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#106 : Au coeur de l'Enfer - Partie 1


Résumé : Michael ayant besoin de plus de temps provoque une émeute générale et bénéficie ainsi d'un confinement de cellule. Mais pendant que lui et Fernando tentent de casser un mur, son frère et le Dr Tancredi se retrouvent encerclés par une foule de détenus enragés...


4.27 - 11 votes

Titre VO
Riots, Drills and the Devil

Titre VF
Au coeur de l'Enfer - Partie 1

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Première diffusion en France

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Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06


Logo de la chaîne M6

France (redif)
Vendredi 16.06.2017 à 03:45

Logo de la chaîne FOX

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 26.09.2005 à 21:00
8.55m / 4.0% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Durée : 45 min

Avec : Dominic Purcell, Wentworth Miller, Robin Tunney, Peter Stormare, Amaury Nolasco, Marshall Allman, Wade Williams, Paul Adelstein, Robert Knepper, Sarah Wayne Callies
Moments forts :

L'émeute déclenchée par T-Bag dans l'aile A
T-Bag et un gardien découvrent le trou dans la cellule 40 !!
Le Dr Tancredi est prisonnière dans une salle de soins...
La mise à prix de la tête de Lincoln Burrows
Les gardiens sont dépassés, la prison de Fox River est en état d'alerte maximum
La joute verbale et humilante entre Bellick et T-Bag
Michael part sauver Sara...
Le témoin clé du meurtre de Terrence a été passé à Washington !!!

Episode 6 : Riots, Drills and the Devil

Les agents Kellerman et Hale menacent de piéger un ancien détenu du nom d’Adam Grandit s’il ne les aide pas à s’attaquer à Lincoln Burrows…

Véronica a reçu 9 messages dont 6 de Nick Savrinn qui tente toujours de la persuader qu’il ne travaille pas contre elle, ni contre Lincoln mais elle ne veut rien savoir. Michael se faufile à travers les couloirs et parvient dans une pièce où se dresse un gigantesque mur. Il dessine un tracé et installe une sorte de trépied au centre de la pièce. Pendant ce temps là, Louis le gardien inspecte les lits… Fernando utilise des polochons afin de masquer l’absence de son compagnon. Nick passe voir Véronica directement à son appartement pour lui certifier qu’il n’a rien a voir avec la disparition de la cassette vidéo… leur discussion animée se poursuit jusque dans le rue où Lucasz, un voisin, intervient et aide Véronica à rentrer chez elle, laissant Nick perplexe. Louis s’arrête devant la cellule 40 et, ne voyant pas exactement le visage de Scofield, commence à s’impatienter et exige qu’il se montre… lampe torche en direction du lit, il finit par chercher sa clef… Fernando, au-dessus, balise… Puis, au moment où il allait entrer, Michael se retourne et se montre enfin ! ! Fernando respire, Louis se retire. Michael avoue à FErnando qu'ils doivent impérativement franchir ce mur dès demain soir. Le retard accumulé risquant de tout compromettre, ils ont besoin de plus de temps et surtout d’éviter sans arrête la vérification des lits. Mais il n’existe qu’un seul moyen pour çà : c’est le confinement de cellule ! ! Michael demande comment faire pour provoquer un confinement… Sucre lui répond qu’en arrêtant le système d’aération, la chaleur croissante irriterait les nerfs des détenus et ainsi conduirait sûrement à une émeute…


Adam Grandit passe un coup de fil à un détenu de Fox River qui lui certifie que Burrows est un homme mort ! ! Dans la cour, Michael est interpellé par le Dr Tancredi. A travers la grille, ils discutent de Lincoln et de leurs pères à chacun. Sara l’avertit que son père, le gouverneur de l’Illinois, n’autorisera jamais une grâce et qu’elle en est désolée mais Michael ne juge pas les personnes selon les actes ou l’inaction de leur parents. Sara s’arrangera pour que les visites de Lincoln et celles de Michael coïncident à l’avenir de sorte qu’ils puissent se voir un peu. Puis, Michael s’assoit aux côtés de blacks et l’un d’entre eux lui remet une sorte d’outil tout droit sortit de la cuisine contre la somme de 100$.

T-Bag, de retour de l’infirmerie, réintègre sa cellule. Son clan l’acclame et lui réserve une surprise : un tout nouveau détenu. Le jeune Seth, impressionné mais surtout terrorisé devient le nouveau jouet de T-Bag.

Michael coupe la climatisation. Véronica rend visite à Lincoln mais son associé Nick Savrinn l’a devancé… Hors d’elle, Lincoln la calme aussitôt et Nick la rassure en lui faisant part d’un tout nouvel indice concernant l’affaire Burrows. Le témoin qui aurait vu s’enfuir Lincoln avec un pantalon tâché de sang n’a absolument pas pu le voir puisque l’appel provient de Washington DC ! !

La chaleur commence à faire son effet… La prison devient une véritable fournaise. Michael, imperturbable, recopie une partie de son tatouage… une sorte de démon.

T-Bag est agacé par cette chaleur et s’en prend au gardien qui le renvoie proprement à sa place. Puis, il fait sortir tous les détenus pour les compter. Mais T-Bag sort du rang et provoque le gardien. La tension monte vite et Mack,un second gardien appelle Bellick à la rescousse. Celui-ci se trouve au quartier des malades et tombe sur le Dr Tancredi. Il lui demande de repasser suite à l’appel de Mack mais celle-ci refuse poliment. Les prisonniers ont droit à la visite d’un médecin. De son côté, T-Bag réclame l’air conditionné… mais devant l’obstination des gardiens, la colère éclate… et le confinement des cellules est appliqué ! ! Fernando et Michael se réjouissent… ils retournent dans leur cellule et partent tous les deux s’occuper du mur.

Bellick et T-Bag se provoquent mutuellement. T-Bag insulte Bellick en rappelant aux détenus qu’il a raté le concours de police et que c’est pour çà qu’il se retrouve gardien de prison. Quant à Bellick, ils révèlent aux prisonniers que T-Bag est le fruit d’une union consanguine : frère violant sa sœur attardée mentale ! ! T-Bag a la rage et commence à pousser violemment le mur vitré de la salle de contrôle où les gardiens se sont réfugiés. Il est rejoint par tous les autres détenus… le mur commence à vaciller ! ! Les gardiens disparaissent juste avant que T-Bag et les autres ne pénètrent dans la salle et la saccagent… Puis, T-Bag réouvre toutes les cellules y compris la cellule 40… Le chat de Charles Westmoreland s’enfuit tandis que T-Bag ramasse un trousseau de clef. Bellick demande à ce que l’aile A soit entièrement fermée afin que l’aile B ne soit pas attaquée.

Le Dr Tancredi s’occupe de quelques malades dont l’un souffrant d’une blessure récente au genou…

Michael explique à Fernando que de l’autre côté du mur se trouve le conduit d’écoulement de l’ancien système d’égout qui permet d’accéder à l’infirmerie.

Véronica et Nick doivent partir car l’émeute a gagner du terrain… Lincoln est reconduit par Bob, un nouveau gardien mais ils se retrouvent en face à face avec T-Bag et sa bande. Encerclés, ils n’ont plus d’issus… Lincoln se libère des menottes et tente de protéger Bob mais très vite la situation dérape…

Michael repositionne le trépied et y ajoute une ampoule puis il dispose le morceau de papier sur lequel il a recopié le diable de son bras gauche par dessus… ce qui a pour effet de projeter la tête de démon sur le mur en grandeur nature ! !

Au moment où le Dr pénètre dans la salle de soins, le garde, charger de veiller sur les détenus, se fait attaquer par derrière et Sara réapparaît une seringue à la main… Voyant le garde Rizzo à terre, elle cherche à s’enfuir mais se retrouve nez à nez avec un grand black qui l’agresse ! ! Elle se défend et lui plante la piqûre dans le bras puis rentre se réfugier dans la salle des médicaments. Elle ferme la porte et se barricade. Mais l’ardeur des prisonniers l’impressionnent beaucoup d’autant que les murs sont vitrés… Elle tente d’appeler à l’aide mais le téléphone est coupé, les détenus s’en sont chargés ! !

Lincoln se bat contre plusieurs hommes en même temps tandis que Bob est vite maîtrisé ! ! T-Bag prend la situation en main et emmène le gardien avec lui.

Michael explique à Fernando la théorie de la force extensible (Loi d’élasticité de Hooke)… Si l’on perce des trous à des endroits stratégiques cela compromet la capacité de support de charge du mur. Le diable permet de savoir où il faudra exactement percer : à travers les 2 cornes, les yeux, le nez, le bas des crocs et le bouc. Cela formera une sorte de « X ».

La garde nationale vient en renfort et le Gouverneur appelle Pope pour savoir si sa fille est en sécurité… Pope répond par l’affirmative. Elle est isolée et ne peut pas se retrouver coincée avec des prisonniers. Le gouverneur septique l’avertit qu’il a plutôt intérêt.

Le Dr Tancredi est toujours à la merci des détenus qui tentent de s’introduire dans la salle de soins où elle s’est réfugiée. L’un deux envoie une chaise à travers la vitre assez violemment pour qu’elle se brise mais pas suffisamment…

Fernando, superstitieux, refuse de percer mais Michael trouve les mots justes afin de l’encourager… S’il est croyant, alors Dieu le protégera contre le démon.

T-Bag montre aux détenus qu’il a Bob en otage et qu’il compte s’occuper de lui… il leur donnera ensuite l’occasion de s’en prendre également à lui. Sachant pertinemment qu’il va être violé, Bob tente de s’enfuir mais T-Bag le rattrape, le cogne durement et l’envoie baldinguer à travers la cellule 40. Bob retombe près de l’évier alors T-Bg remarque l’ouverture et comprend qu’ils veulent s’échapper… Heureusement, Abruzzi arrive à temps pour l’empêcher de parler…

Michael informe Sucre que si par malheur il avait mal calculé alors ils risqueraient de percer un tuyau de gaz entraînant une explosion certaine ! ! Mais il le rassure, tout a été savamment étudié…

Sara s’arme d’une autre seringue et lorsqu’un des détenus tente à nouveau de pénétrer dans la salle en passant son bras à travers la vitre pour atteindre la poignée, elle le plante avec.

Pope ordonne à Mack de couper l’arrivée d’eau… il veut ainsi maîtriser la situation de façon protocolaire.

Michael et Fernando reviennent et voient avec stupéfaction que T-Bag a tout découvert et qu’il tient Bob en otage… Michael est agacé, la tournure des évènements ne lui plait pas ! Le gardien implore qu’on le laisse vivre ; il a une famille et une fille mais T-Bag s’obstine à vouloir le tuer car forcément il le répètera dès sa libération… Personne ne sait vraiment quoi faire ! !

Westmoreland aide Lincoln à se relever… Bléssé à la tête, il s’inquiète pour son jeune frère quand Turk arrive et lui dit qu’il sait où est Michael… Lincoln le suit sans hésiter.

T-Bag veut faire partie du plan sinon il dévoilera tout à qui voudra bien l’entendre…

Sara casse une vitre et s’arme d’un morceau de verre… Prostrée, elle demande à l’aide… les détenus sont enragés et continuent de frapper les murs qui l’entourent en proférant des menaces et des insalubrités.

Michael descend à la salle de contrôle et entend un prisonnier dire que Stroke (le détenu black qui s’acharne sur Sara) va bientôt avoir le doc… Michael bondit à travers la pièce et juge par lui-même de la gravité de la situation… Sur les moniteurs, il peut voir Sara, recroquevillée sur elle-même, en proie à la panique ! ! ! Il part sur le champ, réintègre sa cellule et décide d’aller la secourir…

Juste avant de disparaître, il ordonne à ce que personne ne touche à Bob. Puis, il grimpe sur le toit et constate que Sara est cernée… Un hélicoptère passe au dessus de lui.




(Man buys tickets for his kids)

MAN: Just a few more rides, then you have to rap it up.

(Kids run off)

(Man turns around, smiling)

(He turns around and sees AGENT KELLERMAN, his smile fades.)

AGENT KELLERMAN: Wow. Adams getting bigger. Ten.

MAN: Not here.

AGENT KELLERMAN: We need a favour

MAN: I've been out of the life for years

AGENT KELLERMAN: I know. Problem is, no ones gonna believe that if I take the heroin I have in my pocket and put it in the glove box of the reasonably priced minivan you got over there. I will cuff you. I will drag you out of here in front of everyone.

(AGENT KELLERMAN eats some ice cream)

MAN: What do you need?



VO: (PRESIDENT) What America needs is an environmentally friendly, logistically feasible (PRESIDENT on TV) and economically responsible alternative fuel source.


(VERONICA DONOVAN sitting in her living room working)

(Phone rings)

(VERONICA leaves the phone)

(VERONICA on answer machine)

(Leave a message and I'll call you back. Thanks)

ANSWER MACHINE: Hi it's WENDY. I know you wanted to work eighth no distractions so don't pick up. I just wanted you to know that NICK SAVRINN left six messages for you....

(VERONICA picks up the phone, quickly)

VERONICA: What did you tell him?

WENDY: (Surprised, she didn't expect VERONICA to pick up) Oh ah, what you said to say - you were in a meeting.

VERONICA: Look if he comes by the office tomorrow tell him imp not there.

WENDY: Okay. Goodnight VERONICA.


(VERONICA hangs up)




[MICHAEL SCOFIELDS devil tattoo]

(MICHAEL sits on the lower bunk, he is sharpening something, we don't see what, FERNANDO SUCRE sits up top as a lookout)

(MICHAEL blows what he was sharpening)

(MICHAEL uses the screw that he was sharpening to unscrew the toilet)

(MICHAEL pulls the toilet out)

(MICHAEL crawls through the hole behind the toilet)

(PRISON GUARD walks past, MICHAEL follows)

(MICHAEL stares at a concrete wall)

(He walks up to the wall and puts his hands against it)

(MICHAEL starts walking backwards and forwards infront of the wall, counting his steps)

(MICHAEL walks away from the wall, counting his steps)

(MICHAEL stops and rolls up his sleeve, he looks at his tattoo, making sure his calculations are correct)

(MICHAEL puts his arm against the pole and marks a dot on the pole)

(MICHAEL looks around looking for something, anything that can hold the light)



(SUCRE looks to the toilet to see if MICHAEL is coming through, he isn't. SUCRE starts getting nervous)

(GUARDS are patrolling the cells)

GUARD: Bed check!

(SUCRE looks up, really nervous now, MICHAEL still isn't back)

(SUCRE jumps down to see where the guards are)

(SUCRE heads towards the toilet and has second thoughts, he goes back to his bed. He grabs a small mirror and taps the toilet so MICHAEL knows that his time is running out)

(SUCRE [rushing] assorts pillows to make it look like MICHAEL is in there)

(SUCRE has one last look to see where the guards are and jumps up to his bed and pretends to be asleep)



(VERONICA walks out of her apartment, locking the door behind her)

(VERONICA turns around and finds NICK there, he startles her)

NICK: Do you want to tell me why you haven't returned any of my calls?

VERONICA: Look I really appreciate everything you've done, but I don't want your help any more.

NICK: Don't want my help anymore. Do you really think I had something to do with that missing tape?

VERONICA: No, look I'm just gonna go grab a cup of coffee and get back to work. Okay. I don't have time for this right now.

(VERONICA walks past NICK)




NICK: Look, VERONICA, just wait a second. Will you hold on a second? Listen, what are you avoid....

(NICK reaches out to grab her arm and prevent her from walking away from him)

VERONICA: Don't touch me!

(LUCASZ notices what's happening)

LUCASZ: Everything OK Miss Donovan?

VERONICA: LUCASZ do you mind walking me back inside?

LUCASZ: (To NICK) Take a walk pal.

NICK: You're being paranoid. Your being paranoid


(VERONICA and LUCASZ walk inside)

(NICK walks away)



(SUCRE is still lying on the bed)

(GUARD comes to check that both SUCRE and MICHAEL are in the cell)

GUARD: Show some skin SCOFIELD!

(GUARD shines the torch over MICHAEL)

(GUARD taps the bars)


(GUARD reaches for his keys and rattles them then shines the torch over MICHAEL)

(MICHAEL takes the blanket off)

MICHAEL: I', trying to sleep boss.

(MICHAEL puts the blankets over him again)

(The Guard continues walking)

MICHAEL: I can't get through the wall

SUCRE: What do you mean you can't get through the wall?

MICHAEL: I know how to do it, I just don't have the time to do it

SUCRE: We're locked up, all we got is time

MICHAEL: You don't understand. I planned this break on a schedule. Constantly coming up here for count won't let me do what I need to do to get through that wall. If I'm not back on schedule, which means that we're through that wall by the end of the day manna, we're not getting out of here.

(SUCRE leans over the edge of his bed to look at MICHAEL)

SUCRE: There's three things for certain in life - death, taxes and count. The only way to stop count is...


SUCRE: (REGRETTING HAVING SAID THAT) Never mind. It's a bad idea

MICHAEL: Worse than the idea of losing Maricruz?

SUCRE: (GIVING IN) A lock down. We get Gen Pop locked down for a day you'll have all the time you need

MICHAEL: And no count?

SUCRE: Bulls don't even come by. Only one problem

MICHAEL: How do we get a lock down?

(SUCRE wipes sweat off his forehead with his hand, he gets and idea)

SUCRE: Can you get to the prison AC unit?


SUCRE: (SITTING UP) You want to get a lockdown? You'd better get the inamtes riled up. And if you wanna piss of the meat in concrete, turn up the heat.



(Rap music)

(A group of inmates are walking through a gate being opened by a guard)

(Camera goes around, we see the other inmates)

(On the bleaches inmates are passing screws to the others)

TURK: (On phone) I thought you were retired

MAN: (On other end of the line) Never mind me. Heavy hitters want this done so that means I want it done. No screw-ups

TURK: For you diamond, it's not a problem, Burrows is a good as dead


[LINCOLN walking in handcuffs surrounded by guards


[MICHAEL walking along the yard, SARAH walks up to him on the other side of the fence]

SARAH: Hottest April on record

MICHAEL: Global warming

SARAH: Probably, you got a minute?

MICHAEL: About 5 years worth

SARAH: Sorry. Right. Umm. You never told me LINCOLN BURROWS was your brother

MICHAEL: Never came up

SARAH: Right. I'm curious if that isn't because of my father, the governor. He may not be the one pulling the switch but he has the power to grant clemency and he won't. And he never does

MICHAEL: My old man was an abusive drunk who abandoned his family. I don't judge anyone by their father's actions, or inactions, if that was your concern

SARAH: Just so you know, I don't agree with his politics and I'm sorry about your brother

MICHAEL: I appreciate that

(SARAH walks away)

(SARAH turns around)

SARAH: Hey, this isn't much, umm, I have to give LINCOLN a weekly check-up. If you want I could schedule those visits to end right before you come in for your shots. That way you could at least see each other, even if it is just in passing

MICHAEL: Thank you

(SARAH walks away)

(MICHAEL turns around and walks the opposite way, towards a group of people sitting on the bleachers)

(MICHAEL sits down)

BLACK INMATE: Greetings from the kitchen fish, 100 bucks

(He passes MICHAEL a manual eggbeater, MICHAEL passes him 100 bucks)

(MICHAEL puts part of the egg beater in his shoe and covers the rest with the leg of his pants)


[T-BAG is being transferred back into Gen Pop]

GUARD: (VO) Theodore Bagwell, a transfer back from the infirmary

GUARD: Check. Open 14

(The gate opens)

(T-BAG walks in)

(Other inmates welcome him back)

INMATE: We got you a little, get well gift

(The inmates start laughing)

(T-BAG walks up to his cell)

T-BAG: Awww, It's just the right size

(INMATES laugh again)

T-BAG: Thank you, boys

(T-BAG walks into his cell)

T-BAG: I'll see you boys later

(The other INMATES laugh and walk away)

(T-BAG leans against the wall of his cell)

T-BAG: What's your name?


T-BAG: Mmmm. Are you new SETH?

(SETH nods, yes)

T-BAG: Scared? Look at me boy

(SETH looks at T-BAG, his face is covered in bruises)

T-BAG: You probably heard stories about me. They're not all true

(T-BAG turns his pocket inside out)

T-BAG: What do you say we go for a walk, huh?





(MICHAEL climbs up some pipes)

(MICHAEL shuts down the AC unit)


(VERONICA walks into the prison)

(A GUARD checks her bag)

GUARD: Your co-counsels already here

VERONICA: Excuse me?

(VERONICA walks into a room. LINCOLN and NICK are in there)

VERONICA:(To NICK) What the hell are you doing here?

NICK: Talking to my client

VERONICA: (To LINCOLN) Don't talk to him. We don't know anything about this guy

LINCOLN: He found somebody that can help us out

VERONICA: (To NICK) You have one minute

NICK: I've been going over the incident report. Somebody made an anonymous call to the local cops claiming to see LINCOLN running away from the garage with bloody pants

VERONICA: We've been through this okay. You can' cross examine a witness if you don' know who it is

NICK: We don' need to know who he is. We know where he is

VERONICA: What do you mean?

NICK: It took some doing but a PI friend of mine was able to backtrack the phone call to the police department. Whoever made that call couldn't have seen LINCOLN running from the garage that night

VERONICA: How do you know?

NICK: Because the phone call came from Washington DC

(VERONICA and LINCOLN look at each other)





(SUCRE sits fanning himself as MICHAEL is tracing something from his tattoo, the devil)

SUCRE: You were suppose to turn off the AC not turn on the furnace

(SUCRE looks inside the other cells, his eyes drop on T-BAGS cell)

(SETH is holding out his hand filled with peanuts while T-BAG gets them out of his hand)

SETH: (Wipes his face on his sleeve) It's getting so hot in here

T-BAG: Did I say you could talk, Cherry? You'll know when I want you to open your mouth

(T-BAG gets off his bed)

T-BAG: Geary! You gotta do something about the heat

GEARY: We're doing the best we can

T-BAG: Your best is garbage. It's 100 degrees in here

GEARY: Look like I got frost bite to you?


(Cell doors open)

GEARY: Line it up!

(INMATES come towards the line)

(T-BAG steps over the line)

T-BAG: Why don' you transfer us all somewhere cooler, like, Africa?

(The INMATES murmur their approval)

GEARY: Get your ass on the line convict

(Other INMATES step over the line)

T-BAG: We'll move when the temperature situation is rectified

MACK: Hey BELLICK, this is MACK in cell block. We got some conns popping off

BELLICK: Give 'em a smack, throw 'em on the line and write 'em up. If you can' handle it don' cash your paycheck this week

(BELLICK walks through the door of the sick bay and finds SARAH)

BELLICK: This is not a good time doc

SARAH: I just got a call. A prisoner has heat exhaustion

BELLICK: He's faking it

SARAH: Is that your medical opinion?

BELLICK:(Takes his hat off) We got a bunch of overheated cons getting loud in A-wing

SARAH: I don' blame 'em. It's like an oven in here

BELLICK: Everything's under control, you should go back to the infirmary and when things calm down I'll have your patients transferred from sick bay. Just looking out for your best interests

SARAH: And I appreciate that umm but officer BELLICK we both know that it's illegal to deny a prisoner medical care and you could lose your job over it. Now I'm just looking out for your best interests

(BELLICK puts his hat back on)

BELLICK: Go right on in

(BELLICK walks away)

SARAH: Thank you sir



GEARY: Now don't be a baby T-BAG, it aint that hot

T-BAG: Not that hot! When this guy woke up this morning (T-BAG points to a black inmate) he was white!

(Other inmates start agreeing)

GEARY: You wanna cool off?

(GEARY throws a cup of water on T-BAG)

(MACK comes up behind GEARY)

MACK: Step back

T-BAG: We'll step back when we get some wind blowing in here

GEARY: Alright that's it, lockdown! Everyone back to your cells! I said everyone back to your cells! Now convicts! Lockdown!


(Gates close)

SUCRE: You got your lockdown bro. Do your thing

MICHAEL: You're coming with me

SUCRE: What! NO no no no. I'm the lookout man that's it

MICHAEL: I need you down there, it's a two man job. Let's hang a sheet

SUCRE: You only hang a sheet when you and your cellmate want to get friendly

MICHAEL: You wanna protect your prison rep or you wanna get out of here?

(MICHAEL passes SUCRE the sheet)

(MICHAEL and SUCRE go through the toilet)

(INMATES climb up the gates)

BELLCIK: What thee hells going on here?

GEARY: They got belligerent and refused to rack in

BELLICK: You locked it down with INMATES still out of their cells?

GEARY: I figured we could handle 20 out of control inmates better than 300

T-BAG: Listen up bros. BELLICK. I got one for you. What do you call a piece of white trash who couldn't pass the cops exam and now makes less than the mailman? A CO

(INMATES start laughing)

BELLICK: Get your hands off the fence!

INMATE: Suck it pig!

BELLICK: You know Teddy. You really let me down. And that's hard to do because I don't expect much from the inbred child of a retard.

(This gets to T-BAG)

BELLICK: That's right Teddy, I read your psych records bout how your dad raped his Mongoloid sister and then 9 months later little Teddy pops out

(T-BAG gets out of control)

T-BAG: I'm gonna kill you

(INMATES climb the bars)

BELLICK: Hot as hell. They'll wear themselves out eventually


(LINCOLN looks out window)

LINCOLN: The call was a fake. What about a stay of execution?

NICK: It's legally insufficient

LINCOLN: What the hell does that mean?

(LINCOLN kicks a chair)

LINCOLN: What the hell does that mean?

VERONICA: It means the prosecution could point out the evidence from your criminal trial okay, the blood, the video, the gun. A questionable phone call is not going to stack up to that.

LINCOLN: It's something right?

NICK: Absolutely. We got an area code. My contact will track it down to someplace more specific, a building, a neighborhood, a block to the person who made this call

LINCOLN: Okay, what happens next?

NICK: We need to catch the next flight to Washington DC. That is if you trust me now


T-BAG: It's coming! It's coming! It's coming! Get on the train! Whoo!

(INMATES are taking bars off the door)

T-BAG: Get on the train! Get on the train!

BELLICK: Let's get to my office

T-BAG: Oh just what I thought. Piglets scared of a big bad wolf! A big bad wolf!

(BELLICK, MACK and GEARY walk to BELLICKS office)

T-BAG: Oh just what I thought! Get on the train!


(MICHAEL and Sucre walk under A-WING. They can hear the riot above them)

MICHAEL: Come on


(INMATES get through)



(BELLICK grabs a gun)

(They look at the screen for the security cameras. They see the INMATES inside)

(MACK realizes he doesn't have his keys)

(The INMATES open the gates for the cells)


(CHARLES' cat runs away)

(T-BAG finds MACKS keys, he holds them up to the camera)

BELLICK: whose keys are those?

MACK: I guess in all the commotion

(BELLICK tries to walk out. GEARY stops him)

GEARY: How many rounds do you think you'll get off before they get their hands on you?

BELLICK: (To radio) This is BELLICK. Our wing has been breached. I want A-WING evacuated and shut down. All access to B-WING shut off now



SARAH: I'm gonna get some fluids into you. You'll be as good as new okay. Nod your head if you believe me

(PATIENT nods his head, yes)

SARAH: Good man

(SARAH walks to the next patient)

SARAH: THEO. What can we do for you today?

SARAH: Hmm. This where it hurts?

THEO: A little higher to the left

SARAH: Your 3 weeks post-op. Your knee is being held together by a rod and 3 screws. Tenderness is normal. No more meds

(SARAH walks to the next patient)

SARAH: Okay KEAME why are you back?

GUARD OVER RADIO: INMATES have compromised lockdown and breached A-WING. A-WING is shutting down

PATIENT: It's popping off in G-POP!

(Other Patients cheer)


MICHAEL: Somewhere on the other side of this wall is a drainage pipe to the prisons old sewer system. If we can get through this wall we can get into the pipe. If we can get into the pipe we can get into the infirmary. If we can get into the infirmary we can get out of here

(SUCRE smiles)


(LINCOLN sits down) GUARD: Sorry all visitors have to leave. You have to leave. There is a minor disturbance in cell block. A-WING is being shut down for safety purposes


VERONICA: Will he be okay?

GUARD: You have to leave now

LINCOLN: Go to DC its all we got. I'll take care of MICHAEL alright



(GUARD takes LINCOLN out)

GUARD: Sorry about cutting you short

LINCOLN: How many times do I have to tell you not to apologize, makes you look weak, now what's going on?

GUARD: Like I said, it's a minor disturbance

LINCOLN: A minor disturbance? My brother is in GEN-POP so give it to me straight

GUARD: Some clowns breached cell block but they cant get anywhere they always have locked doors at each end there's nothing to worry about

LINCOLN: Son of a bitch

PA: Additional sections of A-WING have been compromised

(T-BAG runs and stops when he sees LINCOLN)

T-BAG: Well I'll be damned. A rookie CO and it aint even Christmas!

LINCOLN: Take the cuffs off. Give me the key! Get out of here T-BAG

T-BAG: Oh I see you found him first. Finders keepers. You know, I respect that I do but I think we can work something out

LINCOLN: What you got?

T-BAG: Oh I can make your last few weeks on this earth enjoyable. Get you some Demerol, some X. Make you forget about that big bad chair

LINCOLN: No deal

T-BAG: You got to learn the art of negotiation. Lesson 1 bargaining position. Rules have changed

INMATE: Get the pig!

(GUARD tries to get away)

(LINCOLN pushes guard up against the wall)

LINCOLN: What are you doing? You'll never make it

T-BAG: Chill, Sink. No blood needs to spill, Sink

LINCOLN: Just walk away

T-BAG: We both know that aint gonna happen



(MICHAEL prepares light)

SUCRE: That one big pile of concrete. How do you know where the pipe is?

MICHAEL: We've got someone to show us where it is

SUCRE: Oh really? Who?

(MICAHEL turns the light on)

(SUCRE does the sign of the cross. The devil from MICHAELS tattoo is now reflected on the wall)



SARAH: Infections not that bad. I'll give you some penicillin just to make sure

PATIENT: Thanks Doc

GUARD: This is Rizzo. Does A-WING need back up? Over

MAN: Negative. A-wing is evacuated and locked down. Remain in B-WING

(SARAH walks back in with the penicillin shot and finds the GUARD handcuffed to the pole)

PATIENT: Whats up Doc?

(The PATIENT grabs her throat)

(SARAH stabs him with the penicillin shot)

(SARAH quickly goes to the next room and locks the door)

PATIENT: Come on Doc

SARAH: You don't want to do this

(SARAH tries to call a GUARD)

(A PATIENT holds up the cut phone cord)

PATIENT: I'm sorry this line is experiencing technical difficulties


T-BAG: You ever seen one of those safari shows where a bunch of cheaters jump up on an antelope? Guess which one you are (Cackles)

(LINCOLN grabs one of the INMATES head and head buts him)

(Fights break out)

(LINCOLN goes alright until T-BAG hits him on the head with a small metal pole)

(LINCOLN falls down, unconscious)

T-BAG: Tough little girl aint he


SUCRE: I believe the devils got some crazy power but I don't think shining him on this wall is gonna bring him down. Unless he has a sledgehammer with him

MICHAEL: We don't need a sledgehammer

(MICHAEL passes SUCRE the eggbeater)

SUCRE: What the hell am I suppose to do with this?


(The INMATES are out of control in the SICK BAY)

GUARD OVER RADIO: SSICK BAY report. SICK BAY please. SICK BAY come in. is everything okay?

PATIENT: You know what to say

GUARD: All clear in SICK BAY. Over

GUARD: Roger that


Sucre: Let them worry about the noise. You worry about how you are gonna drill through a 6 inch concrete wall with what used to be a eggbeater

MICHAEL: Ever hear of tensile strength? Hooke's law of elasticity?

SUCRE: What do you think?

MICHAEL: If we drill holes in strategic locations, we compromise the walls load carrying capacity of the wall

SUCRE: How about speaking English?

MICHAEL: We'll to be able to break through the wall. Give me that

(SUCRE hands him the eggbeater)

MICHAEL: We go in through the tip of each horn, the eyes, the end of the nose, the bottom of the fangs, end of the braids, makes a sort of X. Lets get to it


(MEN prepare to enter prison)



BELLICK: If I can get DIRT in there with some of the newer guns we can....

WARDEN: End the riot today and start the funerals tomorrow

BELLICK: I can contain this

GUARD: WARDEN I got a call for you

WARDEN: Not now

GUARD: I think you should take this, it's the GOVERNOR




GOVERNOR: Where's my daughter?

WARDEN: Not to worry sir she's fine. She's in SICK BAY, in B-WING. It's a completely different part of the facility, locked off from the disturbance

GOVERNOR: That's what you're calling a riot nowadays? Can these animals get to her?

WARDEN: Sir it's impossible for anyone from A-WING to get to SICK Bay. A GUARD has assured us that everything is fine. We have everything under control GOVERNOR

GOVERNOR: For your sake you better hope you do



(PATIENT tries to brake through the window with a chair)

(PATIENTS keep yelling at her)


MICHAEL: It's your turn

SUCRE: No, I aint messing with Diablo

MICHAEL: We can't afford any down time we have to keep drilling

SUCRE: It's bad mojo. You are kidding. I guess with him you drill into him he got pissed, then what? I got enough enemies already papi okay?

MICHAEL: You believe in god right?

SUCRE: You know I do

MICHAEL: So your protected. He'll protect you from him

(SUCRE takes the eggbeater and starts drilling)


(T-BAG takes guard down stairs)

(INMATES cheer as he enters GEN-POP)

T-BAG: Gentleman oh, gentleman! Once Bob and I are done getting acquainted everyone else will get their turn

(INMATES cheer)

T-BAG: We're gonna have a little fun Bobby. Don't worry I don't got the Blickey I'm pipey and clean 

(GUARD tries to get away)

T-BAG: Where you going rookie? NO no no no no no no no no no no. They always think they can run away

(The GUARD kicks T-bag. T-BAG punches him over and over again)



SUCRE: I got a question for you fish. What if you do all this work and the pipe turns out to be 10 feet that way?

MICHAEL: It won't

SUCRE: What you got x-ray vision?

MICHAEL: I calculated the drill point co-ordinates, hid them in my tattoo and projected them onto the wall. Everything's been worked out so the image hits the right point of the wall. Its just math

SUCRE: What if your math's wrong

MICHAEL: You'll drill into one of the dozen gas lines behind the wall. There'll be an explosion and we'll be burnt alive.

SUCRE: But you're good at math right?


(T-BAG beats GUARD and kicks him into MICHAEL and SUCRES cell)

(The GUARD holds onto the toilet, pulling it out)

(T-BAG sees the hole)

T-BAG: They're breaking out. They're breaking....!

(ABRUZZI comes up behind him)




(PATIENT continues to try to break the window)

(PATIENT puts his arm through)

PATIENT: Yo stroke, you got longer arms than me

(SARAH stabs him with a needle)

PATIENT: That bitch got me!


WARDEN: You think its hot now? I want all the water shut off

BELLICK: I'll call maintenance

WARDEN: MACK you take care of it

MACK: Yes sir


(MICHAEL crawls through the hole behind the toilet)

ABRUZZI: Yea, we have a problem

T-BAG: Bob here's seen the hole. He's gotta go away

(SUCRE comes through the hole behind the toilet)

MICHAEL: No ones going anywhere

T-BAG: He's seen the hole

ABRUZZI: So have you

SUCRE: Looks like your lockdown idea didn't work out so good hu?

GUARD: I have a daughter, please

T-BAG: We gotta kill him

MICHAEL: The cops are right outside and they'll stay outside as long as they know where keeping him alive

T-BAG: But he's a guard he's gonna squeal

ABRUZZI: What the hell does this have to do with you? This is not any of your concern

T-BAG: Hm. See, Bob here knows about our secret. He knows about our escape so its all of our concern now isn't it


(CHARLES WESTMORELAND finds LINCOLN lying down on the ground)

(CHARLES turns him around)


CHARLES: Easy big fella it's me, looks like you've taken a pretty big hit. Cons got that rookie guard in GEN-POP. Kids probably dead already or wishing he was

LINCOLN: Where's Scofield?

CHARLES: Haven't seen him since things jumped off

TURK: You looking for Scofield?


TURK: Follow me


ABRUZZI: Now you listen pervert, you're in as much trouble as he is right now, you understand

T-BAG: Go ahead, go ahead strike me. Let's see how many times I can shout out about your little hole before I bleed out. Every cons gonna know about your escape before a drip of my blood hits the floor so you see friends either im through that hole with you or im gonna sing like Johnny Cash



(PATIENTS continue to try get through the window)

PATIENT: Open the door


INMATE: Hey yo! Check it! Strokes about to get the Doc!

(MICHAEL comes to have a look)

(MICHAEL sees SARAH in the camera)

MICHAEL: Sucre I need you to finish what we started

SUCRE: Where are you going?


ABRUZZI: There's no way to B-WING we're locked out

MICHAEL: Not me. No one touches the CO, no one

T-BAG: (To ABRUZZI) You gonna clue me in paisano?


(TURK and LINCOLN walk through a gate)


(Conversation Turk had)



(MICHAEL makes his way to SICK BAY)

(MICHAEL gets on roof of FOX RIVER STATE PENITENTIARY he can see SARAH through the window)



(PATIENTS continue to try break through the window)

(SARAH sits with a piece of glass in her hand wrapped up in her coat)



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ShanInXYZ, 04.12.2024 à 03:19

Nouveau mois sur le quartier Doctor Who : Calendriers, jeux et infos sur l'épisode de Noël, passez voir le Docteur

pretty31, 04.12.2024 à 11:08

Une nouvelle bannière est en vote pour le quartier HypnoClap, merci pour votre aide

Locksley, 04.12.2024 à 13:14

Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

choup37, 04.12.2024 à 16:02

Nouveau sondage spécial Noel à Kaamelott ouvert à tous et toutes, calendrier, pdm et survivor, on vous espère nombreux

Evangeline, Hier à 17:21

Hello! Nouvelle PDM et nouveau sondage sur Outer Banks! N'hésitez pas à passer! Bon we à tous!

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