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#107 : Au coeur de l'Enfer - Partie 2

Résumé : L'émeute progresse... les prisonniers détiennent un gardien de prison ainsi que le Docteur Tancredi ! Michael intervient et s'enfuit avec Sara dans les conduits des faux plafonds... Lincoln échappe de peu à une mort programmée tandis que Fernando et Abruzzi tentent de démolir le mur en appliquant la méthode de Scofield. Le gouverneur de l'Illinois et les militaires font également leur entrée...


4.36 - 11 votes

Titre VO
Riots, Drills and the Devil Part 2

Titre VF
Au coeur de l'Enfer - Partie 2

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Photo de l'épisode #1.07

Photo de l'épisode #1.07

Photo de l'épisode #1.07


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France (redif)
Vendredi 16.06.2017 à 04:25

Logo de la chaîne FOX

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 03.10.2005 à 21:00
9.48m / 4.5% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Durée : 45 min

Avec : Dominic Purcell, Wentworth Miller, Robin Tunney, Peter Stormare, Amaury Nolasco, Marshall Allman, Wade Williams, Paul Adelstein, Robert Knepper, Sarah Wayne Callies
Moments forts :

Michael sauve Sara in extremis et l'entraîne dans les réseaux...
Michael et Sara se retrouvent l'un face à l'autre...
Le mur est percé grâce à Fernando et Abruzzi
L'émeute prend de l'ampleur...
T-Bag tue le nouveau gardien
Sara sauve à son tour Michael
Le gouverneur Tancredi fait irruption à Fox River

Épisode 7 : Riots, Drills and the Devil - Part 2

Michael redescend des toits pendant que les renforts arrivent en masse. Les militaires prennent position et attendant les instructions. Un des prisonniers les prévient qu’ils ont Bob et la Doc en otages… Pope tente de contenir Bellick qui souhaite utiliser la manière forte. Lincoln, piégé par Turk, est agressé par derrière…


Lincoln se défend et assomme Turk avant de revenir sur ses pas… L’émeute progresse toujours et T-Bag se retrouve seul avec le gardien Bob lorsque Fernando part continuer le travail de Michael sur le mur…

Scofield déambule à travers les couloirs pour atteindre le quartier des malades…

Nick et Véronica sont en vol pour Washington DC et réfléchissent aux éventuels suspects qui auraient pu vouloir s’en prendre à Terrence Steadman. Le frère du vice-président était un partisan de l’économie durable et s’était fait beaucoup d’ennemi.

Sara, toujours prostrée sur elle-même, continue à crier à l’aide pendant que les détenus s’acharnent à tout saccager et s’obstinent à vouloir entrer… Les fondations n’ont d’ailleurs plus l’air très solides. Les médias et le gouverneur pénètrent dans l’enceinte de la prison ! !

T-Bag, cherchant à effrayer Bob, empreinte son portefeuille et commence à fouiner… Il découvre son vrai nom : Tyler Robert Hudson ainsi que son adresse. Abruzzi arrive et saute sur T-Bag.

Sara ne sait plus quoi faire… d’autant que les prisonniers ont trouvé une nouvelle idée pour la faire sortir : ils vont l’enfumer ! ! Ils enflamment un torchon et le balancent à travers la salle… Sara, en tentant de l’éteindre, s’approche un peu trop près de la fenêtre et Stroke lui attrape les cheveux violemment. Il la tire à lui mais Sara le blesse avec son morceau de verre ! Elle se rue de nouveau au centre de la pièce lorsqu’une main la touche en provenance du plafond… elle lève la tête et aperçoit Michael qui lui tend les bras. Elle n’hésite pas beaucoup et se laisse hisser… ils disparaissent ensemble. Ils longent les tuyaux mais les autres détenus les poursuivent en écoutant leurs pas.

Véronica et Nick ont atterrit et découvrent sur les écrans le problème qui règne à la Fox River… Mais, ils n’ont pas vraiment le temps de s’attarder car ils ont déjà un RDV avec un indic.

LJ se dispute sévèrement avec l’homme qui partage la vie de sa mère. Ils en viennent aux mains. Quant à Lincoln senior il est rattrapé par Turk et une nouvelle bagarre a lieu… Finalement, Turk tombe accidentellement d’un étage et Lincoln s’enfuit.

Abruzzi a rejoint Fernando et tous deux finissent d’accomplir le travail… Après avoir percé tous les trous stratégiques, ils prennent une masse et démolissent le mur qui cède aussi facilement que Michael l’avait prédit.

Michael et Sara font une pause et discutent. Sara ne comprend pas comment Michael a pu venir jusqu’à elle à travers ces faux plafonds… et Michael lui raconte que son premier travaille à l’IP était de désintoxiquer la moisissure apparente de ces sordides couloirs. Le Dr Tancredi, toujours aux aguets, lui demande s’il portait bien un masque… Scofield la rassure. Un des panneaux, au dessous d’eux, s’ouvre lentement… Michael attend patiemment que la tête de l’un des détenus apparaisse avant de lui envoyer un bon coup de pied ! !

Pope s’oppose au gouverneur quant à la méthode a adopter… Le gouverneur est furieux car sa fille est toujours prisonnière…

Michael et Sara descendent finalement et se retrouvent face à face, l’un contre l’autre… leurs regards se croisent, le moment est intense ! Mais Stroke débarque et Michael se rue sur lui… Un deuxième détenu arrive, celui blessé au genou, et s’en prend à son tour à Scofield ! Sara réagit et, à l’aide d’un bâton, lui frappe violemment la jambe… il s’écroule et tous deux s’enfuient à nouveau.

T-Bag effraie Bob avec une photo de sa fille à qui il promet de rendre visite une fois dehors ! ! Le gardien Hudson est terrifié !

Ils se retrouvent devant une issue et Michael souhaite qu’elle passe la porte mais Sara ne veut pas le laisser seul alors il lui rappelle qu’il fait partit des « méchants » ! ! ! Sara doit se presser car les autres sont juste derrière puis elle remarque une cible rouge qui descend le long du corps à Scofield… Paniquée à l’idée qu’il se fasse tuer, elle refuse de sortir mais Michael la rassure en lui promettant de sauter à terre dès qu’elle franchira cette porte ! Au moment où Sara pousse la porte, Michael se jette à terre et Storke arrive et se prend la balle en pleine poitrine. Sara est sauvée mais elle reste inquiète… l’émeute se poursuit !

L’indic de Nick se pointe comme convenu au RDV, et informe les deux avocats que l’appel venait d’une cabine téléphonique… Ils s’y rendent et remarquent que le bâtiment se situant juste en face est vide. Ils se renseignent auprès du vigil et apprennent que cet édifice appartenait avant à une entreprise d’industrie – Ecofield- celle-là même dont Terrence Steadman était le président. Ils n’ont pas le temps de s’interroger que le téléphone de la cabine se met à sonner ! ! Véronica décroche… au bout du fil, une personne lui reproche de poser trop de questions ! Nick prend le combiné et entend « vous êtes tous les deux morts » ! !

Lincoln rejoint l’équipe à la cellule 40 et trouve T-Bag en compagnie de Bob, toujours attaché ! Puis, Michael réapparaît, ils s’enlacent et remontent à la cellule.

Pope menace Bellick de représailles si à l’avenir il le surprend à nouveau à le dénigrer dans son dos et surtout devant un supérieur ! ! Le capitaine Bellick ne bronche pas.

Sara retrouve son père… qui ordonne aux militaires de nettoyer ce bordel… Sara, larmoyante, est inquiète du sort réservé aux détenus. Les gardes reprennent le contrôle et pendant tout ce chahut, T-Bag en profite pour assassiner Bob en lui plantant une lame dans le ventre. Puis, il le balance par dessus la balustrade. Le corps atterrit juste devant la cellule de Westmoreland… Seth et Michael sont aussi témoins de la scène.

Sara consulte la liste des survivants et se sent rassurée… puis elle demande à un responsable pourquoi l’IP a t-elle été envoyée dans l’aile A traiter de la moisissure toxique. Mais, le type lui répond que jamais aucun détenu n’a été envoyé dans les conduits des faux plafonds de l’aile A ! ! !



Continued from the last episode:

Michael is peering from the top of the roof of FOX RIVER. Helicopters are circling the prison. He crawls to an overhead vent. Just as he is about to remove the vent, a helicopter comes circling above the roof. Michael waits for the helicopter to pass and then successfully removes the screen of the vent and climbs in.


Army vans are entering the prison. Men dressed in attire and carrying guns, rush towards the perimeters of the prison.

POPE: (To Stoltz) Any word from the Governor?

STOLTZ: Not yet.

POPE: (Walks towards Bellick) BELLICK! Get those guys in line.

BELLICK: (To another CO) Get them in to formation. (Turns back to pope). We're going back in?

POPE: Not yet. We cut the water off about an hour ago. The stink alone should drive them out from there.

BELLICK: You think that's going to work?

POPE: No, but its protocol. And we're all going to do this by the book. It's the best chance we have of everybody getting out of there without getting hurt.

(From the window, we see a prison waving his hands shouting towards the CO's).

POPE: (Taking the loudspeaker from Bellick) This is the warden. What's happening in there?

PRISONER: We've got some demands.

(We see Abruzzi telling the prisoner what to tell Pope from the window)

ABRUZZI: Tell him we need the air back on.

PRISONER: (to Pope) We need the AC.

ABRUZZI: We got a hostage, a guard.

PRISONER: We got a hostage.

BELLICK: (To another CO) Find out who's in there. (CO comes back to Bellick after seconds. Bellick looks worried.) He's got Bob.

ABRUZZI: The girl doctor. Tell him we got her.

PRISONER: Why don't you do it?

ABRUZZI: I don't want to get shot.

PRISONER: (Keeps himself covered by the wall so he doesn't get shot) And we got the girl doctor.

POPE: Doctor?

BELLICK: Only one.

POPE: (Getting angry) How the hell did that happen? How did they get their hands on her?

BELLICK: I thought she was safe. She was in sick bay.

POPE: We gotta get her out of there. Somebody has to go in there NOW.

BELLICK: Can't do it, Sir.

POPE: Why not?

BELLICK: (smugly) It's not by the book.

(The Pope starts to say something but stops. He looks overhead and see's helicopters swirling around. A man in an army uniform comes up to the pope.)

SOLDIER: Sir, I've got some updates for you.

POPE: OK. (Hands the loudspeaker to Bellick and runs after him).


(Sick Bay. Sara is at the window and screaming for a way out).

SARA: HELP!! (Banging the windows with all her might). HELP!!


(Somewhere in the chambers of the Prison, Turk comes into view and is leading Lincoln somewhere.)

LINCOLN: Scofield's here? Ow. (He bends over in pain, but continues to follow Turk) You're sure he's in here? Turk? Turk?

(Suddenly out of nowhere, Turk reappears and hits Lincoln on the back, attempting to strangle him with some wire/string. A struggle takes place.)





Lincoln struggles against Turk. Turk still has the wire/string around Lincoln's neck. Lincoln moves back and hits Turk against one of the pipes. He punches Turk in the stomach, and Turk falls back. Lincolns falls too and gasps for air.


(Back in A-Wing, the prisoners are still getting roused up. It's a mess in there. There is a huge commotion. The camera pans around and then focuses on Michael's cell. T-bag removes the guard's (Bob's) boots and his belt.)

SUCRE: (Unscrewing the toilet) You ain't going to use that. (Referring to the belt)

T-BAG: You making up the rules now, sa?

SUCRE: It's my house. You got a problem?

T-BAG: Yea, I got a problem. (Removes the shoelaces from the boot). We all do.

BOB: No problem, I swear to God. I'm not going to say anything. I didn't see anything. (Looks very scared).

SUCRE: That's right badge. You didn't see nothing. (Removes the toilet).

BOB: Wait. Don't leave.

SUCRE: Sorry. I'll be back.

T-BAG: (To Sucre) Oy, I'll cover for you. (To Bob) Don't worry CO, alright? I'm not going to hurt nobody. (Sucre crawls through the hole in the cell) I'm part of the team now. C'mon help a brother out. Drag that over... That's the way.

(Bob puts the toilet back to where it was. T-Bag keeps giving him looks).


(Michael's legs appear and then his full body. He is somewhere in the vents. He looks around and continues crawling through them. He hears a sudden noise, stops and then starts crawling again.)


(A plane is flying in the air)

AIRHOSTESS: Ladies and Gentlemen, please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts. We're making our final approach to Washington DC.

NICK: We need to focus on the real question. Who wanted Terrence Steadman dead?

VERONICA: The call came from D.C. What does that tell you?

NICK: You've got to think past the government though. Anybody could be here. A business partner, a rival.

VERONICA: Before Steadman was killed, Ecofield introduced prototype electric engine at the techno conference. Sixty dollar barrels of oil be obsolete if that thing ever hit the mainstream.

NICK: Could be oil. Oil Companies.

VERONICA: Buyers, consumers, everything in between.

NICK: Or the government of an oil-based economy. Like the United States.

AIRHOSTESS: Can I take your soda?

NICK: Sure. Thank you.

AIR HOSTESS: Thank you.

NICK: Anyway, when we land, we meet my guy. Even if we don't find the person who tipped off the cops, we'll find his phone. The paper trail begins.


(Sick bay. The prisoners are banging on the door, while Sara hides behind a chair. She gets up, and starts banging on the window.)

SARA: Help!!


(Michael is still crawling through the vents. He comes to the end of one. He removes the screen and goes through the next vent with the help of a pipe.)


(Back in the prison grounds, a police car followed by a black van and a limousine enter the prison.)

POPE: (To Bellick) That's the Governor. Whatever happens, don't say anything. (To the Governor) Governor, appreciate you coming. Now you should know since our conversation this morning, the situation has escalated. But not to worry, we're making good progress with our convicts.

GOVERNOR: Just cut the crap, Warden. And tell me where my daughter is.


(Back in Sick bay, Sara is still screaming for help.)



(Michael's cell)

T-BAG: (Looking at Bob's wallet) We got here, uh, Tyler Robert Hudson. That is fancy, CO. Well look at that address: 144 Oak Park. What's this?

BOB: Terrace.

T-BAG: Terrace... How do you swing that? Sounds like you about something, living of ... Terrace. I can't wait to kick it... (I can't make out what he's saying here). Aww, this here must be your daughter. (Looks at a photo of a girl).

BOB: Put it back.

T-BAG: Prom? You know what they say about a prom dress, don't you? She didn't come home did she? She waited all night long...Next morning, she had to throw that dress in the trashcan by the motel, so that her momma didn't see the....

ABRUZZI: Hey hey hey hey hey...What the hell are you doing?

T-BAG: I'm just kicking with deputy dawg... you know, talking women.

ABRUZZI: I'll be very clear here, because you and I face an evolutionary gap. (He takes T-bag by the arms and pushes him against the wall.) You ain't gonna hurt this man. We're locked into this thing now, understand? And he's all the leverage we have.

BOB: Thank you.

ABRUZZI: You're welcome. (To T-bag) Now, do we have an understanding?

T-BAG: I'm on your side now. You understand me? I'm just going with the flow. You let me know when you're done with your leverage. (Exits the cell)

(Abruzzi peers behind the toilet, looking very interested.)


Sick bay.

SARA: Somebody help!!!

THEO: Let's smoke the bitch out.


Michael in the vents. Looks like he's reached Sick bay. He pulls open one of the flat pieces and sees the prisoners setting fire to a book and hears Sara screaming. He puts the piece back and continues crawling. The prisoners throw the book into the room where Sara is hiding. Sara goes towards the book, trying to stamp off the fire. She puts a trashcan over the book, but unfortunately she's too close to the door. A prisoner grabs her hair. Sara screams.

PRISONER: It ain't gonna hurt real bad, if you make it easy. If you make it hard, ... (he licks Sara's face).

(Sara turns her face in disgust and stabs the prisoner with a shard of glass. The prisoner recoils in pain and Sara goes to the far end of the room. Suddenly, a hand comes from the top and touches Sara's shoulder. She turns around in surprise and see's Michael up in the vents.)

MICHAEL: C'mon. Grab my hand. C'mon.


CUT TO: Sick bay.

Michael still has his arm out for Sara to take. Sara looks around, sees the smoke filling the room. She realizes she has no choice but to take his hand.

MICHAEL: I've got you.

(He pulls Sara so that she's on top of the pipes. She looks very shaken and scared.)

MICHAEL: (He puts a hand on her shoulder.) Are you alright? (She flinches.) It's OK. I'm not gonna hurt you. See these pipes? We're going to stay on them. They go through the wall and over the hallway and they're going to get us out of here. All you have to do is follow me. OK?

SARA: (Still shaken, she tries her best to calm down. She nods). Yea.

MICHAEL: Ok. Let's go.

(They leave. Back in the room, Theo looks in and can't see her.)

THEO: Where'd she go?


Washington DC Airport.

VERONICA: Where are we meeting him?

NICK: Georgetown, in a parking garage. He's a private investigator. He used to be my roommate - freshman year.

TELEVISION CHANNEL: The disturbance has escalated.

VERONICA: Oh my god Nick, look. Should we go back or keep going?

NICK: Let's keep going. You want to go back and stand there with the rest of the people who aren't helping? C'mon.


LJ's house. LJ is watching the same news on the television.

LISA (His mom): C'mon honey, it's time.

LJ: Hold on, hold on.

(Lisa looks at the TV)

LISA: It's not Fox River is it?

(LJ nods)

LISA: (She switches off the television.)

LJ: What are you doing?

LISA: We have to go, c'mon.

LJ: No, Dad might be in trouble.

LISA: Your father is already in trouble, there's nothing we can do about it. Look just don't make a scene ok? He (referring to her new husband) gets very uncomfortable with this think ok? Let's just go.

LJ: Oh..God Forbid man. We're just talking about my old man here, and his life, if that's alright with you.

LISA'S HUSBAND: Leave me out of this.

LJ: I am leaving you out of it. I left you out of it the day I met you.

LISA: ok, LJ....

LJ: Coz nothing in her life or mine has anything to do with you.

LISA'S HUSBAND: I don't want to hear anything else.

LJ: Oh yea, or what?

LISA'S HUSBAND: You see, this is what I'm talking about. This is the kind of crap I have to deal with.

LISA: Just let me handle it.

LJ: The kind of crap you have to deal with?

LISA: LJ, you want to talk to him, you gotta....

LJ: Ow, you got no clue do you? (Getting teary).

LISA: Honey,

LJ: Leave me alone.

LJ and LISA'S HUSBAND get into a fight.


LJ: You love that man?

LISA: Just go...

LJ: You love that man...


Somewhere in the prison. Turk is hiding behind a pipe holding a rod of some kind. He hears Lincoln coughing. Lincoln comes into view. He sees Turk coming up behind him.

LINCOLN: Turk, why are you doing this? Who sent you? Why? Why?

Turk aims at Lincoln and a fight breaks out. Turk is thrown over and he lands with a THUD - apparently unconscious. Lincoln goes down to him and tries to wake him up.

LINCOLN: Why did you do this? What's it all about? Who sent you? You gotta help me. You gotta help. Please. TURK!

(Unfortunately, Turk dies).


(Sucre is still drilling through the holes and muttering in Spanish. )

ABRUZZI: Who's your friend?

SUCRE: (Gets scared) What the hell...raomi..?

ABRUZZI: Who you talking to?

SUCRE: It's the Fish's idea. The devil marks the wall so you know where to drill the holes.

ABRUZZI: You're drilling holes with an egg beater?

SUCRE: I know crazy huh? It's called the Hooker Law. It says that if you poke the exact right holes into something big and strong, it gets very weak.

ABRUZZI: That's true.

SUCRE: When the wall is weak, we can take it down. At least that's the plan.

ABRUZZI: Yea...it's always the plan. You should never underestimate a wall. You see, sometimes however hard you try, it just won't give in.


Michael and Sara are walking on top of the pipes. Sara is feeling a little breathless.

MICHAEL: Are you alright?

SARA: I'm Ok... I'm fine.

Meanwhile the prisoners are still trying to look for her.

SARA:  You know what, I need a minute. I'm sorry.

MICHAEL: It's not much further.

SARA: Just a sec.

MICHAEL: You know, we can stop if you want. Catch our breath.

SARA: Ok. Yea, I could use a minute.

The prisoners have a mop and are trying to life up the vent pieces to see if she's there.

MICHAEL: Things should be winding down around now. Pretty soon, the powers (I can't understand) will break in and it will all be over. It's just a matter of time.

SARA: What's happening in A-Wing?

MICHAEL: All hell is breaking loose. But I think if we stay up here, we should be ok.

SARA: I can't believe this is happening.


Prisoners who are looking for her.

PRISONER: You miss it girl... you know you want it girl.


Michael and Sara.

Michael: You ever been to Baja? Mexico? There's this great place down there. Twenty bucks a night. Hammock on the back deck. Beers are fifty cents. Twenty five cents at happy hour. (Sara smiles). You ever been to Thailand? Thailand's great.

SARA: Michael, if you're trying to calm me down, you're doing a terrible job. (Smiles)

Michael (Smiles): But I am trying.

The two of them share a smile/light laugh.

SARA: Why are you here?

MICHAEL: What do you mean?

SARA: Crawling around in the ceiling, risking your life.

MICHAEL: You needed help, and uhh, I came to find you.

SARA: (a little surprised) How'd you know where to go?

MICHAEL: (coming up with an excuse) When everything went off in A-Wing, the CO's left the station and I saw you on the monitor. One of my first assignments on PI, we were up here cleaning out toxic mould. Took days, so I'm kind of familiar with the layout.

SARA: Hope you wore a mask.

MICHAEL: Excuse me.

SARA: To prevent inhalation. Mould can be really dangerous.

MICHAEL: Yea, (with a smile on his face, turns around) I wore a mask.

They keep moving.

The Prisoners hear something up in the vents and Theo gets on a chair and starts poking though to see if he can find her.

MICHAEL: The door to the visitation room. Did you ever use it?

SARA: Not usually, but my access card should work.

Michael sees someone lifting the vent screens and motions to Sara to come to him quick.

MICHAEL: C'mon, let's go.

Theo pokes the vent again and Michael kicks his head with his shoe.

MICHAEL: (urgently) Let's go.


Prison Grounds.

POPE: Yes Sir, I understand. But believe me, Sara is our top priority.

GOVERNOR: The hell she is. I ordered a state of emergency an hour ago. Soldier.


GOVERNOR: Get me your commanding officer.

SOLDIER: Right away, Sir.

GOVERNOR: Now what the hell is going on out here?

POPE: Negotiating Sir. They can't hold on out much longer.

GOVERNOR: (Getting angry by the second) NEGOTIATING?

POPE: It is a hundred degrees in there. They're almost out of water. We are trying to avoid doing anything extreme.

GOVERNOR: Look, I don't care if it takes a massacre to get her out of there. Do you understand me? Now if you're not going to do it, I am.


GOVERNOR: Captain, spread the news. You're going in.


GOVERNOR: (To Pope) It's time to do this my way.


The Prisoners are still searching for Michael and Sara in the hallway. The latter are in a room, up in the vent waiting for the prisoners to leave, Once they are gone...

MICHAEL: Al right. (He gets down from the vent. Sara follows him. He holds out his arms to help her down.)


MICHAEL: Here I gotcha.

Michael managed to get Sara down and the two share a brief moment, staring into each other's eyes.


PRISONER: Hey Fish, you going to keep that nurse all to yourself?



Michael, Sara and the Prisoner.

The Prisoner moves towards Sara but Michael catches him by the arm around the neck and suffocates him. Theo comes in and tries to get Michael off the other prisoner, but Sara remembers that Theo cannot walk properly because of the rod in his leg. Hence, she kicks him thrice in the leg so that he can't get to Michael. Once the two prisoners are down, Michael and Sara make a run for it.

SARA: C'mon, this way.


Snipers are getting into position on the rooftops of the prison. Bellick is observing this. It seems as if he is getting what he wants.

BELLICK: Good call Governor, bringing in the big guys.

GOVERNOR: I appreciate your support.

BELLICK: Captain Brad Bellick. (Reaches his hand out for a handshake. The Governor takes it.) I sent you a letter earlier this year. My views on penal reform.

GOVERNOR: Oh, and what are they?

BELLICK: These inmates don't mess around. Us CO's need to get tough. Warden Pope's a good guy, don't get me wrong, but he doesn't understand that sometimes, you have to grab a situation by the gonads and take control.

GOVERNOR: And is that what you would do Captain?

BELLICK: Yes Sir. That's exactly what I would do.

(Pope sees Bellick talking to the Governor and heads towards them. Bellick leaves the company of the Governor).


Sucre and Abruzzi.

ABRUZZI: Give me that, Give me that. (Referring to the egg-beater. Sucre seems hesitant).

SUCRE: I don't know. I've...

ABRUZZI: Give me that thing. Demolition runs in the family. The whole trick is pressure. Where should I? Here...?


ABRUZZI: Good, good. See, you should push hard, but not too hard, just like...

SUCRE: Yea, but you've got to be careful though...

ABRUZZI: Yea, yea I know... I know...

SUCRE: (Getting nervous...) No, no no I mean it. One slip and you'll hit the gas pipe.

ABRUZZI: Gas...pipe....?. (turns around, bewildered)

SUCRE: Yea, you know, as in the pipe that carries the gas.

Suddenly, the lights go out. They both look worried.


Michael and Sara. Sara is leading the way, but she stops as she sees Prisoners in the hallway.

MICHAEL: We can't go this way.

SARA: We have to. There's no other way to Visitation. This is it.

MICHAEL: No, it's not. It's back this way.

SARA: (Not believing him). This won't help.

MICHAEL: Trust me.

SARA: Michael, if you're wrong...

MICHAEL: We don't have time.

Sara gives in and follows Michael.


Abruzzi is drilling and Sucre is looking on.

ABRUZZI: Not too hard, Not too soft.


Michael's cell. T-Bag is staring at himself in the mirror.

T-BAG: When I was her (Bob's daughter) age, I had such bad skin. Oh. Acne, they called it. Yea, she looks like all them girls who made fun of me. After I kill you, I'm going to crawl out that hole and call me up a limousine. And me and your baby is going to the Prom.

(Bob looks worried);


Prison grounds.

POPE: Captain, what's the news with Sara?

COMMANDING OFFICER: Still trying to find her Sir.

GOVERNOR: You don't even know where she is?

COMMANDING OFFICER: We're on it. As soon as we do, we'll let you know. (He leaves)

GOVERNOR: You should listen to Captain Bellick and gas the whole block.

POPE: Captain Bellick?

GOVERNOR: He's right on the front line. He knows what these guys can do. You better pray that Sara gets out of there in one piece.

POPE: I do, Governor. But this is still my prison. Whatever happens, I take full responsibility. Excuse me. (He leaves).


Sara and Michael are running through the Visitation room looking for a way out.

MICHAEL: It's this way.


(Abruzzi has just finished drilling the last hole).

ABRUZZI: Yea...oohh... yes... We're through.

SUCRE: Time to put this theory to test. I guess we start chipping away now?

ABRUZZI: Right on. She's all yours pal.

(Abruzzi hands Sucre a rod. Sucre begins hitting the wall and it starts to give way. Soon there is a hole made enough for one person to slide through. Abruzzi and Sucre share a good laugh...)

ABRUZZI: We did it.


Michael has found an exit for Sara.

MICHAEL: That's it (pointing to the door).

SARA: Wait, I can't leave you here.

MICHAEL: (Humorously) You don't have a choice, I'm one of the bad guys, remember?

The Prisoners are still looking for them. They're getting closer. Snipers are aligning themselves on the rooftop. One can see Michael and Sara and is aiming for Michael.

SARA: What are you going to do?

MICHAEL: Go back to my cell, stay out of the way.

(Sara sees the red light from the gun on Michael's shirt. She gets worried)

SARA: Michael....

MICHAEL: What? (He looks around and sees the red dot on his shirt.)

SARA: They see us...

MICHAEL: You have to go.

SARA: I can't... they'll kill you.

(Michael looks scared...)



Michael and Sara.

MICHAEL: Go out the door. I'll drop to the floor.

SARA: They're sharp shooters Michael. They won't miss.

MICHAEL: That's why you can't stay here.

PRISONER: What's going on? (Seems as if they've caught up with Michael and Sara)

MICHAEL: (Pushes Sara through the door) GO!!

(Michael drops to the floor. The Sniper shoots but he hits the other prisoners. Michael crawls towards the door and manages to get back into the visitation room. Sara is safely taken to the Prison grounds by the guards.)


Washington DC. Veronica and Nick are in a parking garage. A minivan drives up next to them.

VERONICA: Who's this?

NICK: That's my guy.

GUY: Hey.

NICK: Nice ride.

GUY: Yea... you like that? Cop auction. 300 bucks. You must be Veronica. Whoever tipped off the cops about Lincoln Burrows called from this number. It wasn't an easy trace. I hope you're not too bummed.

NICK: Why? What's the problem?

GUY: It's a payphone.


Veronica and Nick are at a payphone in the middle of town.

NICK: This is it. 11th and Constitution.

VERONICA: Anyone could have made that call.

NICK: Any one of the million people who pass through here every day. That's empty.

VERONICA: What about that?

NICK: Federal Energy Commission, that's interesting.

VERONICA: Where are you going?

NICK: Going to see if this guy knows what's in there. Excuse me, do you know what...Ok. Thanks (Comes back to veronica). Hey, it is a regional headquarters for a company called Ecofield.

VERONICA: Terrence Steadman's company.

NICK: That's right.

(Suddenly the payphone rings. They both look suspicious and Veronica picks up. )


GUY ON OTHER LINE: Veronica Donovan?

VERONICA: Who is this?

GUY ON OTHER LINE: that's the problem Veronica. You ask too many questions. Now I have one for you. Is Lincoln Burrows really worth it?

NICK: Gimme the phone. Who is this?

GUY ON OTHER LINE: Nick Savrin. I just want to let you know. As of now, the both of you are dead.

(Nick hangs up and he and Veronica flee the area)



LINCOLN: Michael!! Michael! Michael:

T-BAG: Wowowowow!! I didn't touch him. Ask him. Things have changed since we last met. Relax partner, I'm in on it now.

(Lincoln sees Sucre and Abruzzi coming out from the hole behind the toilet. He grabs Sucre.)

LINCOLN: Why'd you take Abruzzi down there?

SUCRE: I didn't take him down there. He just showed up.

LINCOLN: And the pedophile. He thinks he's in.

SUCRE: I know...

LINCOLN: SHUTUP! Where's Michael? Where's Mike? (He goes looking for Michael) Michael! Michael!

(Michael enters A-Wing, looking at the destruction all around caused by the riot. Someone grabs his shoulder. He turns around. It's Lincoln. They both embrace in a loving manner.)

LINCOLN: Where have you been?

MICHAEL: All over. Are you alright?

LINCOLN: Yea... Are you?


They both go up to Michael's cell.


The Prison grounds. Sara is walking with two guards.

SARA: I'm ok... I'm ok...

POPE: Bellick!

BELLICK: She's walking... that's a good sign.

POPE: Yea...Street observation. Maybe you'd like to share that with the Governor.

BELLICK: I was tense. I was ...

POPE: Next time you bad mouth me in front of my superiors, there are going to be serious consequences. Do I make myself clear, Captain?


POPE: Good...

GOVERNOR: Sara...Sara... Sara.

SARA: Dad.

GOVERNOR: Sara, are you alright? Are you ok?

GOVERNOR: I told you. I told you when you took this job I knew something like this was going to happen. Didn't I? I told you something like this was going to happen.

SARA: God Dad, how about ‘I'm happy to see you alive'?

GOVERNOR: Sweetheart, I just want you to see what you're doing to yourself. I mean there no one forcing you to be here.

SARA: I know. Thanks Dad. (Disappointed, she leaves)

GOVERNOR: Alright. Let's clean this mess up.


Michael's cell.

MICHAEL: What is going on?

SUCRE: We did it fish, we did it. There was nothing like it. Those little hooker holes were right on.

MICHAEL: Alright. Let's get everyone out of here, especially him (referring to Bob).

T-BAG: Getting him out of here, I'm going to take care of him myself.

MICHAEL: You're not going to kill him.

BOB: I'm not coming back here.

T-BAG: It's over. We don't need him no more.

MICHAEL: (Firmly). You're NOT going to kill him.

T-BAG: You're so stupid. You're going to let him walk out that front door after all he's seen.

(Lincoln gets Bob out)

T-BAG: After all he's seen.

MICHAEL: Get out!!

LINCOLN: (To Bob) Keep your mouth shut and turn left.                                    


ABRUZZI: (To bob) If we have a problem, we know where to find you.

ABRUZZI: (To T-BAG) Forget about it. Just forget about it.

(T-bag hides in one of the cells and when Abruzzi passes, he goes out and stabs Bob. Bob then falls over the railing and dies.)


T-BAG: One for the team.

(Michael looks distraught.)


Prison grounds.

SARA: Ok, so this is the complete list of the injured and the dead. And that's the whole list? Thank you. Very much. ..(She sees someone) Hey Ron.

RON: Dr. Tancredi: Glad to see you made it out alive.

SARA: Yea, me too... (laughs). Umm... question. Why did your department assign inmates on PI to do a toxic mould removal project?

RON: (confused) What toxic mould project?

SARA: In the...uh... the cross base in A-Wing.

RON: (still confused) PI didn't go there. We'd never assign inmates to do that.

SARA: (Confused) Ok. Sorry.

RON: No problem. (He leaves)

(Sara is left wondering/confused).


Michael in his cell. He stares the wall thinking/wondering.

Kikavu ?

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ShanInXYZ, 04.12.2024 à 03:19

Nouveau mois sur le quartier Doctor Who : Calendriers, jeux et infos sur l'épisode de Noël, passez voir le Docteur

pretty31, 04.12.2024 à 11:08

Une nouvelle bannière est en vote pour le quartier HypnoClap, merci pour votre aide

Locksley, 04.12.2024 à 13:14

Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

choup37, 04.12.2024 à 16:02

Nouveau sondage spécial Noel à Kaamelott ouvert à tous et toutes, calendrier, pdm et survivor, on vous espère nombreux

Evangeline, Hier à 17:21

Hello! Nouvelle PDM et nouveau sondage sur Outer Banks! N'hésitez pas à passer! Bon we à tous!

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