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#118 : Poker menteur

Résumé : Michael, qui est désormais en section psychiatrique, renoue contact avec Haywire... son ancien co-détenu, complètement barge !! Celui-ci était en effet obsédé par le tatouage de Michael... il avait même tenté de le refaire mentalement !! Michael doit le convaincre de l'aider à refaire la partie manquante dans son dos. Mais, Haywire est drogué à cause des pilules ! Un autre problème surgit : Fernando étant en isolement et Michael en psychiatrie... la cellule 40 est libre. Les gardiens organisent une mise aux enchères... C-Note et T-Bag s'associent, au cours d'une partie de poker, pour tenter de la récupérer !


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Poker menteur

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Photo de l'épisode #1.18

Photo de l'épisode #1.18

Photo de l'épisode #1.18


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France (redif)
Vendredi 30.06.2017 à 01:20

Plus de détails

Durée : 45 min

Avec : Dominic Purcell, Wentworth Miller, Robin Tunney, Peter Stormare, Amaury Nolasco, Marshall Allman, Wade Williams, Paul Adelstein, Robert Knepper, Sarah Wayne Callies

Moments forts :

Michael retrouve Haywire...
La cellule 40 est mise à prix !!!
C-Note et T-Bag s'associent pour récupérer la cellule...
Michael dénonce un gardien pour sa blessure au dos...
Lincoln "sort" de prison... sa camionette se fait renverser !!

Épisode 1x18 : Bluff

Michael est en section psychiatrique où il a retrouvé Haywire lequel absorbe ses pilules sans broncher. Haywire est ensuite incapable de raisonner correctement alors qu’il commençait tout juste à se souvenir de Michael.

En attendant, Michael étant hors circuit et Sucre en isolement… la cellule 40 est libre et les gardiens Bellick et Geary décident de la vendre aux enchères aux autres détenus !! Mais lors d’une première visite par un détenu, celui-ci remarque qu’il y a une fuite au niveau des WC… Geary promet au prisonnier qui lui a versé 250$ que les toilettes seront réparées dans moins de 24H !!! T-Bag, à l’affût, entend tout et décide d’intervenir sans quoi le plan de Scofield tomberait à l’eau si on venait à découvrir le passage derrière les WC.

Michael entreprend de faire vomir Haywire afin qu’il recrache ses pilules… Haywire, terrorisé, lui demande des explications… Michael lui répond qu’il considérait lui-même ces pilules comme une prison pour son cerveau… La mémoire de Charles lui revient peu à peu et lorsque Michael lui dévoile son tatouage, Haywire à des flash back ! Le tatouage est un chemin… mais vers où mène t-il ???

C-Note reçoit un avertissement de la part de son ancien clan… En effet, les noirs ne comprennent pas son changement brutal de fréquentation... Non seulement, C-Note ne traîne plus avec eux mais il s’affiche avec des blancs et pas n’importe lesquels… T-Bag, le représentant des puristes au sein de la prison !!! Désormais, il doit absolument retrouver sa raison sans quoi il recevra une bonne correction !! Mais C-Note les provoque au lieu de faire profil bas…

De son côté, Lincoln reçoit un appel de Véronica, qui est également l’avocate de son fils maintenant… LJ est accusé de plusieurs crimes et notamment celui de double homicide aggravé par le parricide. En outre, il peut malheureusement être jugé comme adulte… ce qui aggraverait sa peine ! Pour être jugé comme mineur, il devra avoir des remords mais LJ est déchaîné et n’écoute pas Véronica. Il dit à son père qu’il souhaitait qu’au moins l’un d’entre eux, sous-entendu les membres du complot, subisse leur vengeance et paye pour leurs crimes… Lincoln doit absolument convaincre son fils et tenter de le raisonner… pour ce, il demande à Véronica de lui obtenir une visite.

Mais LJ n’est pas le seul à se faire du souci… l’agent Kellerman se fait intercepter en voiture par les agents de La Compagnie. Samantha informe Kellerman qu’il est désormais relevé des ses fonctions car par deux fois, il a commis une grave erreur… un gamin de 16 ans a réussi a retrouvé sa trace et se faufiler jusqu’à son appartement. De plus, il est également témoin dans la récente évasion de Lincoln même si celui-ci a été reconduit sous les verrous. Il devient trop négligent et c’est un risque que le Gouvernement ne peut pas prendre.

C-Note se fait massacrer par ses anciens potes de galère et ne peut qu’endurer les coups et leur violence.

Haywire fait désormais semblant d’avaler ses pilules tout comme Michael. Ils s’isolent dans une pièce annexe et Michael lui montre alors la partie manquante. Haywire est horrifié de constater la disparition d’un bout du tatouage. Michael lui demande de l’aide, il a besoin de lui afin qu’il reproduise exactement la partie manquante !!

Au réfectoire de la prison, C-Note rejoint Westmoreland et T-Bag pour envisager un moyen de récupérer la cellule 40. Il va falloir payer mais aucun d’eux ne semblent avoir beaucoup de liquide… Cependant West a une idée.

Haywire commence à dessiner le tatouage du dos… en fouillant dans sa mémoire et en se servant de ses capacités, il finit par obtenir quelque chose de rapprochant… Primo débarque pour la levée du linge sale et répète à Michael ce que Fernando lui a dit au sujet de la caserne… Michael comprend que Sucre a réussi a rebouché le trou de la caserne en temps et en heures. Mais Primo ne comprend rien. Michael lui demande à son tour de transmettre un message à Fernando : " tout fonctionne comme prévu ici ". Primo est agacé par leurs messages codés. Puis, il remarque la brûlure de Michael dans le dos… et fait immédiatement le lien avec l’uniforme du gardien Geary.

Westmoreland tend un billet de 100$ à T-Bag pour la mise aux enchères de la cellule 40. Il en informe aussitôt C-Note, qui, toujours surveillé par sa bande, le renvoie à ses quartiers mini manu tari. T-Bag entre temps comprend que West est bien DB Cooper…

Quant à Nick, il se rend dans une agence de vente de téléphone cellulaire afin d’acheter une recharge identique au portable de l’agent Quinn… la batterie étant morte, ils n’ont pas accès à son répertoire. Sur place, un homme visiblement informé de ses faits et gestes, l’aborde discrètement. Il lui rappelle pour qui il travaille et qu’il devra livrer Véronica comme prévu au moment voulu. Nick ne semble pas ravi de cette visite et encore moins de cette piqûre de rappel.

Haywire agresse Michael dans un coin de l’annexe où ils ont pris l’habitude de se réfugier… Puisque désormais il ne prend plus ses pilules, il se souvient intégralement de Michael Scofield. C’est à cause de lui qu’on l’a envoyé en section psychiatrique !! Les plans sont prêts mais Haywire refuse de lui céder sauf si Michael consent à lui révéler son plan… Michael qui n’a pas vraiment le choix, obtempère et révèle à Charles qu’il compte s’enfuir de Fox River. Haywire lui donne alors les nouveaux schémas.

Nick, soucieux, oublie de recharger le téléphone avec sa nouvelle batterie et quand Véronica réapparaît elle effectue elle-même la recherche du répertoire de Quinn, grâce à la recharge.

L’argent que West a donné à T-Bag et C-Note ne suffira pas car d’autres enchérisseurs ont déjà versé un acompte bien plus conséquent. La seule solution qu’ils leur restent et de participer à une séance de poker organisée dans les cuisines par certains détenus… T-bag et C-Note s’allient pour la partie de poker… C-Note est censé gagner alors que T-Bag, lui, triche pour favoriser C-Note. Mais la partie devient vite litigieuse et les 2 comparses sont renvoyés à leurs cellules… Cependant, ils ont réussi à gagner plus de 500$…

Carolyn Reynolds, la vice-présidente, commence à douter d’elle-même… Kellerman la rassure en lui faisant comprendre que si elle lâche elle leur montrera justement qu’elle est faible et qu’elle n’a pas l’envergure requise. Elle doit tenir tête et se battre. Il l’informe de ses propres soucis : Binker et La Compagnie l’ont gentiment remercié… mais Carolyn lui assure qu’il ne travaille que pour elle.

Pope rend visite à Lincoln et l’informe qu’il va pouvoir voir son fils à l’extérieur de la prison. Une visite autorisée qui le surprend car Pope n’a jamais vu ça en trente ans de carrière… Lincoln pense que le mérite revient à ses avocats mais le directeur laisse à penser que même l’avocat le plus zélé n’aurait pu obtenir ce genre d’entorse au règlement !!! Lincoln sera donc transféré le temps de cette visite.

Haywire, les plans en mains, tente de s’échapper par ses propres moyens mais il est très vite rattrapé par des gardiens qui lui administrent aussitôt une forte dose de calmant. Haywire hurle des bouts de phrases incohérentes sur un projet d’évasion mais personne ne l’écoute sérieusement. Sous les yeux de Michael, il est ramené dans sa cellule.

C-Note remet l’argent à Geary mais celui-ci les berne en acceptant tout en réclamant encore plus… C-Note est agacé mais il ne peut rien faire… Il convainc alors Westmoreland de vendre la montre ancienne dans laquelle il a déposé une photo de sa petite fille… West s’y résout à contre cœur. Mais une fois encore Geary les roule dans la farine… Il a déjà attribué la cellule 40 à un des détenus ! Le plan est sérieusement compromis.

Le Dr Tancredi, à la demande de Michael, lui rend visite. Leur conversation est bien plus amicale que professionnelle. Michael lui remet un cadeau qu’il a fabriqué en section psychiatrique : c’est un cendrier. Bien que Sara ne fume pas, elle accepte avec un léger sourire… Michael demande à être réintégré au quartier général mais Sara lui rappelle que s’il ne désigne pas le responsable de sa brûlure, Pope s’y opposera. Michael en est bien conscient !!

Primo passe le message de Scofield à Fernando mais exige d’être tenu informé de leurs manigances… car il a découvert que Michael avait endossé l’uniforme de gardien de Geary… Alors Lincoln intervient et lui révèle le plan… Primo doit faire quelque chose pour eux en contre partie.

Primo rejoint alors le reste de la bande au réfectoire. Ceux-ci comprennent alors qu’il fait désormais partie intégrante du projet d’évasion… ce qui énerve T-Bag !! Mais Primo arrive avec un plan en tête…

Michael est convoqué chez le Directeur et cette fois il lui révèle l’identité du responsable de son agression… mais demande à être protégé. Pope en est bien conscient… mais il est surpris est fâché d’apprendre que Geary est derrière tout ça… Michael et les autres ont décidé de le piéger lui car il est une proie facile…

Entre temps, West s’est introduit dans le refuge des gardiens afin d’alourdir un peu plus les charges qui vont bientôt peser sur le gardien Geary.

Michael enchaîne son histoire comme si elle était vraie et alerte Pope des agissements de Geary. C’est un rançonneur de biens et de liquide doublé d’un voleur… Pope est maintenant furieux, il fonce immédiatement à la réserve.

Nick et Véronica sont désespérés car le répertoire ne s’avère guère utile. En effet, les numéros ne conduisent qu’à des échecs… ils ne sont pas ou plus valides. Nick décide de passer par un de ses contacts.

Pope fait une descente dans la caserne… et ouvre le vestiaire de Geary… Il y trouve non seulement l’argent et la montre de Westmoreland mais également la preuve indéniable qu’il est le responsable de l’agression de Scofield : son uniforme troué à l’endroit même de la brûlure de Michael. Geary se fait virer aussitôt et Bellick n’est pas du tout compatissant à son malheur… Il lui apprend même que lui ne se fait jamais prendre… C’est là toute la différence entre eux deux.

Michael rend la montre à Westmoreland… Leur piège a fonctionné mieux que prévu.

Lincoln doit rendre visite à son fils… Il est donc transféré momentanément. Conduit à bord d’une fourgonnette de la prison, il quitte Fox River, sous les yeux de Bellick qui n’apprécie pas. Lincoln est ravi de voir autre chose que les enceintes du pénitencier. Il ne tentera aucune incartade… mais alors qu’il observe à travers la vitre, un énorme camion coupe l’intersection au carrefour et vient les percuter violemment !! La camionnette se renverse et après plusieurs tonneaux échoue dans le bas côté…

Fin -

ACT 1.

Opening Scene.

(Michael sits opposite Haywire in the Psych Ward day room, in a straight continuation from the final scene of the previous episode. Haywire is heavily medicated and confused.)

Michael: Scofield. Michael Scofield.

Haywire: Doesn't ring a bell.

Michael: We met a while ago, in Gen Pop. Cell 40.

Haywire: Gen Pop...

Michael: General Population. Officer Bellick assigned you to my cell. I have a tattoo. You drew it. Haywire, do I look even vaguely familiar to you?

(Haywire moves in close to Michael's face, studying him.)

Haywire: Are you the guy who stole my toothpaste?

(Michael smiles at the breakthrough.)

Michael: Yes. Yes. I stole your toothpaste. So you do remember.

Nurse: Candy Man. (to Haywire) Mr. Patoshik.

(Haywire takes his meds, crushes the cup and throws it on the nurse's tray.)

Nurse: Mr. Scofield.

Michael: No, thank you.

Nurse: Medication is mandatory. It's just a mild sedative prescribed by Dr. Tancredi. Come on.

Michael: Then I'll talk to her directly. I'm feeling better.

Nurse: Oh, really? That's great. Now take the pill.

Haywire: Take 'em. They're good.

Michael: I'm fine, thank you.

Nurse (yelling): Carter! Could you come here a sec?

[1. INT. Michael's cell. Day.]

(Geary is making the bunks up. Bellick stands outside.)

Geary: Scofield went j-cat?

Bellick: Sure did. I saw it coming too. I knew he was gonna crack first time I saw him.

Geary: So he's not coming back here?

Bellick: Doubt it. They got him in the whack shack.

Geary: What about Sucre?

Bellick: He's in Ad Seg. Why?

Geary: Middle cell, middle tier. Prime piece of real estate. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Bellick: Maybe.

Geary: We promise to keep it a single for a couple of months. Auction it off.

Bellick: Make it happen.

[2. INT. Psych Ward day room. Day.]

(Michael sits while one orderly holds his shoulder threateningly, and another stands in front of him holding the pill cup.)

Michael: I don't need medication.

Orderly: Swallow it. Or it's going in the rear door.

(Michael reluctantly takes the cup, puts the pill in his mouth and screws it up.)

Orderly: All gone?

(The second orderly pulls his mouth open.)

Orderly: Thanks.

(When the orderlies are gone, Michael takes the pill out of his mouth and throws it away. He walks over to Haywire.)

Michael: You were right, Haywire. I did steal your toothpaste. And you drew that tattoo from memory. And I need you to do it again.

(Haywire turns slowly towards him, his eyes roll, and he remains silent in a drug-induced haze. Michael sighs, frustrated.)

[3. INT. Outside Michael's cell. Day.]

Geary: Middle cell. Cool in the summer, warm in the winter.

(A heavy-set inmate is inside, looking around.)

Inmate: How much you asking?

Geary: How much you got?

Inmate: $200. We got a deal?

Geary: Deal. Now, get your ass outta here and I'll put in the transfer.

(The inmate is about to leave when he stops.)

Inmate: Hey, man. The toilet's leakin'. Look, it's drippin'.

Geary: I'll put in a work order. It'll be replaced in 24 hours.

Inmate: You got it, boss.

(He walks out, past T-Bag who is waiting outside.)

T-Bag: I heard you was moving some real estate.

Geary: Already been moved.

T-Bag: Ain't that Scofield's cell?

Geary: Not any more. (yells) Close on 40.

(The cell door shuts. T-Bag watches the water dripping down from the toilet onto the cell floor.)


[4. INT. Westmoreland's cell. Day.]

(Westmoreland looks at a picture of a baby girl in an old gold pocket watch.)

C-Note: Is that your daughter?

Westmoreland: My wife gave me this when she was born.

(He shows it to C-Note. C-Note smiles.)

Westmoreland: Outliving your wife is bad enough. But outliving your daughter? No man should have to endure that.

C-Note: How long does she have?

Westmoreland: Hospital says a week. Maybe two.

(T-Bag knocks on the cell bars.)

T-Bag: We got us a problem. Mojo's moving into Scofield's cell. And that ain't all. He was bitchin' about the toilet so Geary's putting in a work order. They move that toilet...

Westmoreland: They find the hole.

T-Bag: We are all screwed.

C-Note: How much did Mojo promise?

T-Bag: $200.

C-Note: Oh, gomer. See, you had me scared there for a second.

(As they all file outside, C-Note moves over to Geary.)

C-Note: Hey, I hear you got a cell.

Geary: Not any more. And if you were smart, you'd keep quiet about that.

C-Note: Look, I'll double what you're getting.

Geary: I'm getting $250.

C-Note: $500? Ain't a problem.

Geary: I ain't talking cigarettes and extra charline desserts here. I'm talking green paper with dead white guys on it.

C-Note: I said it ain't a problem.

[5. INT. Psych Ward. Day.]

(Michael rolls some clay at a table. He watches Haywire, who is standing by the window with some clay of his own in his hand. When the orderly leaves the room, Michael walks across to Haywire.)

Michael: Come on.

(He begins to lead him away.)

Haywire: Where?

Michael: It's a surprise.

(He guides Haywire into a supply room.)

[6. INT. Supply room. Day.]

(Michael lightly shoves Haywire into the room.)

Haywire: I don't wear a diaper.

Michael: I never said you did.

Haywire: Then...what are you doing?

Michael: You've got something in your teeth.

Haywire: What?

(Michael looks at Haywire's mouth, reaching his fingers up to it.)

Michael: Oh yeah, right there.

Haywire: I don't...

Michael: It's right there in the back.

(He shoves his fingers down Haywire's throat. Haywire gags.)

Michael: Come on...

(Haywire leans to the side and vomits.)

Haywire: Why are you doing this?

[Camera shot of the pills in the vomit.]

Michael: I am helping you. Remember what you used to call those little pills? Invisible handcuffs. Handcuffs on your mind. You hate them. Remember?

(Haywire walks out of the room.)

[7. INT. Lincoln's Ad Seg Cell. Day.]

(CO JJ opens the cell door.)

C.O.: You got a phone call.

Lincoln: Who is it?

C.O.: Your son. It's an emergency.

[8. INT. Ad Seg corridor. Day.]

Lincoln (on the telephone): Oh, LJ. What were thinking, kid?

LJ: I don't care what happens to me anymore. Okay? They won. They'll always win.

[Camera shot of a police station exterior - day.]

CUT TO: LJ, pacing in the Attorney-Client room.

LJ: I just wanted to take one of them down with me.

CUT TO: Lincoln: Put Veronica back on.

(LJ rolls his eyes and tosses the phone on the desk next to Veronica.)

Veronica: Lincoln?

Lincoln: What are the charges?

Veronica: Attempted murder. He's also being arraigned for the murder of his mother and his stepfather.

Lincoln: I guess bail's out of the question.

Veronica: Exactly.

Lincoln: Anything you can do?

Veronica: Right now, his only shot is if we can get him tried as a minor. But he needs to show some remorse. I need to sell to the court that he was just a scared kid, but where his head's at right now he won't listen to me.

Lincoln: He'll listen to me. I need to see him.

Veronica: Lincoln, there's no way.

Lincoln: He gets tried as an adult, he may as well sit in my lap in the chair. You gotta do something, Veronica.

Veronica: Okay. I'll petition the DOC, but it's a million to one shot they're gonna let you out to see him.

Lincoln: All right.

[9. EXT. Prison yard. Day.]

(C-Note walks up to an inmate standing in a big group of black inmates.)

C-Note: Yo, Trumpets. Y'all gotta round up. All outstanding debts are due ASAP. Right?

Trumpets: Do it right now?

C-Note: Like yesterday, all right?

Trumpets: I'll put it out there.

C-Note: Good.

(They bump fists.)

[10. EXT. Street. Day.]

(Kellerman is driving in his car. At a red light he leans over and looks at the gunshot wound behind the bandage on his neck. The light turns green and he heads down the street, when suddenly he is surrounded by several black SUVs.)

(Kellerman gets out of his car to face Agent Brinker, who has got out of hers. Other agents also surround him.)

Kellerman: Are you insane?

Brinker: You are done, bodyguard. Lincoln's son, a 16-year-old pothead, managed to track you down and shoot you. You are now a witness in his criminal investigation.

Kellerman: I can still do my job.

Brinker: You are not to make a move on Burrows under any circumstance. We make that call.

Kellerman: You know what, Trixie? There are actually higher agendas here.

Brinker: Yes, there are. And they don't belong to you. Paul Kellerman no longer works for the Secret Service. You're just good old Owen Kravecki from now on. Have I made myself clear?

[11. INT. Psych Ward. Day.]

(Haywire watches a documentary about penguins. Michael snaps his fingers in front of Haywire's face.)

Michael: Hey.

(Haywire slowly turns to face Michael.)

Michael: I need you to focus. I need you to remember what you drew.

(Haywire blankly stares at him. Michael sighs, get up and walks across the room. An orderly comes in.)

Orderly: Haywire. Time for group. Come on, buddy. Let's go.

Haywire (whispers): It's a path.

Michael: Yes. It is a path.

Orderly: Let's go.

[12. EXT. Prison yard. Day.]

(C-Note is leaning against the wall. Trumpets and several other black inmates walk over; C-Note follows them to a secluded area of the yard.)

C-Note: So what's up, man?

Trumpets: Here's the thing. You got nothing coming. All your outstanding markers, they're mine now.

C-Note: Is that so?

Trumpets: You got a problem with it, go cry to your new crew - T-Bag and the white boys.

(The black inmates are surrounding C-Note threateningly.)

C-Note: Oh, okay, so that's what this is all about.

Trumpets: This is about staying true to your own.

[Camera shot of one of the guys putting batteries in a sock.]

C-Note: You know what, man? I can have tea with the grand wizard of the KKK if I want, and I still get my money. You got that, little boy?

Trumpets: No. We don't got that. Now, out of respect for what you once were, I'm gonna let you walk away.

C-Note: Uh huh...

(He turns around as if to leave, then hauls off and punches Trumpets in the face. The other inmates jump on C-Note, hitting him with the sock of batteries and kicking him while he's down.)

ACT 2.

[13. INT. Psych Ward. Day.]

(An orderly walks around with a tray of medications. Michael watches Haywire swallow his, frustratedly. He pretends to take his own, but takes it out and puts it in his pocket. Haywire gets up and walks over to the supply room. Michael follows.)

[14. INT. Supply room. Day.]

(Haywire vomits his pills up. Michael closes the door.)

Haywire: You were right. The pills don't let me see the pathway.

(He turns to Michael. Michael has undone the top half of his white jumpsuit. He shows Haywire his arm tattoos.)

Haywire: It's a pathway to hell.

Michael: No, it's not. It's just the opposite.

(Haywire approaches Michael slowly, reaching out as if to touch the tattoos.)

Haywire: I remember.

[15. INT. Chow room. Day.]

(C-Note slowly inches towards a table where Westmoreland and T-Bag are sitting, carrying his lunch tray. He holds his back, and his face is bruised.)

T-Bag: Whoo! Looks like the Bank of Africa wasn't allowing any withdrawals.

C-Note: Look, we are gonna have to find another way to get that money, okay?

T-Bag: Well, I reckon that ain't too much of a problem for our friend here to rummage up. Ain't that so, DB?

Westmoreland: A, I'm not DB Cooper. And B, there's no visitation today. Which means that none of us can get any money from the outside world.

(C-Note sighs, frustrated.)

T-Bag: I guess that only leaves us with one real option. (He looks over at Jesus and his mates.) The Kitchen Game.

C-Note: Gambling. That's your solution.

T-Bag: Ah...son, trust me, when I play cards it ain't gambling. There's maybe five people in this country that can do what I do with a deck of cards.

Westmoreland: So why are you just bringing this up now?

T-Bag: 'Cause if Jesus over there catches you sleeving aces in the Kitchen Game...well, let's just say there are lots of knives handy. Course, you need 50 bucks just for the sit-in and, since we don't have any money, I'd say we're in a Catch-Double-Deuce.

[Camera pans to Westmoreland, who has an idea.]

[16. INT. Psych Ward. Day.]

(Michael pushes Haywire into his cell.)

Michael: You sit right here. Take this. And this.

(He hands him some paper and a pen. Then he turns around, removes the top half of his jump suit and peels off the bandage on his back.)

Haywire: Oh, no...it's gone!

Michael: That's why I need you to fix it. That's why I need you to remember what was there before.

Haywire: This is bad. You can't break a path. Then it doesn't lead anywhere.

Michael: That's right. That's why I need you to remember what was there before it was broken.

Haywire: I remember...I remember the demons. Or maybe they were pilgrims. They were pointing the way, they were saying 'This is the way', 'This is the way'.

(Michael sighs.)

Haywire: I can't see it. I can see it, but I can't see it.

(Manche passes the room with his laundry trolley.)

Michael: I'll be right back.

[17. INT. Psych Ward corridor. Day.]

Michael: Hey!

(Manche comes over to him.)

Michael: I need you to give Sucre a message.

(Manche nods.)

Michael: Tell him I'm okay, and that I'm trying to fill in the blanks. He'll know what that means.

Manche: You're trying to fill in the blanks?

Michael: Just do it. Please.

(He looks back at Haywire. He is scribbling furiously on the paper. Michael smiles. But Manche is still lingering in the doorway and sees the burn on Michael's back. He looks shocked.)

[Flashback: Manche holds up the burnt guards' uniform.]

Manche: What the hell am I gonna do now?

[End Flashback.]

(Manche watches Michael walk over to Haywire, then walks away.)

[18. INT. Cell block. Day.]

Geary: You've been down in 13 for as long as I can remember. Why the sudden interest in moving?

Westmoreland: Second-storey units like this don't come on the market too much. I figure since I'm getting on in age, maybe it's time I retired in comfort.

Geary: Open on 40!

(The cell door slides open, and Westmoreland enters.)

Geary: Make it quick.

(Westmoreland walks in and sees a bible on the side.)

[Flashback: Westmoreland hands Michael the bible in Chapel. Michael looks at the bible to see a $100 bill sticking out of it.]

Geary: Hey, Bob Vila. It's a cell. Quit kicking the tyres and make a decision.

Westmoreland: I'll give you a hundred bucks for it.

Geary: You wasted my time. Get the hell out of here.

Westmoreland: Sorry, boss. I thought it was a good bid.

Geary (o/s): Close on 40.

[Camera shows that the bible is now gone from the cell desk.]

[19. INT. Cell block. Day.]

(Westmoreland walks to T-Bag's cell and hands him the bible. T-Bag takes out the $100 bill.)

T-Bag: Hello, Benjamin. Now let me see, minted in 19 and...72.

Westmoreland: That's your buy-in. The rest is up to you.

(He walks away.)

T-Bag: Hot damn.

(T-Bag inches across to C-Note, further down the cells.)

T-Bag: Psst.

C-Note: Keep walkin', peckerwood.

T-Bag: Got the buy-in for the card game.

C-Note: Go get our money, boy.

T-Bag: Unfortunately, you and I will are gonna have to be partners in this endeavor.

C-Note: Oh, hell, no. I don't play cards, I'm a dice man.

[Camera shot of Trumpets and a couple of his mates standing on the stairs watching them.]

T-Bag: Look, all you need to know is this - every time I deal, you bet big and never fold. See, if I'm winning every time I deal, I end up with a Colombian necktie. You know what I'm saying? But if you're the one raking in all the cash, well, I seriously doubt anyone would ever think you and I are working together.

[20. INT. Electronics store. Day.]

(Nick approaches the desk.)

Nick: Excuse me. I've been all over town, I can't find a charger for this.

Assistant: Let me check.

Nick: Thanks.

(He walks over to look on a revolving display rack and is approached by an older, smartly dressed man in a trenchcoat.)

Trenchcoat: How you doin', Savrinn? Where's your girl?

Nick: She's doing her job, right? Filing petition down at the court. She'll...she'll be at my place in about an hour.

Trenchcoat: See, that was easy. I shouldn't have to chase you down to get that information.

Nick: Why don't you just take a step back?

Trenchcoat: And why don't you remember who you're talking to, who I work for?

(He grabs Nick by the scruff of his neck.)

Trenchcoat: You need to keep an eye on Veronica Donovan. Not some of the time. All of the time. 'Cause pretty soon we're gonna call in our favour. Unless you wanna go back on our deal.

Nick: No.

Trenchcoat: Good. I'll be in touch.

[21. INT. Psych Ward. Day.]

(Michael approaches Haywire.)

Michael: Haywire.

(Haywire doesn't respond.)

Michael: Haywire.

(He moves Haywire's chin to face him.)

Michael: Did you take your meds?

(Still no response. Michael lifts him out of the chair.)

Michael: Come on. You got something in your teeth again.

[22. INT. Supply room. Day.]

(Michael shuts the door behind them but as soon as he does, Haywire grips his jumpsuit and shoves him against the wall.)

Haywire: You should be careful when you tell people to remember things, Michael. Because I remember everything now. I remember how you set me up! How you smashed your own head and had me sent back here. I also remember this...

(He takes out a drawing from his pocket and unfolds it.)

Haywire: The pathway. Your map. (whispers) Your escape.

Michael: Give me that.

(Michael lunges for the paper but Haywire steps back and begins to rip it.)

Michael: Don't. Don't.

Haywire: Now...do I tear this up...or do you tell me exactly where and when you're doing this?

(Michael stares at him. Haywire rips the paper a bit more.)

ACT 3.

[23. INT. Psych Ward cell. Day.]

Michael (whispers): It starts in the basement.

Haywire: Okay.

Michael: This line leads from the hatch in the coal room, to this pipe system here and that runs to the infirmary. That's how we'll get out. I just need to get out of psych ward to set things up. But three days after I'm gone, I'll come back up through the basement and get you out.

Haywire: You're just telling me what I wanna hear.

Michael: No, I'm not. I need you to let me get us out of here. I need you to trust me.

(Michael holds his hand out for the map. Haywire hesitates, then hands it to him.)

Haywire: If you try to screw me over again, I'll kill you.

[24. INT. Nick's apartment. Day.]

(Nick sits on the couch, staring. Veronica comes in.)

Veronica: Hey.

Nick: Hey. How'd it go?

Veronica: Filing the petition was easy. Getting it approved, that's a whole nother story. You found the charger?

Nick: Oh, yeah.

Veronica: Why didn't you plug it in?

Nick: Oh, I was just, uh...just thinking for a minute.

Veronica: About what?

Nick: Nothing.

(Veronica plugs it in and flips Quinn's cell phone open.)

Veronica: We're in business.

Nick: What is it?

Veronica: His entire phone book is still in here. 322 numbers.

[25. INT. Fox River Kitchen. Day.]

(An inmate furtively hands a CO on duty in the kitchen some notes. The CO opens the door allowing him and his friend through to the kitchen. They walk right through to the back.)

(In the unguarded storage pantry, several inmates are sat round a table playing cards, including Jesus, C-Note and T-Bag, a Chinese inmate Pao and an old African-American inmate Zach.)

Jesus: No open seats. Gotta wait. C-Note! Crap or get off the pot.

C-Note: I'm thinkin'.

T-Bag: We ain't bettin' on CPT here, man. Either you gonna see his bet or you go outside and Million Con March or whatever your people do. Either way, get on with it, son.

(C-Note pushes a pile of money forward.)

C-Note: I'm in.

(Jesus smiles knowingly, and puts down three Queens.)

Jesus: Three bitches...bitches. (to C-Note) What you holdin'?

C-Note: You tell me.

(He puts his cards down.)

Zach: Full house.

T-Bag: A full house. That's a concept a Mexican should be quite familiar with, hey, Jesus?

(He chuckles as C-Note, keeping his poker face, rakes in the kitty.)

[26. INT. Vice President Caroline Reynolds' living room. Day.]

Caroline: She said what?

Kellerman: She said in unequivocal terms that I was not to move on Burrows. Whatever their agenda is on Burrows it is not the same as ours. This whole business with his father interferes with the one thing that we set out to do in the first place - put Lincoln Burrows in the ground. If he lives, you're the one that stands to lose. Not The Company - they get themselves another candidate. And you're the one that suffers the brunt of it.

Caroline: Maybe it's time we broke ranks.

Kellerman: If we do that, they pull support for the campaign. You know that, don't you?

Caroline: That is, if they know, Paul.

[27. INT. Kitchen. Day.]

(T-Bag leans over the money at the center, smelling it.)

T-Bag: Mm. Smell that kitty. Jacks or better. Trips to win.

(He passes the deck to Jesus. Jesus splits it.)

Jesus: Last hand. I'm tired of losing all my money today.

(The other inmates chuckle.)

Jesus (to C-Note): How much you up?

(C-Note checks his pile uninterestedly.)

C-Note: Uh...300?

Pao: Does it hurt?

C-Note: What?

Pao: The horseshoe up your ass.

C-Note: I'd rather be lucky than good, Ping-Pong.

(C-Note looks at the cards that T-Bag is dealing him. 6, 7, 8 and 9 of different suits. The last card flips up on the table, revealing 10 of diamonds.)

Zach: Misdeal. Bury the card.

C-Note: Man, I don't care if y'all saw my card.

Zach: Yeah, I bet you don't. Bury the card, Youngblood.

C-Note: Hey, chill, Wrinkles. Ain't my fault Saltine here got a sloppy deal.

T-Bag: Oh, that there was just uncalled for. Now all right, you know, I'll tell you what. I'm gonna deal another hand if you're gonna be such a baby about it.

(Jesus grabs his hand threateningly.)

Jesus: On a misdeal, you bury the card. Finish out the hand. House rules.

(T-Bag looks up at the large inmates standing behind Jesus protectively. He finishes the hand. C-Note looks at his new card: 2 of diamonds. He loses his poker face.)

[28. INT. Lincoln's cell. Day.]

(A CO lets Warden Pope into Lincoln's cell.)

Lincoln: Warden.

Pope: I have some good news for you, Linc. Somehow your lawyer's petition went through. The Department of Corrections is allowing you a one-hour visit with your son. I've never seen one of these granted before. Ever.

Lincoln: Good lawyers.

Pope: No lawyer's that good. I'll make the travel arrangements but this is not gonna be a ride in the country. You are gonna be Y-cuffed and the men are gonna be heavily armed. I don't want any problems.

Lincoln: There won't be. I just wanna see my son.

[29. INT. Kitchen. Day.]

(Jesus fans his cards: three 7's, a 3 and a 4. He confidently bets the remainder of his pot.)

Jesus: I bet all I got. 82. Better have some aces shoved up there with that horseshoe or that pot's mine.

(C-Note hesitates.)

Jesus: You in or out?

(Zach and Pao shoot glances at him. C-Note furtively glances over at T-Bag, but T-Bag won't look at him, he just raises his eyebrows. C-Note puts his cards down and starts counting his money. T-Bag watches him nervously.)

C-Note: I'm in.

(Jesus smiles and picks up his cards.)

C-Note: And I raise you 74.

Jesus: I said I only got 82 left.

C-Note: Then I guess you're outta luck.

Jesus: Never heard of a gentleman's game?

C-Note: Yes I have, but this ain't it. You wanna borrow some money? Ask your boys. But I'm in here to make money, bro. You want Welfare...better vote Democrat.

(Jesus and C-Note stare each other down. But C-Note's raise has forced Jesus to hold and he stands, throwing his cards down.)

Jesus: You know what's good for you, you'll stay away from me in the yard.

(He storms out. C-Note sighs with relief and picks up his winnings.)

[30. INT. Haywire's cell. Day.]

(Haywire takes out a notebook from under his mattress. It is full of copies of the tattoo he gave to Michael.)

Haywire: You think you're smarter than me?

(He looks out of his door's window into the hallway. As he opens the door, the camera reveals the lock jammed with the yellow clay he was holding earlier, preventing the door from locking. He takes the clay out.)

(Haywire walks slowly over to a door marked 'Basement'. As soon as he opens it, an alarm rings out.)

Haywire: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Okay...

(Two orderlies come running over to him.)

Orderly: Where you going, Haywire?

Haywire: He's trying to escape. This is his map!

Orderly: I need you to calm down...

(Haywire wrenches out of their grip and goes running back towards the basement.)

Haywire: He set me up!

Orderly: Zap him!

Haywire: No!

(The orderly uses a taser to bring him down and then they drag him back to his cell. Michael watches through the door's window of his own cell.)

[31. EXT. Prison yard. Day.]

(C-Note and Westmoreland are hanging by the telephones, pretending to be using them while waiting for Geary.)

Westmoreland: There he is.

(C-Note jogs over to the fence and slips the rolled up $500 through.)

C-Note: Hey, boss. I think you dropped something, man. It's half a G-Note. So when do I move in?

Geary: You don't.

C-Note: What? Come on, chief, now. We had a deal.

Geary: Renegotiation. The price is 700.

C-Note: That ain't right. I just gave you $500 dollars.

Geary: What you have me was a down payment. If you can't come up with the rest, well ... (He shrugs and makes to move away.)

C-Note: No, no, no, no. Wait, wait, wait. Just hold on. One minute, all right?

(C-Note jogs over to Westmoreland.)

C-Note: Oh, man, he's trying to shake us down. I'm gonna need that watch.

Westmoreland: Not an option.

C-Note: Look, would you rather be looking at a picture of your daughter, or holding her in your arms once you get outside?

(Westmoreland doesn't like it, but he takes out his watch, removes the picture, and hands it to C-Note. C-Note goes over to Geary and gives it to him.)

C-Note: Hey, look, man, Father Time owed me a few bones. He gave me this in trade. That should be more than enough to cover it.

Geary: Not bad. Your problem is, somebody already gave me 700 for the cell, so you're SOL.

(He walks away. C-Note follows him on his side of the fence.)

C-Note: No! Whoa, whoa, wait a minute, wait a minute...so you're just gonna take my money and walk?

(Westmoreland watches him, looking devastated.)

Geary: Yeah, well, write to your congressman.

C-Note: Oh, come on...

(He hits the fence in frustration.)

ACT 4.

[32. INT. Michael's Psych Ward cell. Day.]

(Michael folds up the tattoo drawing and puts it in his pocket. There's a knock at the door. He turns around to see Sara.)

Michael: Hey.

Sara: Hi. They said you wanted to talk to me.

Michael: Yeah. Yeah...

Sara: Okay. (to the orderly) We're good.

Michael: Um...please. (He gestures to the bed and she sits down.)

Sara: Thanks.

(Michael sits next to her.)

Michael: I made you something. (He hands it to her.) It's an ashtray.

Sara: Um...I don't smoke.

Michael: Yeah, I know, but um...they only let us make these and jewellery. And I didn't figure you for the macaroni necklace type.

Sara: It's very sweet. Uh...how about we talk about how you're doing?

Michael: Mm...I think we both know I don't belong here. I don't remember much about that night, but, being locked up in Ad Seg, something must have snapped. What I'm trying to say is, I think I've had enough of arts and crafts. But that's your call.

Sara: And the doctors here do say that you've been acting fine. The problem is that if you don't tell the Pope who burned you, he's gonna lock you back up in Ad Seg. And after a couple of days of that you're gonna be right back here.

(Michael sighs. Sara reaches out and puts her hand on his arm.)

Sara: Michael, I hate what happened to you and I hate that you're here. But you have gotta let me help you. If you wanna get out of psych ward and stay out, you've gotta tell the Pope the truth about that burn.

[33. INT. Ad Seg corridor. Day.]

(Manche walks down the corridor with his laundry trolley.)

Manche: Out with the old, in with the new, cons.

(Sucre hands his old clothes out, and Manche hands him new ones through the hatch in the door.)

Manche: I've got a message from your cellie, bro. He says he's okay and he's trying to fill in the blanks.

Sucre: Did he say he's trying, or he already got the blanks filled in?

Manche: Yo, man, I don't know. I didn't write it down.

Sucre: Okay. Now you're gonna tell him that I filled in the hole.

Manche: I'm done with your little secrets and messages, bro. I saw Scofield's back. He's got a burn in the same spot as the burn in that guard shirt. I don't know what you're doing, but I have an idea. I'm through helping you until you tell me what's going on.

Sucre: I can't, bro.

Manche: Then good luck in the hole, jefe!

Sucre: No, no, no, wait...

(Lincoln's voice comes from down the hall.)

Lincoln (o/s): Manche.

Manche: Who's that?

Sucre: That's Linc, bro.

Manche: Linc the Sink?

Sucre: Yeah.

Lincoln (o/s): Come here.

(Manche nervously moves over to Lincoln's cell.)

Lincoln: I think we can work something out.

[34. INT. Chow room. Day.]

(C-Note, Westmoreland and T-Bag sit together at a table, despair on all their faces.)

C-Note: All I can say is before I get out of here, Geary will pay. Believe that.

Westmoreland: No-one's getting out of here if Maintenance goes to replace Scofield's toilet.

(They are interrupted by Manche.)

Manche: I got a way to help you with your Scofield problem.

T-Bag (dangerously): What'd you say, Slim?

Manche (nervous): I said, I got a way to help you...

(C-Note becomes defensive, grabs Manche and grips his shirt, pulling him closer.)

C-Note: Who in the hell said we had a problem?

Manche: It's cool, man. Relax. Lincoln and Sucre told me everything.

(C-Note slams Manche's head down on the table.)

C-Note: What the hell did they tell you? Exactly what did they tell you?

Manche: Everything. They said I can come with you. You know, on early parole, if I can help get the Fish out of psych.

(C-Note lets go of Manche, shoving him away.)

T-Bag: What are we, the A-Train? Everyone gets to ride with us?

(He knocks some milk over Manche, who now looks terrified.)

T-Bag: Why don't you take a walk before I give you a smack?

(Manche nods, breathing hard, and goes to leave. Westmoreland stops him.)

Westmoreland (to T-Bag): You got another solution to our situation?

(T-Bag stays silent, glaring at Manche. Manche won't look at him.)

Westmoreland: I didn't think so.

Manche: Me and my cuz and Lincoln...came up with something. Now, it can work, but it's risky...

[35. INT. Psych ward day room. Day.]

(Manche walks around picking up dirty art smocks. He comes up behind Michael.)

Manche (whispers): You ready to get out of this aquarium, Fish?

[Camera shot of the prison basketball court - inmates play basketball. Camera pans in closer to show the Laundry room exterior - day.]

[36. INT. Laundry room. Day.]

(Manche presses laundry with the steam press.)

[37. EXT. Prison yard. Day.]

(Manche walks up the yard with his laundry trolley. Coming the other way is Westmoreland with a wheeled trash can. As they pass each other, Westmoreland opens the lid of the trash can and Manche tosses something inside. Westmoreland pushes the trash can over to the guards' room.)

[38. INT. Guards' room. Day.]

(Westmoreland enters the guards' room. CO Mack is finishing a snack. He lifts up the trash can lid and puts his litter in there, then leaves the room. Once he's gone, Westmoreland digs into the trash can.)

[39. INT. Corridor. Day.]

(Michael stands opposite Warden Pope.)

Michael: Assure me I'll be protected.

Pope: Michael, you know me well enough by now. Such assurances are not necessary.

Michael: With all due respect, Warden, if I'd been protected in the first place none of this would have happened.

(Pope looks guilty, trying to find a reply but can't.)

Pope: A name.

Michael: Geary.

Pope: Geary?

Michael: He shakes cons down for money - anything he can get his hands on. He knew I went to college so he must have...he must have thought I was rich or something. Anyway, when, uh...when I couldn't pay up, he held me down with one arm...and burned me with the other. I don't know what he used, but...it was hot as hell.

[40. INT. Nick's apartment. Day.]

(Nick crosses a number off a list.)

Nick: What a surprise. Disconnected.

Veronica: 250 businesses, 72 residents, covering all 50 states. London, Martinique, Jakarta, Dakar...

Nick: All the numbers out of service.

Veronica: As soon as Quinn disappeared they must have erased the paper trail in days. Is there anything they can't do?

(She slumps back in her seat, defeated.)

Nick: My PI buddy in DC - what if I send him all this? See if he can make a connection between the numbers. I'll tell him I need it ASAP.

Veronica: Thank you.

Nick: It's no big deal. I'll just overnight him all this stuff.

Veronica: No, for everything. Hangin' in there, keepin' me going. Thank you.

Nick: Sure.

[41. INT. Guards' room. Day.]

(Bellick enters the guards' room. Geary is sitting at the table reading from the paper.)

Geary: Guy with a six ERA signs for four mil a year. Sucks at his job and still gets a raise.

Bellick: You suck at your job. You should ask the Pope for a raise.

Geary: Very funny.

(The door opens again and Warden Pope enters. Ominous music plays.)

Bellick: Warden. What brings you to our little clubhouse?

(Warden Pope walks furiously over to Geary's locker and opens it, dragging things out.)

Geary: Hey, what gives?

(Bellick watches, confused. Pope brings out a spare pair of boots and looks inside, finding C-Note's $500.)

(He pockets it and continues to search. Geary looks worried. Pope brings out Westmoreland's watch.)

Geary: Hey, that was a gift from my old man!

Pope: Since when is your name 'Charles'? And your dad's name 'Ann'?

(Geary doesn't reply. Pope turns back to the locker and brings out a guard's shirt with a burned sleeve. He looks at Bellick, then stares accusingly at Geary. Geary shakes his head in disbelief.)

[42. EXT. Prison gates. Day.]

(Geary, dressed in civilian clothes, is escorted to the main gates carrying his belongings. Bellick stands at the gates.)

Geary (to Bellick): This is a railroad. I didn't do nothing! Don't look at me like I'm some con. You're as crooked as scoliosis.

(Bellick leans forward.)

Bellick: I don't get caught.

(A CO opens the main gate and Geary walks through. Bellick and two COs stand back as a van carrying Lincoln and several armed COs goes through the gate.)

[43. EXT. Illinois countryside road. Day.]

(Lincoln takes in the farm fields. A guard in the van speaks to him.)

C.O.: When we get there, I'll take you out of the Y-cuffs and put you in a four-piece. Got it?

Lincoln: Got it, boss.

C.O: You play nice, I play nice. Understand?

Lincoln: Got it.

[44. INT. Nick's apartment. Day.]

(Veronica sits at the desk scribbling notes. Camera pans over to Nick in another room, on his cell phone.)

Nick (quietly): She's here. I've got her.

[45. INT. A-Wing cell block. Day.]

(Michael is buzzed into the block.)

PA: Scofield for re-admission to Gen Pop.

[46. INT. Michael's cell. Day.]

(Westmoreland is sitting on Michael's bunk.)

Westmoreland: Welcome home.

Michael: Thanks. I never thought I'd be so glad to be back in my cell.

(Westmoreland chuckles. Michael sits next to him.)

Michael: Uh...Pope...wanted me to give you this.

(He hands Westmoreland the gold pocket watch. Westmoreland opens it shakily, replaces the photo of his daughter and leaves the cell.)

[47. EXT. Illinois countryside roads. Day.]

(Lincoln is still staring out of the window.)

C.O.: What the hell are you staring at, anyway?

Lincoln: Everything.

(They approach an intersection. A giant semi-truck is zooming up to it at great speed. As their van gets there, the truck blows the stop sign and slams into the back half of the van. The van spins, flips over and comes to a rest on its side in a ditch.)


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Locksley, 04.12.2024 à 13:14

Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

choup37, 04.12.2024 à 16:02

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