus ! ! ! Bellick est satisfait. Il fonce à la salle d’exécution et ordonne un nouvel essai. La tentative échoue… Bellick est à présent furieux.

Ouverture des cellules

Fernando demande à Michael s’il existe un autre chemin que celui de l’infirmerie ? Mais Michael se concentre d’abord sur le sort de son frère.

Bellick ouvre la boite à fusibles qui correspond au fonctionnement de la chaise et y découvre un rat mort. C’est lui qui devait créer le court-circuit.

Lincoln se fait raser les cheveux.

Véronica et Nick tentent le tout pour le tout devant le juge… mais malgré leurs témoignages, ils n’ont pas de preuves physiques à présenter à la cour. Les corps des 3 personnes assassinées récemment sont introuvables. La cassette vidéo a été endommagée et les agents Hale et Kellerman ne sont répertoriés nulle part. Le juge Rendall Kessler rendra sa décision dans quelques heures, le temps de démêler tout çà.

L’électricien explique que pour changer le fusible il va falloir attendre que la paperasse soit examinée… Mais il est hors de question pour Bellick que Lincoln bénéficie de temps supplémentaire… il a tué le frère du vice-président ; c’est un terroriste !Puisque personne ne sera au courant, il demande à l’employé de changer le fusible sans faire de notification. Celui-ci s’exécute.

Retour cellule 40

Il ne reste que 6h00 à Lincoln avant sa mort. Bellick vient chercher Scofield pour la visite finale. CE dernier ayant l’air surpris, Bellick s’en étonne malignement. Un test de la chaise a lieu au moment où les deux hommes se parlent. Toute la prison est confrontée au vacillement des lumières.

Plan sur les visages de Lincoln et Sara pendant le test.

Les deux frères sont enfin réunis. Ils se prennent dans les bras. Michael s’excuse pour l’échec de son plan et lui demande si Véronica a obtenu un sursit ? Mais Lincoln, résigné, le supplie d’arrêter tout ce cirque. Il sait désormais qu’il va être tué ce soir et rien ne pourra le sauver. Il doit l’accepter même s’il n’a rien fait. Il n’y a plus d’espoir.

LJ, qui tient absolument à voir son père, ne peut pas se montrer aux autorités… il n’a donc pas le choix. Il doit rester à l’hôtel avec Nick. Véronica s’apprête d’ailleurs à lui rendre visite au moment où le téléphone sonne. Le juge Kessler n’a pas accordé de sursit à Lincoln. La dernière chance s’envole… Soudain, quelqu’un frappe à la porte. Nick demande à LJ de se cacher dans la pièce du fond. Véronica ouvre, c’est le Dr Sara Tancredi.

Pendant que Michael et Lincoln jouent aux cartes, ce dernier déguste ses pancakes à la myrtille. Puis, Véronica arrive, porteuse de mauvaises nouvelles. Mais, elle informe cependant Michael que Sara est passée les voir. Puis, Véronica appelle LJ et le passe à Lincoln. Les deux hommes discutent. Le fils explique au père qu’il a fait un rêve prémonitoire dans lequel il se voyait avec lui, plus vieux, construisant une maison.

Sara rend visite à son père, le Gouverneur de l’Illinois. Après, un bref topos, elle lui laisse le dossier Burrows mais il ne semble guère convaincu. Sara fait tout ce qu’elle peut et disparaît.

Plan sur l’extérieur – La nuit est tombée.

Linc réalise maintenant qu’il va être exécuté pour un crime qu’il n’a pas commis ! ! Furieux, et aux bords des nerfs, il envoie valdinguer la table à travers la pièce. Pope surgit : c’est l’heure ! ! !

Lincoln Burrows est menotté, pieds et mains, il avance à petits pas. Dans le couloir de la mort, Sara, Pope, Michael et Bellick le dévisagent chacun à leur manière. C’est alors que le téléphone sonne ; c’est un appel du gouverneur ! ! Tout le monde s’arrête mais finalement il n’accorde pas sa clémence à Burrows qui reprend le chemin mortuaire. Michael passe devant Sara… La tension est aussi palpable que le chagrin de chacun.

Plan sur une pièce de la ville

Le gouverneur est remercié par Carolyn Reynolds, vice-présidente des USA… Elle saura s’en souvenir à l’avenir et surtout lors de sa prochaine campagne.

Linc arrive devant la chaise. Il s’arrête à l’entrée de la salle et regarde une dernière fois son frère et Véronica. Ces derniers ne peuvent aller plus loin que la ligne jaune. Véronica embrasse Lincoln et lui fait savoir qu’elle l’a aimé dès leur rencontre. Puis, c’est au tour de Michael… Leurs adieux sont déchirants. Lincoln revoit alors les bons et mauvais moments de sa courte vie… Puis, il se décide à avancer et relève la tête comme un homme.

Plan à nouveau sur la chaise électrique


ACT 1.

Opening Scene.

(Camera shot of Michael in the prison yard.)

Michael (v/o): My name is Michael Scofield. My brother is facing the electric chair.

(Camera shot of Lincoln being manhandled into the electric chair; camera shot of Lincoln walking towards a car in a parking lot, gun drawn.)

Michael (v/o): Framed for a crime he didn't commit.

CUT TO: Kellerman and Hale in front of Bishop McMorrow.

Bishop: What is it about this case that the Secret Service are so interested in?

Kellerman: The man killed the Vice President's brother.

CUT TO: Michael, sitting at his desk in his apartment, the wall by the side of him covered with photos and notes of his plan to escape.

Michael (v/o): After his appeals were exhausted, I knew there was only one way to get him out.

(Camera shot of the bank - exterior - day.)

(CUT TO: Michael in the bank, firing three shots into the air.)

(CUT TO: Several police cars and a police command center outside the bank.)

Police Officer: This is the police! Put down your weapon!

CUT TO: Michael lowering his hands.

CUT TO: Michael in the cell, with the door being closed.

CUT TO: Lincoln seeing Michael at Fox River for the first time.

Lincoln: Michael.

Michael: I'm getting you out of here.

Lincoln: It's impossible.

Michael: Not if you designed the place it isn't.

CUT TO: Lincoln and Michael in the locker room at Fox River.

Lincoln: You've seen the blue prints.

Michael: Better than that. I've got 'em on me.

(Camera shot of the prison yard.)

Michael (v/o): I've been in Fox River nearly a month now. In that time I've assembled a group that has all the resources we need...

(Camera shots of Sucre, C-Note, T-Bag, the $100 dollar bill from Westmoreland.)

 Michael (v/o): ...to not only break out, but stay out.

CUT TO: Michael getting a shot in the infirmary.

Michael: I'm Michael, by the way.

Sara: Doctor Tancredi.

Michael: Tancredi like the governor?

(Camera shot of the team digging the hole through to the pipe system.)

(Camera shot of Veronica and Nick standing on Constitution Ave NW.)

Michael (v/o): While we dig on the inside, our lawyer searches for the truth on the outside.

(The telephone rings at the call box next to Veronica and Nick.)

Hale (v/o): I have information that will lead to the exoneration of Lincoln Burrows.

CUT TO: Veronica speaking to Fox News, Chicago on television.

Veronica: Somebody on the inside claims they can exonerate Lincoln.

Vice President Caroline Reynolds: Someone's been talking. Anyone that's a threat is expendable.

(An aide opens her office door.)

Aide: They're ready for you, Madam Vice President.

(Camera shot of Hale shooting at Letitica Barris.)

(Camera shot of Veronica hitting Agent Quinn around the head with a chair.)

(Camera shot of Bishop McMorrow sitting up in bed to get a bullet in the head.)

(Camera shot of Veronica's apartment exploding.)

(Camera shot of Michael and the escape team climbing into the hole.)

Michael (v/o): 24 hours from now, my brother is scheduled to die. But the way I see it, 24 hours from now, we'll be out of the country.

(Camera shot of Lincoln in the infirmary, he goes over to the grate.)

Lincoln: Michael.

CUT TO: Michael underneath the infirmary in the break room, where a new pipe has been fitted underneath the grate to the infirmary room.

Michael: He's there!

(The team try and wedge the pipe off the wall with some industrial piping but it doesn't budge. The piping breaks in half and falls to the floor.)

Michael: It can't be done. We're not getting out of here.

(T-Bag takes a shank out of his boot.)

T-Bag: Unfortunately, Pretty, that ain't an option. You are gonna get us out of here.

[Camera pans over Fox River - night.]

[1. INT. Maintenance room. Night.]

Michael: Unless you're gonna use your shank to take out the pipe, put it away.

T-Bag: I'm gonna put it in your neck, you don't get us outta here.

Sucre: Bring it down a peg, T-Bag.

T-Bag: Shut your mouth. Remember, Pretty, I am serving life plus one. So if I get busted for attempted escape I'm gonna throw in a homicide, no problem. That's like a parking ticket to me!

(They hear Lincoln still banging on the grate with the mop handle and look up.)

[2. INT. Infirmary. Night.]

(Sara unlocks the door and comes into the infirmary. She sees Lincoln sitting by the grate.)

Sara: You okay?

Lincoln: Felt sick again.

Sara: Yeah, you took your IVs out.

Lincoln: Yeah, I didn't want to throw up on the floor so I just came to the drain. Just let me walk this off, I'll be fine.

Sara: Lincoln, there is no reason for you to be here if your IV isn't in.

(A CO looks in at the door.)

C.O.: Everything all right in here?

Sara: It's fine.

C.O.: Why isn't he cuffed to the table?

Sara: What's he gonna do? Steal a cotton ball?

(The CO takes a pair of handcuffs from his back pocket.)

C.O.: Can't have him walking around, Doc. You know that.

(Lincoln looks over at the grate.)

[3. INT. Corridor. Night.]

A CO walks down the corridor and stops at the Maintenance door, listening. He takes out his keys to unlock the door.

[4. INT. Maintenance room. Night.]

C-Note: Shh!

Sucre: What was that?

[5. INT. Infirmary. Night.]

C.O.: Put your wrist out.

(He tries to take Lincoln's wrist but Lincoln pulls it away.)

C.O.: You gonna turn this into something?

(Lincoln looks at him.)

C.O.: I'm not gonna say it again. Put your wrist out.

(Lincoln very reluctantly does, and the CO slams the cuffs on.)

[6. INT. Maintenance room. Night.]

(The CO, Andrews, opens the door and looks inside. Everything is still and quiet, and he can see nobody. He looks around.)

(Camera shows T-Bag, Westmoreland and Michael hiding behind some racking.)

(Andrews walks further into the room. Camera pans over to show C-Note hiding behind the corner. Camera pans again to show Sucre sitting on the floor, hiding behind another rack.)

(Andrews goes to leave, but as he does, he sees the piece of industrial pipe on the floor. He looks at it.)

(Camera pans over all the inmates' hiding places: they all look very anxious.)

(Andrews picks up the piping, and looks up the pipe on the ceiling. The inmates look on in concern. T-Bag readies his shank.)

Andrews: Hey Keith, come check this out!

(There is no answer.)

Andrews: Keith?

(Andrews leaves the room. The team jump up from their hiding places. Sucre stands watch the door quietly.)

Westmoreland: We gotta go. Now! Gimme the rope. Gimme the rope, now!

(Sucre takes it out his pocket and throws it at him.)

Westmoreland (to T-Bag): Tie that off.

(T-Bag ties the rope round the shelving unit. Sucre looks out into the hallway: he can see the two COs talking.)

(Westmoreland climbs down the rope.)

Westmoreland (o/s): Okay, I'm down.

(C-Note slides down the rope, followed by T-Bag. Michael is standing under the pipe on the ceiling, the object keeping him from his brother, looking very upset. Sucre watches as the guards turn towards the Maintenance room.)

Sucre: We gotta go, Michael.

(Michael doesn't move.)

Sucre: It's done. Let's go!

(Sucre slides down the rope. Very reluctantly, Michael begins untying it from the shelving unit. He looks up at the pipe again.)

[7. INT. Infirmary. Night.]

(Lincoln struggles against his handcuffs, looking over the grate, but he's going nowhere.)

[8. INT. Maintenance room. Night.]

Stolte: Did it break off, or did someone break it?

Andrews: I don't know. Here's the other half.

(Camera pans down to the grate by their feet, where Michael is hanging on to the rope.)


[Camera pans over Fox River - night.]

[9. INT. Administration office. Night.]

Bellick: Hey, hey.

C.O.: What's up, Brad?

Bellick: Heading over to Sharkey's. It's Two-for-Tuesday. Want to hoist a few?

C.O.: Man, I'd love to, but my wife is cooking dinner, and I told her I'd be home.

Bellick: Wuss. Anybody else?

(No-one answers.)

Bellick: Suit yourselves.

(He looks out of the winter, over to the break room.)

Bellick: Hey, none of the sheetrock in front of the break room's been touched.

C.O#2: The PI's lettin' it dry out.

Bellick: Still?

[10. INT. Prison pipes system. Night.]

(Sucre hurries through the pipe, followed by C-Note, T-Bag, Michael and Westmoreland.)

CUT TO: Bellick walking across the prison yard.

CUT TO: Sucre, coming up through the hole in the break room. He looks over at the door, then helps C-Note up. The two of them help T-Bag up, then Michael. The four of them look down the hole - Westmoreland isn't there.

Sucre (urgently): Westmoreland!

Westmoreland (o/s): I'm caught on something!

Sucre: Come on, come on, come on, come on!

CUT TO: Bellick walks into the storage area and over to the break room. He puts his hand on the door handle and pulls, but it doesn't open because of the crowbar Westmoreland previously wedged through it.

CUT TO: The inmates looking over at the door. Finally, Westmoreland appears at the bottom of the hole.

Michael: Stay there. Stay down there!

(The team put the board over the hole and cover it over.)

CUT TO: Bellick, pulling at the door. The crowbar comes loose and falls to the floor. He storms in, annoyed. The inmates are standing around.

Bellick: Why was this door locked?

T-Bag (defensively): It wasn't locked, boss. The fan kept pushing it open so we decided to wedge it closed.

(Michael moves across and picks up a crowbar from the table.)

(Silence. Bellick stares at them. They are all covered in sweat and look exhausted.)

Bellick: You've been in here all night not doing a damn thing.

Sucre: Room's still wet, boss. Nothing we could do. It's not like we were having a picnic.

(C-Note laughs.)

Bellick: Bunch of shiftless, no-good convicts.

(Michael moves forward through them all, and throws the crowbar down on the table. He looked furious.)

Bellick: You got something to say, Scofield?

(Michael looks away.)

Bellick: Wrap it up. And, all four of you, get your asses back to the block.

(He leaves the room, shutting the door behind him and walks over to the outer door and into the yard. He shouts to a passing CO.)

Bellick: Hey! Get these nitwits back to the cell block.

(The CO nods and is about to come into the room when Bellick suddenly holds up a hand to stop him. He moves slowly back towards the break room and pulls the door open.)

(The inmates all turn around to face him.)

Bellick: You seem to be one light.

(Camera on someone tying his shoelaces: pan up to reveal its Westmoreland.)

Westmoreland: Right here, boss.

(Bellick stares at them all, still suspicious, but then walks out. Now alone and out of danger, the team voice their feelings.)

C-Note: Oh, no, no. Hey. (he punches the wall.) I should be halfway to seeing my family right now!

(The CO, Weston, enters.)

Weston: Let's go!

(The team don't move, all looking dejected.)

Weston: Now!

(They all slowly file out, Michael follows last.)

[11. INT. Prison cell block. Night.]

(The door is unlocked and the inmates file inside, Michael last. He looks up at the cells.)

C.O.: Keep it movin'! Move it!

[12. INT. Michael's cell. Night.]

Sucre: Do you think he knows? Lincoln?

(Michael is silent.)

CUT TO: Lincoln yanking on the metal cuffs. He glances at the grate.

[Camera on the watch tower outside in the yard as night turns into day.]

[13. EXT. Prison. Day.]

(Warden Pope is facing questions from reporters about the upcoming execution.)

Reporter: I'm here with Henry Pope, who is the warden of Fox River Penitentiary, where Lincoln Burrows is scheduled to die by electrocution at 12:01am tomorrow. Warden Pope, can you tell me what's gonna happen in the next few hours?

Pope: There are strict Department of Corrections guidelines that govern every aspect of an execution. Measures taken to make sure that the process goes as smoothly as possible.

Reporter: Such as?

Pope: The correctional officers will do a walk-through, we'll review the list of witnesses, the chair will be checked and rechecked to make sure there's no problem.

Reporter: And Mr. Burrows himself, have you spoken with him? What are his thoughts in these final hours?

Pope: I'd say that's between him and his God.

Reporter: And maybe the Governor. I understand Burrows' attorneys are going to request a stay.

Pope: I wish them the best of luck.

Reporter: Does that mean you believe he's innocent?

Pope: It means I believe in the process, but I don't relish the prospect of taking another man's life. Whether it's just or not, there's no joy that lies before us today.

[14. INT. Cabin. Day.]

(LJ is watching the report ending on television with tears in his eyes.)

Reporter (on screen): Ok, thank you very much, Warden. And we will be here with you throughout the night, watching and waiting, to see if Lincoln Burrows does in fact become only the 13th person to be executed in the state of Illinois since 1976.

[15. INT. Prison cell block. Day.]

(A buzzer sounds and all the cell doors open. Michael walks to the door of the cell.)

Sucre: Just so you got one less thing to worry about, I want you to know...I ain't mad at you.

Michael: Thank you.

Sucre: How long until...?

Michael: 16 hours.

Sucre: Are his lawyers making any progress? Is there still a  chance? What...?

Michael: No. There's only one person who can really stop this execution.

[16. INT. Infirmary. Day.]

(Sara looks up as Michael is escorted down the infirmary corridor by a CO. He looks at Sara, then across at Lincoln, who is in another room. The CO takes him into a further room and unlocks his handcuffs. The CO goes to leave as Sara comes in.)

Sara: Hey, Pat.

Michael: I need to see my brother. Just to talk. For five minutes.

Sara: Yeah. Yeah, I'll try.

(Sara walks out of the room and over to the CO guarding Lincoln's room. They have an inaudible conversation. Michael looks through the window at Lincoln. The CO shakes his head, and shrugs as Sara looks defeated. Sara walks back to Michael's room.)

Sara: Um. I'm sorry, I'm told that you have to wait until final visitation.

Michael: Would you talk to your father for me? Please?

Sara: Believe me, my father knows where I stand on the death penalty. And I'm just as clear on his stand.

Michael: Sara...Doctor Tancredi, I'm sorry. This isn't about the morality of the death penalty. This is... (he glances at Lincoln)... this is about killing an innocent man. My brother. And surely your father can't be in favour of that. Just talk to Lincoln's attorneys, just for an hour, and I swear to God you'll be convinced of his innocence.

Sara: Michael, I would pick up the phone right now if I thought there was any chance I could make a difference. But you have to understand: I'm the last person in the world that my father listens to. He hates what I do. He hates what I believe in. And if I'm the one asking for clemency for your brother, your brother won't get it.

(Michael nods slightly. There's a jangling sound and he looks towards the window: Lincoln is being led away by two COs. Michael walks to the window and watches.)

Sara: I'm sorry.

ACT 2.

[Camera pans over Chicago.]

[17. EXT. Street. Day.]

(Nick and Veronica flank Lyle, a court clerk.)

Nick: Look, if Terrence Steadman is still alive, Lyle, then it can't be Terrence Steadman buried in the ground.

Lyle: Yeah, but, a secret informant claims that Steadman is still alive? I dunno, Nick. It all sounds pretty far-fetched.

Nick: You're his clerk. Just get us on the docket.

Lyle: Look you're asking him to commit political suicide, by granting a stay of execution to Illinois' most notorious Death Row inmate.

Veronica: Officially, all we're asking if for an exhumation order. If he grants it, he can order a stay until the tests come back.

Lyle (sarcastic): An exhumation order? Oh, well, that's better. Digging up the vice president's brother! No way.

Nick: Lyle, Lyle, look, we took Intro to Civ Pro together, remember? We studied for the Bar day and night in that crappy little apartment of yours talking about how we were gonna make a difference.

Lyle: Nick. You filed an 11th hour motion. Judge Kessler's docket is full this afternoon.

Nick: Come on, Lyle! Everyone knows you run that courtroom. You can't adjust things around a bit?

Veronica: The informant that was killed yesterday - I was there. I know firsthand these people will do whatever they can to frame Lincoln for Steadman's murder.

(Lyle thinks about it.)

Veronica: All we're asking is to be heard.

Lyle: I'll give you fifteen minutes this afternoon, that's it.

Nick: Thank you!

Veronica: Thank you.

Lyle (walking off): Yeah, you're welcome.

[Camera shot of the watch tower at Fox River.]

[18. EXT. Prison yard. Day.]

(Michael and Sucre are sitting on the benches.)

Michael: He doesn't even know what happened.

Sucre: He knows you tried.

Michael: Do you think so?

Sucre: He's your brother. He knows you. So, yes.

(Camera pans over to show T-Bag walking over to them carrying a baseball.)

Michael: I promised I would get him out of here.

T-Bag: You promised a lot of people, Pretty.

Sucre: Enough, man, all right?

T-Bag: This don't concern you, boy. You don't get a man's hopes up like that, and then just...

Sucre (standing up): Back up, or I'll beat your skinny ass into the ground. And it wouldn't take much to do it.

(They stare at each other for several seconds.)

Guard (o/s): All right, ladies, rec time is over. Back to the block.

T-Bag (to Michael): You owe me a ticket outta here, Pretty. And I will collect.

(He throws the baseball up and catches it, then walks away.)

[19. EXT. Prison yard. Day.]

(The inmates walk back to the block.)

Westmoreland: I'm really sorry about your brother.

Michael: Thanks.

Westmoreland: Look, I know you were counting on this so let me worry about my problems. I know you got enough on your mind right now. For what it's worth, over the years I've known a few men who've sat in that chair. And as the day gets near, all you can really do is pray it goes quick. Once, about ten years ago, there was a man who caught a few sparks. Not enough to do the job. Had to wait another three weeks while they reset the whole process.

(Michael looks thoughtful.)

Westmoreland: It may sound crazy, but he said it was the worst three weeks of his life. 'Cause it's not the lightning that kills you. It's the wait. So take solace in the fact that your brother's wait is over.

Michael: So if something happens to the chair, he's got three more weeks?

Westmoreland: There's a lot of protocol in killing a man. New death warrant, another medical clearance.

Michael: A lot can happen in three weeks.

(From behind them, Tweener pops up about of nowhere.)

Tweener: Hey, what's the grapes, yo?

Michael (to Westmoreland): Thanks.

(He walks away, Tweener turns to Westmoreland.)

Tweener: What y'all talkin' about?

Westmoreland: Nothing.

CUT TO: COs filing the inmates into the block.

CO: Keep it together. Go, keep it together.

[20. INT. Michael's cell. Day.]

(Sucre reads a magazine on his bunk. Michael stands at the cell door, thinking. tapping on the bars. A CO walks past to check on them.)

Michael: I'm going in.

Sucre: It's daytime!

(Michael looks at him determinedly.)

Sucre: I'll hang a sheet.

(Michael pulls the toilet forward and grabs a concealed bag of tuna from under a notebook.)

[21. INT. Prison pipes system. Day.]

(Camera close up on the open bag of tuna, some tuna on the floor. A rat squeaks, and moves through the pipe to the tuna. Michael's hand shoots out and grabs the rat by the tail. He walks off with it down the pipe.)

[22. INT. Lincoln's cell. Day.]

(Lincoln anxiously rubs his cuffed hands together. Sara reaches out her hand and puts it over his.)

Sara: Do you have any questions about...what's gonna happen tonight?

Lincoln: When I get to eat. Where I'm supposed to walk. How it's gonna feel when they tighten the belts. Any of that gonna help come midnight?

Sara: Some feel it's best to be prepared.

Lincoln: How's Michael?

Sara: He's anxious to see you. Unfortunately, we've been told that that's not possible until final visitation.

Lincoln: You've been through this before?

Sara: No. Uh, just so you know, a doctor needs to be present. So, for what it's worth, I'll be there tonight.

Lincoln: Can I ask a favour?

Sara: Yeah. What?

Lincoln: When I'm gone, can you...you look out for my brother?

[23. INT. Michael's cell. Day.]

(Sucre holds a mirror through the bars and sees a CO coming. He quickly hides the mirror. The CO looks at him as he passes. He hears a tapping on the toilet and he hurries over to let Michael climb through.)

Sucre: What were you doing back there?

(Michael stays silent, and takes the sheet down.)

[24. INT. Bellick's office. Day.]

(Tweener sits across from Bellick, and dips fries in a milkshake.)

Bellick: So you like doing that too.

Tweener: Dippin' the fry in the shake? Hells yeah.

Bellick: Mmm. Good times, good times. So, what's going on out there?

Tweener: Nothin', you know, just stayin' outta trouble.

Bellick: I meant in terms of any office gossip you might have for me.

Tweener: Yo, check it. This one fool has been tryin' to cop a joint. So I'll keep ear hustlin' for that.

(Bellick grabs the burger off him.)

Bellick: We had an agreement. You were supposed to bird-dog Scofield and get back to me.

Tweener: Boss, I've been tryin', man. I've been workin' the corners. Trust me. I ain't got nothin'!

Bellick: I seen you talking to him in the yard. Him and the geezer.

Tweener: Yeah, I talked to Scofield but he ain't told me nothin'.

Bellick: Then it's 100 bucks for the burger and fries.

Tweener: Boss, you know I ain't got no money.

Bellick: You'd better start sellin' your ass. 100 bucks by the end of the shift, or there's gonna be a bidding war to see who gets you as their new cellie. Beat it!

(Tweener looks terrified. He slowly gets up and walks to the door. He looks back at Bellick.)

Tweener: In the yard today, I did hear Scofield say somethin'.

Bellick: And?

(Tweener hesitates.)

Tweener: He said if somethin' goes wrong with the chair, his brother gets three more weeks to live.

(Bellick stares at him. Tweener looks away, guiltily.)

Bellick: We're square. Get out of here.

(Tweener walks away as if hating what he has just done. Bellick sits thinking.)

ACT 3.

(Camera shot of the watch tower - day.)

[25. INT. Electrocution room. Day.]

(Bellick walks determinedly down the corridor and into the execution room. C.O. Geary is going over a checklist.)

Bellick: How's it going in here?

Geary: Ready for liftoff.

Bellick: Chair's working?

Geary: Yeah, why?

Bellick: Run a test.

Geary: I already did. The electrical contractor signed off on the diagnostic this morning. We're good to go.

Bellick: Run it again.

Geary: Why?

Bellick: Run it.

(Geary turns and knocks on the window. The CO inside flips up the switches. Nothing happens.)

Bellick: It ain't working.

Geary: Well, son of a bitch. I don't know what could have happened.

[26. INT. Cell block. Day.]

(A buzzer sounds, the cell doors open and the inmates file out.)

Sucre: So once they do all the paperwork, your brother gets three more weeks.

Michael: Right.

Sucre: So we got time.

Michael: Not a lot, but some.

Sucre: Are we still going through the infirmary?

Michael: If I corrode that pipe again, they'll notice something's up.

Sucre: You got another way?

Michael: Right now I'm just worried about getting through tonight.

[27. INT. Electricity supply room. Day.]

(Bellick and Geary move through a narrow hallway into the room with source of the electricity's power.)

Geary: Careful, there's 2,000 volts running through that thing.

(Bellick opens the fuse panel door.)

Geary: Oh, God...

(Inside the electricity box is a dead rat.)

[28. INT. Lincoln's cell. Day.]

(Lincoln prays quietly.)

Lincoln: "...I came in here a man, give me the strength to walk out..."

(He repeats these words over and over as the camera blends to different angles of his desperate face.)

(The door slides open and a group of COs move in.)

Lincoln: I want to see my brother.

Stolte: When we move you to final visitation.

Lincoln: When's that?

Stolte: Right after we do this.

(He holds up a small satchel.)

(CO Andrews takes out some handcuffs.)

Stolte (to Andrews): Just... (to Lincoln) It's your last day, Linc. I'd prefer to keep you out of cuffs as much as possible, but...I need some assurances.

Lincoln: You've always been straight up with me, Stolte. You have my word.

(Stolte nods. Andrews moves away. Lincoln sits down on the bed, and Stolte opens the bag.)

[Camera shot of the court house - day.]

[29. INT. Courtroom. Day.]

(Veronica and Nick, and opposing counsel Peter Tucci, stand before Judge Kessler.)

Veronica: Your Honour, from the outset, Mr. Burrows' case has been tainted by conspiracy, characterized by destruction of evidence, distortion of the truth and witness intimidation.

Peter Tucci: Again Judge, I have to object. These are some serious accusations with absolutely no proof.

Veronica: No proof? What have I been arguing for the past twenty minutes?

Peter: You got me.

Nick: Judge Kessler, Mr. Tucci might not appreciate the weight of what we've just presented, but surely you must. As Ms. Donovan stated, a top video forensic analyst has disputed the authenticity of a surveillance tape that was the key piece of evidence in convicting Lincoln Burrows.

Peter: That's the tape that no longer exists, right?

Veronica: Because your client had it destroyed.

Peter: Unless my client is a rusted water pipe in the County Records Office, I'm afraid you're mistaken.

Nick: Judge, Ms. Donovan's apartment was blown up in an attempt to silence both her and me.

Peter: That was independently corroborated as a gas leak, Your Honour.

Veronica: Judge, a month ago, a Secret Service agent named Paul Kellerman visited my office. I saw Kellerman last night when he shot and killed another agent, Daniel Hale, right after Hale told me that Terrence Steadman was alive and well.

Peter: Your Honour, I'm present to the clerk an affidavit from the director of the Secret Service agency. It states that at no time has there ever been an agent of that organization by the name of Paul Kellerman or Daniel Hale. In addition, there were no other witnesses to this shooting. No bullets were found. No blood, no shell casings. The only witness to this alleged murder is Veronica Donovan - Lincoln Burrows' ex-girlfriend. Now, Your Honour, I feel for Ms. Donovan.

Veronica: Save it.

Peter: I do. But desperation causes desperate acts. And that's what we're seeing here today, Your Honour. My client, the Vice President of the United States...

Nick: Judge Kessler...

(The Judge bangs his gravel.)

Judge Kessler: Do either of you have any evidence that is admissible? Even just tangible? Your claims, if true, are terrifying. But anything or anyone that could verify your story is either gone, missing or dead.

(Veronica and Nick are silent.)

Judge Kessler: I know time is of the essence. I'll reserve judgment for now. I'll take your arguments into consideration and I'll have a decision within a few hours.

(He bangs the gravel and leaves.)

[30. INT. Electricity supply room. Day.]

(An electrician removes the rat from the fuse cupboard.)

Electrician: These little bastards are the bane of my existence, I swear to God.

Geary: You get this a lot?

Electrician: Yeah, they're attracted to the heat when they're cold. Plus they got collapsible vertebrae or some deal so they can squeeze through a crack yea big if they're determined.

Geary: And he shorted out the wire just by biting on it?

Electrician: Not by chewing on the wire alone, but if the tail touches metal it acts as a ground and boom - the fuse pops, along with the rat.

Geary: I'll be damned.

Bellick: So, can you change the fuse?

Electrician: Yeah, there's another one right here in the box.

Bellick: Can you do it now?

Electrician: Right after I notify the state, fill out the paperwork.

Bellick: Hold up a minute.

(The electrician and Geary turn around.)

Bellick: Both of you. You're gonna give more time to a guy who killed the vice president's brother. This guy's a terrorist.

Electrician: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Forget about losing our jobs, we could all face charges.

Bellick: Only the three of us know. Real easy to keep it that way.

(Geary nods slightly. The electrician stares at Bellick for a few seconds.)

Electrician: It's you guys' call.

[31. INT. Michael's cell. Day.]

(Michael taps his watch. It reads 6:02pm.)

Sucre: How much longer?

Michael: Six hours.

Bellick (o/s): Open up 40.

(Michael and Sucre turn towards Bellick as the cell door opens. Bellick removes his hat.)

Bellick: Scofield. Your brother's gonna be transported to final visitation soon. You can meet him there.

(Michael is noticeably shocked. Bellick watches him carefully.)

Bellick: You look surprised. You knew it was scheduled today.

CUT TO: Geary pushes the switches up to test the chair again.

CUT TO: Michael.

Michael: No, I...

(The lights flicker through the prison as the chair is tested.)

Inmate#1 (o/s): Oooh, he's sparkin' up the grill!

Inmate#2 (o/s): Yeah, baby!

Bellick: You were saying?

(Michael walks out of the cell, head down. The cell door closes.)

CUT TO: Geary, testing the chair. The lights flicker.

[32. INT. Sara's office. Dusk.]

(The lights flicker, and she looks up.)

[33. INT. Lincoln's cell. Dusk.]

(The lights flicker. Stolte finishes shaving Lincoln's head with a razor.)

Stolte: They'll be transporting you to final visitation in a minute. Thanks for keeping your word, Linc.

(He takes the razor and bowl of water away with him. Lincoln closes his eyes.)

ACT 4.

[Camera shot of the watch tower - dusk.]

[34. INT. Final Visitation room. Night.]

(Michael paces the room. Then the door opens and Stolte escorts a shackled Lincoln inside. Patterson enters.)

Patterson: Linc. You're gonna have to change into these.

Lincoln: What's that?

Patterson: At the moment of death, the body becomes incontinent, so...

Lincoln: It's a diaper.

Patterson: Yeah. You need to wear it.

Lincoln: Make me.

(The COs leave the room. Lincoln walks towards Michael.)

Lincoln: Good look, huh? (He runs a hand over his shaven head.) It's, uh...for the electricity. Hair gets in the way or something.

(Michael moves forward to hug him.)

Michael: I did everything I could.

Lincoln: I know you did.

(They break apart and Lincoln paces.)

Lincoln: Last time I had my head shaved was when I was running with Derek. Remember Derek?

Michael: Uh, yeah.

Lincoln: Bet me 40 bucks I wouldn't shave it. I said, "Make it 100". Still owes me.

Michael: Have you heard from Veronica?

Lincoln: She's supposed to be coming.

Michael: Is there any news on the appeal?

Lincoln: Don't know.

Michael: 'Cause there could still be a ch...

Lincoln: Stop, Michael, please. This thing's gonna happen. I gotta get my head straight. Let's just share our memories, swap stories, talk about the damn weather. Anything but torturing myself with the idea of hope. I can't take it anymore.

Michael: All right.

[35. INT. Nick's apartment. Night.]

(LJ stomps through the apartment.)

Veronica: You can't go, LJ.

LJ: I don't care. I have to see him.

Nick: You can't go to the prison. You'll never make it through the gate. There'll be cops everywhere.

Veronica: Look, you gotta wait until we get all this cleared up, all right?

(The cell phone rings. Nick answers it.)

Nick: It's the Judge's clerk. Lyle, what do you got? Yeah. Thanks, man.

(He hangs up.)

Veronica: They ruled against us.

Nick: Yeah.

Veronica: I'm gonna go and see him.

Nick: I'm gonna stay here with LJ. Are you gonna be okay going alone?

Veronica: Yeah, I'm gonna be fine.

Nick: Tell Lincoln...you know, just...we tried.

(There's a knock at the door.)

Nick (to LJ): Go to the back room. Go.

(LJ rolls his eyes but obeys. Nick opens the door - it's Sara.)

Sara: You're the attorneys for Lincoln Burrows?

[Camera shot of the watch tower - night. A searchlight sweeps the grounds.)

[36. INT. Final Visitation room. Night.]

(Michael and Lincoln are playing cards. There is a plate of blueberry pancakes on the table. Michael hums a tune quietly, picks up a card and puts it down.)

Lincoln: You letting me win, Michael?

Michael: No.

Lincoln (disbelievingly): Mm-hm. Show me your cards.

Michael: I'm not gonna show you my cards.

Lincoln: Show me your cards.

Michael: I'm not gonna show you my cards.

Lincoln: Gimme your cards.

(He takes them and places them on the table.)

Michael: Gin.

Lincoln: Funny, that.

Michael: Three out of five.

(He takes the cards and shuffles. Lincoln picks off a piece of blueberry pancake.)

Michael: How often would you make those for LJ?

Lincoln: Whenever I had him on weekends. The only decent thing I ever did for him.

Michael: No. You were there for him.

Lincoln: Not enough. I don't know how they can stomach this stuff before...

(The door opens and a CO lets Veronica in. She walks up to Lincoln and hugs him. Michael looks up, hopefully.)

Veronica: We lost the appeal. (to Michael) Your friend Sara came by, though.

Michael: Did she hear you out?

Veronica: She did.

Michael: Is she gonna talk to her father?

Veronica: I sure as hell hope so.

Lincoln: It doesn't matter any more, guys. You've done more than enough for me. That's the most important thing.

(There is a moment's silence.)

Veronica: I couldn't bring LJ.

Lincoln: I know.

Veronica: I can get him on the phone, though.

Lincoln: What do I say?

(Veronica holds the cell phone out.)

[37. INT. Nick's apartment. Night.]

(Nick walks through to the living room with his cell phone.)

Nick: LJ, it's your Dad.

(LJ takes a moment to compose himself.)

LJ: Hey, Dad.

CUT TO: Lincoln: LJ. So this is it.

LJ: Yeah.

Lincoln: I, uh...I want to uh...stick with Veronica and Nick and clear your name. You'll be all right.

LJ: I wish I could be there, Dad.

Lincoln: Me too.

LJ: 'Cause there's something I want to tell you.

Lincoln: What's that?

LJ: I had a dream last night. You and me were working on a house, pounding nails. And in the dream, it felt like we were older. It was so clear. The whole dream. And when I woke, I knew that today wasn't going to be the end. That...that we'll see each other again, Dad. I know it. I love you, Dad.

(Lincoln closes his eyes and cradles the phone.)

[Camera pans over the city - night.]

[38. INT. Government building. Night.]

(In a stately government building, Sara walks through the halls with her father, Governor Tancredi.)

Sara: Those numbers support Burrows' claim about Terrence Steadman's pending indictment. Now, with the related murders, and then the confidential informant, I just wanted to make sure that you were fully aware of the circumstances.

Frank Tancredi: I'm fully acquainted with the Burrows case, Sara, but I never heard about any of this.

Sara: Well, I hadn't either until I spoke with Burrows' attorneys this afternoon. And I understand that most of this evidence is technically considered circumstantial, but I think you'll agree it's hard to ignore.

Frank: How did you get involved with all this?

Sara: These men are my patients. It's my job to advocate for them.

Frank: Come on, Sara. How many of these guys say that they are innocent? 80, 90%? It's not like you're asking me for a new bike here, kid. Being tough on crime, capital punishment, it's all part of a philosophy that I believe in. Part of a philosophy that I campaigned on, was elected for.

Sara: I have to go back to Fox River. I have to be there when they kill this man. The least you could do is review his case.

(She shoves the files at him and then begins to walk away.)

Sara: And dad, if it helps - pretend it didn't come from me.

[Camera shot of the night sky and the full moon.]

[39. INT. Final Visitation room. Night.]

Lincoln: I've never given a damn about what people thought of me. Never. Last couple of days, I've gotta admit, you know...Lee Harvey Oswald. John Wilkes Booth. Lincoln Burrows. I'm gonna go down in history with these freaks. Bitch of it all is, I...I didn't do it.

(Lincoln suddenly explodes with anger, shaking the table, knocking plates and cups flying.)

Lincoln: I DIDN'T DO IT!

(Lincoln walks over to the window seat and sits on it, head in hands. Veronica and Michael watch him in silence.)

Lincoln (quietly): I didn't do it.

(The door opens. Warden Pope enters with several COs.)

Pope: It's time.

(Lincoln stands up. Patterson holds out the clothes and diaper.)

[40. INT. Prison hallway. Night.]

(Lincoln, shackled and dressed in the clothes and sneakers, is walked down the corridor by several COs including Andrews, Patterson and Bellick. Pope, Michael and Veronica follow behind.)

(Sara opens a door on the hallway and comes out to join them.)

(Suddenly, Stolte comes running through the hallway.)

Stolte: Warden!

Pope: What is it?

(Stolte holds out a cell phone.)

Stolte: It's the governor.

(Sara, Michael and Veronica look hopeful. Warden Pope takes the phone.)

Pope: Yes, Governor?

(Michael glances at Lincoln.)

(Tense silence as Warden Pope listens. Everyone waits.)

Pope: Okay. I understand.

(He closes the cell phone and hands it back to Stolte.)

Pope (to Lincoln): The Governor has reviewed your case, fully. He's not granting clemency.

(Camera on Veronica, Sara and Michael as they all look horribly disappointed.)

Pope: Let's proceed.

[41. INT. Governor's office. Night.]

(Frank Tancredi stands at the window, looking out over the city. Then Vice President Caroline Reynolds comes up behind him.)

Caroline: You did your country and your party a great service. It won't go unnoticed.

(She shakes his hand.)

Frank: Thank you, Madam Vice President.

Caroline: Thank you, Governor.

[42. INT. Prison hallway. Night.]

(Lincoln and the COs walk over a thick yellow line painted on the floor. Bellick moves between Lincoln and the others.)

Bellick: You can't go past here. Once he's in the death chamber, you'll be escorted to the viewing room.

Veronica: Can I...?

Bellick: Yeah.

(He steps aside. Veronica goes up to Lincoln, crying. She hugs him tightly.)

Veronica (whispers): I've loved you since the first time I saw you.

(She moves away, back over the yellow line.)

Pope (to Bellick): Uncuff him.

(Bellick unlocks Michael's handcuffs. Michael, fighting back tears, walks over to Lincoln and hugs him gently. Bellick replaces his handcuffs.)

Pope: Let's go, son.


(Lincoln seeing the dead man in the car in the parking lot.)

Lincoln (v/o): I didn't kill that man, Michael.

Michael (v/o): Swear to me!

Lincoln (v/o): I swear to you, Michael.

(The electric chair.)

(Michael in the yard.)

Michael (v/o): Preparation can only take you so far. After that, you gotta take a few leaps of faith.

(Lincoln lights a single match in his dark cell.)

(Lincoln takes the black pill.)

(COs rush him down the corridor on a gurney.)

(The sky rushing past the prison - exterior.)

(Veronica kissing him in his cell.)

Veronica (v/o): Don't give up on me.

(Lincoln alone in his ADSEG cell.)

(Young Michael and Young Lincoln standing together.)

Young Michael: What if something happens to you?

Young Lincoln: You just have a little faith.

(Michael putting his hand on Lincoln's shoulder in the chapel.)

Michael: Just have a little faith.

(Lincoln in his cell listening to Reverend Mailor reading from the Holy Bible.)

(Lincoln talking to Young LJ.)

Lincoln: How about every Sunday, we have our own special breakfast. Just you and me.

Young LJ: Yeah.

(LJ visiting Lincoln in prison.)

Lincoln (v/o): Gimme your hand.

(LJ puts his hand on the mesh, next to Lincoln's.)

Lincoln (v/o): You gotta have faith, LJ.

(Images of Michael, Veronica, LJ.)

(Lincoln looks at the coded note from LJ.)

LJ (v/o): I love you, Dad.

(Lincoln in his cell)

Lincoln: I came in here a man. Give me the strength to walk out of here a man.

End Flashbacks.]

[43. INT. Prison hallway. Night.]

(The COs walk Lincoln down the corridor to the death chamber. Michael and Veronica watch, both crying.)

(Lincoln looks at the electric chair from the doorway. He looks back at Michael. He looks back at the chair.)


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Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

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