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#122 : Les Fugitifs

Résumé :
Toute la bande est en fuite à travers routes, champs, et fôrets... Bellick, les gardes et plusieurs patrouilles de police se lancent à leur poursuite... La camionnette prévue pour leur évasion va finalement les lacher en cours de route surtout que les tensions montent. T-Bag utilise les menottes qu'il avait subtilisé au gardien pour s'attacher à Michael... Le plan est alors compromis car ils retardent le groupe.


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Les Fugitifs

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Première diffusion en France

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Photo de l'épisode #1.22

Photo de l'épisode #1.22

Photo de l'épisode #1.22

Photo de l'épisode #1.22

Photo de l'épisode #1.22

Photo de l'épisode #1.22

Photo de l'épisode #1.22

Photo de l'épisode #1.22


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France (redif)
Vendredi 30.06.2017 à 04:35

Plus de détails

Durée : 45 min

Avec :
Dominic Purcell, Wentworth Miller, Robin Tunney, Peter Stormare, Amaury Nolasco, Marshall Allman, Wade Williams, Paul Adelstein, Robert Knepper, Sarah Wayne Callies

Moments forts :

Abruzzi coupe la main gauche de T-Bag avec une hache !!!
Michael abandonne Tweener...
Sara fait une over-dose; elle est retrouvée inanimée dans son salon !
Haywire trouve un moyen de location assez original...
L'avion s'envole sans les fugitifs !!!
Fin de l'épisode : ils sont tous poursuivis par la police... et s'enfuient à travers champ !

DB Cooper est mort. Primo est interrogé et ne tarde pas à donner les noms de tous les évadés… Les détenus se sont échappés… Tandis que Pope et Bellick rassemblent des gardiens et la police locale afin d’organiser les recherches, Michael et ses comparses patientent juste derrière une bute en face de la prison… Les chiens sont incapables de les sentir puisqu’ils avaient auparavant troquer leur odeur par celles d’excréments ou de fumier. 

Dans la prison, c’est le foutoir complet… les prisonniers sont déchaînés et saccagent leurs cellules et les dalles au sol en éparpillant des feuilles et rouleau de PQ !! Pope et Louis découvrent enfin le trou derrière les WC de la cellule 40… tandis que le capitaine Bellick est déjà sur les traces des évadés. 

Véronica passe un coup de fil à Nick alors qu’elle approche de la maison à Blackfoot dans le Montana. Mais elle tombe sur son répondeur et laisse un message… 

Plan sur le cadavre de Nick Savrinn

Les évadés ont repris leur course… et parviennent dans une clairière… La camionnette prévue par les contacts de John Abruzzi est bien là… Mais ils doivent auparavant se débarrasser d’Haywire, qui ne faisait pas partie de leur plan… Tweener, blessé lors du passage des barbelés, laisse une trace de sang sur un mur… Lincoln prend le volant et John l’avertit que les clés sont dans un sac poubelle ! Haywire se dévoue et tombe ainsi dans leur piège improvisé… Ils démarrent sans lui et le laissent seul au milieu des bois. Puis, ils prennent la direction de Fitz et comme Michael l’avait prévu… aucune patrouille de police n’y circulent. John Abruzzi commencent à faire allusion qu’il n’y aura sûrement pas de place pour T-Bag dans l’avion alors celui-ci, se sentant menacé, s’attache volontairement à Michael avec les menottes du gardien. Michael est hors de lui, il l’insulte et se jette sur T-Bag… mais T-Bag avale la clé sous leurs yeux !!! Désormais, Michael et T-Bag sont liés…

Pendant ce temps dans les hautes sphères du gouvernement, un enjeu plus important se prépare… Des scientifiques empoisonnent délibérément une bouteille d’eau… en insistant sur le fait qu’il s’agit là de haute trahison… Mais qui est réellement visé ??

Pope interroge Katie l’infirmière au sujet de cette porte restée mystérieusement ouverte ! Prise au piège, elle avoue au directeur que le Dr Tancredi ressentait une forte attirance pour Michael Scofield et laisse sous-entendre qu’elle aurait pût volontairement claquer la porte sans la fermer !!

Les fugitifs sont confrontés à un barrage… N’ayant pas beaucoup d’opportunité devant eux, ils coupent à travers champs. Mais la chance n’est décidément pas de leur côté et ils s’enlisent rapidement. Ils abandonnent leur véhicule et décident de partir à pieds. Michael informe Twenner que c’est ici que leur chemin se sépare… Tweener se retrouve seul.

Plan sur une bouteille d’eau

Carolyn Reynolds, la vice-présidente est en plein discours électoral, lorsqu’elle réclame un verre d’eau… On lui apporte une bouteille sur un plateau… Elle la décapsule et commence à boire une gorgée quand soudain on vient lui apprendre une nouvelle de la plus haute importance… la bouteille lui glisse entre les doigts !!

Les évadés se retrouvent en haut d’une colline… en contre bas, ils aperçoivent une remorque dont la voiture semble désertée… Ils descendent ! Fernando tente de démarrer la voiture mais rien ne fonctionne tandis que C-Note et Michael discutent famille… Finalement, ils se rendent compte que la voiture n’avait pas de moteur… exaspérés et anxieux, ils se remettent en marche.
Les pilotes qui patientent devant l’avion semblent vraiment inquiets… ils devraient être tous là déjà… De plus, un contrôleur de la tour vient à leur rencontre et paraît septique devant leurs arguments.
De son côté, Haywire croise une petite fille dans une grange… il lui emprunte son vélo et un casque rouge. Il repart sans la toucher.
Véronica est à présent devant la maison et aperçoit dans la cuisine Terrence Steadman de ses propres yeux !!
Les fugitifs atteignent une sorte de hangar… mais Michael et T-Bag, à la traîne à cause des menottes, les ralentissent beaucoup trop. Dès qu’ils franchissent la porte, C-Note, Lincoln et Fernando agrippent T-Bag et le plaquent sur une table… Michael, interloqué, demande ce qui se passe… Fernando tente de scier les chaînes des menottes à l’aide d’un outil mais sans succès !! C’est alors que John Abruzzi s’approche, une hache à la main, et s’élance pour venir couper la main de T-Bag… Tout le monde reste choqué… mais ils n’ont pas le temps de s’attarder et repartent ensemble, laissant T-bag à terre et pissant le sang…

Tweener se cache à l’arrière d’une camionnette transportant des chevaux… et passe ainsi le barrage sans encombre.

Carolyn prête serment d’allégeance aux Etats-Unis car le Président vient de mourir prématurément d’une crise cardiaque !!!!!! Elle devient alors la nouvelle Présidente des USA sous le regard méfiant de Samantha Brinker. Mais Kellerman et Carolyn jubilent et toisent l’agent de la Compagnie avec un certain mépris. Carolyn insiste d’ailleurs auprès de Samantha pour que désormais elle l’appelle Madame la Présidente !!

Plan sur l’appartement de Sara Tancredi

Des policiers investissent l’appartement de Sara et la découvrent, gisant complètement inanimée sur son canapé, le visage bleuté, la bave aux lèvres… Des tubes de morphines et une seringue sur la table supposent que Sara s’est droguée volontairement… Les policiers appellent les urgences tandis qu’on tente de lui administrer les premiers soins. Son overdose à l’air sérieuse.

Haywire, seul sur son vélo sur une route déserte, semble heureux et totalement libre… il disparaît au cœur de la nuit sans personne à ses trousses.
Véronica, qui a pénétré dans la maison, se retrouve nez à nez avec Terrence Steadman… elle le salue en insistant sur son identité !!

Michael et le reste de la bande arrivent enfin sur la voie d’envol de l’aérogare… mais l’avion a déjà démarré !!! Ils arrivent trop tard, et ce dernier s’envole sous leurs yeux malgré leurs gestes et leurs cris…. Impuissants et désespérés, ils n’ont cependant pas le temps de réfléchir que déjà des dizaines de voitures de police sont à leurs trousses…
Que faire maintenant ??

Michael ordonne à tout le monde de courir… ils n’ont plus que cette solution !!! Ils s’enfuient à nouveau, coupant à travers champ, les patrouilles de police juste derrière eux. 

ACT 1.

Opening Scene.

[The prison alarms scream and flood lights fill the yard on full beam.]

(Guards yank Manche, who had been bundled to the ground, to his knees.)

Manche: Don't shoot, please! Don't shoot, please!

C.O. (into his radio): Got a 1098. Inmates over the wall.

(Two guards cock their rifles and aim them at Manche. C.O. JJ grips Manche's sweatshirt.)

JJ: Who was with you? Who was with you?

Manche: Nobody!

JJ: Nobody, huh?

Manche: No.

(JJ grips Manche by the neck.)

JJ: Talk! Or I swear to God I'll snap your neck right here!

Manche: I don't know...

JJ: Names. I want names!

(Manche begins to talk, with JJ choking him.)

Manche: Scofield. Burrows. Sucre. And that Vanilla Ice kid.

[Flashback images of Michael, Lincoln and Tweener in the infirmary, minutes earlier.]

(JJ grips Manche's head roughly.)

JJ: Who else?

Manche: Bagwell, man. C-Note. Abruzzi, and that bug-eyed J-cat.

[Flashback images of T-Bag, C-Note, Abruzzi and Haywire in the infirmary moments earlier.]

JJ: Was there anybody else?

Manche (choking): I don't know...

JJ: Was there anybody else?!

Manche (in tears): Westmoreland.

(JJ lets him go and Manche sobs.)

[1. INT. Infirmary. Night.]

(Warden Pope bursts through the doors.)

Pope: How many?

C.O.: Eight.

(Pope storms through to Sara's office, and sees the window with the bars off. He looks down at Westmoreland, lifeless, in the same place Michael left him.)

[2. INT. A-Wing Cell Block. Night.]

(The inmates are in uproar, all of them celebrating the fact that some inmates are on the run. They throw toilet paper and whatever they can find out of their cells, littering the floors.)

(Pope marches into Michael's cell and sees the hole behind the toilet. He stands at the railings, looking at the rioting inmates.)

(Patterson runs up.)

Patterson: Warden, they just found Bellick.

[3. INT. Break room. Night.]

(Stolte and another CO pull Bellick up through the hole.)

Bellick: Get me my shotgun!

C.O.: Pope's already given orders for all the COs to...

Bellick: Did I stutter? Get me my shotgun!

(The CO goes out to obey the order.)

Bellick: Those piles of crap, doing what they just did...they just signed their death warrant.

(The CO throws him his shotgun.)

Bellick: Every last one of 'em.

(He cocks the rifle.)

[4. EXT. Prison yard. Night.]

Guard (o/s): Open main gates!

(Bellick, Stolte and another CO walk through the main gates to where Pope is giving orders through a bullhorn.)

Pope: When those men went over the wall they made a choice. That choice makes them a threat to society once again. Now, as many of you know, some of those men are convicted killers. Now our job is to protect and ensure the safety of the general population. That means if we have to bring them down to ensure that safety, by God we will do it. This time we're playing for keeps, gentlemen. Now, it's been at least 12 minutes since they went over that wall. That's one mile on foot at best. If they've got their hands on a vehicle, they could be ten miles from here. So let's get moving!

(Dozens of officers and guards move away, squad cars and SUVs speed away into the night, some hurry away on foot.)

[5. EXT. Field. Night.]

(Feet away from the sally port, the eight men are hiding in the trees.)

C-Note: Yo, come on, man, we gotta roll.

Michael: We don't gotta do anything but wait right here and let them get ahead of us.

Sucre: I don't know if we're gonna get a chance, papi.

(Several COs have walked out of the sally port with dogs.)

C-Note: Dogs. Son of a bitch.

Michael: Nobody move.

(The K-9 units are put into the back of a truck.)

Michael: They can't smell us.

(Suddenly the dogs begin to bark and howl.)

Abruzzi: They can see us!

(The COs walk over to the trees and shine their flashlights, guns raised.)


[6. EXT. Forest. Night.]

(The eight convicts run through the thick forest surrounding the prison.)

[7. EXT. Highway. Night.]

[Caption: Highway 15. Just Outside of Great Falls, Montana.]

(Veronica is in a car on her cell phone.)

Nick (v/o): Hey, this is Nick. I can't get to the phone. Leave a message.

Veronica: Hey Nick, it's me. Look, I just landed in Montana, I'm about an hour outside of Blackfoot. And this house, it's got something to do with Terrence Steadman's murder, I know it. And if whatever's here can help free Lincoln then I wanted to say thank you. Bye.

CUT TO: Nick's apartment. Veronica's voice is heard over the answer phone, but Nick is slumped against the settee, dead, with a bullet hole in his head.

[8. INT. Vice President Caroline Reynolds' Office. Night.]

Caroline: Soft money makes the world go round. You know it and I know it. You cut my funding and I can't run a proper campaign without it.

Agent Brinker: There is a lot of internal debate, trust me. And there's every chance that you can still win with your message and it would certainly be our...

Caroline: Oh, cut the crap. Is there anything else you want to tell me? Or did you just come here to twist the knife you stuck in my back?

Brinker: Well, actually, I came here to express our gratitude for all that you've done for us over the years. And to let you know that this isn't personal. Surely you've been in politics long enough to know that.

Caroline: Look. Is this about the energy bill?

Brinker: The energy bill has nothing to do with it.

Caroline: Why am I finding that so tough to believe? I'm a grown woman. How about you give it to me straight?

Brinker: All right. All right. The bottom line, Madam Vice President, is that you can't effect change in the Oval Office. And that is what we need the most - certitude. Simply put - you can't get things done.

Caroline: Well, maybe you don't know me so well.

Brinker: I highly suggest that in the coming weeks, as the race narrows and the candidates start falling out, that you walk away. Quietly. Of your own volition. Otherwise, maybe it'll be...of the Company's volition.

[9. EXT. Forest. Night.]

(Lincoln holds up some barbed wire for the inmates to go under. Tweener comes up too fast and slices his hand on it. He cries out in pain.)

(Haywire comes up next. Lincoln grabs a handful of his white jumpsuit.)

Lincoln: Hey, hey. Take your suit off. You're practically glowing in the dark.

Haywire: I only got skivvies on underneath 'em.

Lincoln: Take your suit off!

Haywire: I'll freeze to death!

(He pulls out of Lincoln's grip and runs under the barbed wire.)

Abruzzi: Hey. Hey!

Lincoln: Hurry up. We gotta do something about that freak.

Abruzzi: You got it. Come on, come on, hurry up. Hurry up.

(The inmates take off again running. They come to a halt just before an old mill, crouching down together.)

Sucre: Where the hell is the van?

C-Note: Eyetie! Where in the hell is the van?

Abruzzi: Ye of little faith!

(He looks around for a second, then moves.)

Abruzzi: Come on. Come on!

(They run to a bridge and underneath it is a blue van.)

Abruzzi: Ha! I told you. I told you!

(The cons run to the van. Abruzzi grabs Lincoln.)

Abruzzi: Behind the wheel, Cro-Magnon.

(Lincoln doesn't like this, and makes to go for Abruzzi but Michael breaks them up.)

Michael: Hey, hey, hey, hey.

(Tweener leans his hand on the wall, catching his breath. The cons check out the van. Michael uses a rock to smash the tail lights.)

Tweener: What the hell are you doin'?

Michael: I'm getting us invisible.

(Tweener removes his hand from the wall and gets in the van. He leaves behind a bloody handprint. The camera zooms in on it.)

Lincoln: John, where are the keys?

Abruzzi: What?

Lincoln: The keys, where are they?

Abruzzi: I told you, in the garbage can by the trees, in a plastic bag.

Lincoln (to Haywire): Oh, the keys!

Abruzzi: Come on. Come on.

(Haywire jumps out and runs across to the garbage can a few yards away.)

Haywire: The keys...

(The other cons jump in the van.)

Haywire: Plastic bag in the garbage can. Where are the keys?

(Abruzzi hands the keys to Lincoln in the van.)

Haywire: The keys, the keys, garbage can...there's not even a plastic bag.

(The engine starts and Haywire looks up in shock.)

Haywire: No. No! No! No! No!

(The van drives past him and away. Haywire stares after them.)

[10. INT. Infirmary. Night.]

(Stolte updates Pope on the manhunt.)

Stolte: We got the on-ramps to 55 and 80 being monitored. We got traffic checks on 171, 6 and 53. Special Services is secured to watch on passenger lists at O'Hare and Midway.

Pope: How we doing with the wiretaps?

Stolte: They're being set up on all the families of the escapees as we speak. Surveillance teams are being established outside the residences as well.

Pope: Thank you.

(He walks across to where a man is investigating the infirmary door.)

Pope: What have you got?

Man: Door wasn't forced. Lock wasn't picked. As far as I can tell, they basically just walked right in.

Orderly: I don't see how that's possible. These doors are locked down every night when we leave. It's priority number one. Only thing I can think is...

Pope: What?

Orderly: Someone left it open for 'em.

[Camera shot of the street sign - Fitz Street.]

[11. INT. Van. Night.]

(The van roars down the road. C-Note is in the back, Tweener and Abruzzi next, behind Michael and T-Bag. Lincoln and Sucre are in the front.)

T-Bag: Hey John, I gotta ask you, uh...why so intent on Lincoln driving here, and you taking that particular seat?

(He holds the handcuffs beneath his sweatshirt; he has attached one side to his left wrist.)

(Abruzzi reaches under his seat for a gun.)

T-Bag: What is it exactly you got up underneath there, huh?

(As Abruzzi pulls the gun out, T-Bag reaches over and handcuffs himself to Michael.)

Michael: What the hell are you doing?!

(Abruzzi holds the gun to T-Bag's temple.)

Abruzzi: You think that will stop me?

T-Bag: Think twice, Johnny boy. Hm? You shoot me, Pretty here'll be draggin' around 170 pounds of dead Alabama flesh with him. And considerin' how much you need him to get this Fibonacci vendetta of yours, huh? I just don't think you're gonna be pullin' that trigger.

Abruzzi: No?

(He cocks the gun.)

ACT 2.

[12. INT. Van. Night.]

Michael: You're gonna give me the key to those cuffs, T-Bag! You son of a bitch!

(Michael searches T-Bag for the key while Abruzzi holds him.)

Abruzzi: Get it, get it, get it.

T-Bag: You lookin' for this?

(He has the key between his teeth. He puts it in his mouth and Michael grabs his throat.)

Michael: Come on, spit it out!

Abruzzi: Spit it out! Come on!

(Before either of them can get it back, T-Bag swallows it.)

T-Bag: Oops!

[13. INT. Laboratory. Night.]

[Caption: Washington DC.]

(The silhouettes of two men are working in a laboratory. One of them drops some yellow liquid from a pipette into a bottle.)

Man: They drink this, it's only a matter of minutes. The glycoside saxitoxin hybrid goes to work in the bloodstream instantly.

[Camera shot of Caroline Reynolds working in her office.]

Man: Five minutes is the outside limit even the strongest cardiac muscles can continue to function. After that, massive cardiac arrest with no chance of survival.

Man#2: What about toxicology tests?

Man: They'll reveal nothing. Death will appear to be from natural causes. This is high treason. You know that, don't you?

[Camera shot of Caroline Reynolds at her desk.]

[14. EXT. Mill area. Night.]

(Bellick and multiple other officers scour the mill area where the cons just got in the van. He looks at the bloody handprint on the wall.)

Mack: It's fresh, boss.

Bellick: From tonight?

Mack: Can't be more than an hour old.

Bellick: Dogs get the scent?

Mack: Already have.

Guard (o/s): Hey boss, check this out!

(Bellick picks up the broken pieces of tail lights. Patterson walks up behind him with a man.)

Patterson: Captain? This guy lives up the road. Works on the property during the day.

Bellick: You see a vehicle parked here?

Man: Uh, I think so, yeah.

Bellick: What'd it look like?

Man: Uh, like a...like a...van. A blue van.

Bellick: And you didn't think to report it to the authorities.

Man: A parked car?

(Bellick shoves him away, annoyed.)

Patterson (to the man): Come on.

[15. EXT. Van. Night.]

Abruzzi: If you think I won't gut you myself to get that key you're in for a big surprise.

T-Bag: I encourage you to remember the last time you came at me with a knife.

Michael: Shut up! Shut up! Both of you! We can settle this in Mexico.

Lincoln: How far to the airstrip?

Michael: It's five miles, maybe.

C-Note: You know, your jet better be there, Mr. Mafia. You feel me? It better be there.

[16. EXT. Airstrip. Night.]

[Caption: Goose Park Airstrip. 10 Miles from Fox River.]

(Maggio and the pilot wait by the jet. The pilot holds the police scanner. Police chatter comes through intermittently.)

Pilot: They're everywhere out there.

Maggio: Tell me something I don't know.

(They both look worried and anxious.)

[17. INT. Infirmary. Night.]

Pope: You're saying you don't know anything about this?

Katie: Honestly, I don't.

Pope: The door was left open, Katie.

Katie: It wasn't me.

Pope: Well then who was it? Only you and Dr. Tancredi were left at the end of the night. The orderly confirmed that.

Katie: It wasn't me.

Pope: Then you're telling me it was Dr. Tancredi.

Katie: No. I...

Pope: I know you know something, Katie. And anything you know you have got to tell me. If you don't, you are gonna lose a lot more than your job. Withholding information makes you an accessory, and I will press that button if you don't start talking!

Katie: Sara...

Pope: What about Sara?

Katie (with great reluctance): Sara had a thing for Scofield.

Pope: Thank you, Katie.

[18. INT. Van. Night.]

Sucre: All I wanna do is touch her belly. Feel that he's in there. After that, whatever I gotta do, I'll figure it out. I...I just wanna touch her belly. (To Michael) We're close, papi.

Lincoln: We got trouble.

(Camera shows a police roadblock ahead.)

(Lincoln rolls the van off the road and slows to a stop. Tweener stares at the roadblock, panicked.)

Tweener: Yo, man, this is bananas. We gotta get off this road.

Lincoln: Any other way to the airstrip?

Michael: This is the only road.

Tweener: Then let's just run this bitch!

C-Note: Somebody shut him up or I will!

Sucre: Can we go back?

Michael: That won't do us any good. That'll only get us farther from where we need to be.

Lincoln: Which means we gotta bust that road block.

Michael: Maybe not. We gotta try and go round. Come on.

(Lincoln moves the van onto a dirt road.)

Michael: We're gonna get that key from you. I don't care if you gotta crap it out.

T-Bag: You got a foul mouth sometimes, Pretty.

(The van lurches and the cons bounce around inside. Lincoln revs the engine but the van stays put.)

(Camera shows the wheels are spinning, stuck in the mud.)

Lincoln: Son of a bitch, we're stuck.

Michael: Everybody out. Everybody out!

C-Note: You heard him.

[Camera shot of a posh hotel - night.]

[Caption: Washington DC.]

[19. INT. Hotel. Night.]

(A man in a suit pushes a case of bottles of water on a trolley through a busy hotel kitchen.)

Man: This is for the speech tonight.

Guard: I need some ID.

Man: Secret Service. (He shows his ID.)

Guard: Have at it.

(The man places a bottle of water on a tray with two glasses.)

[20. EXT. Field. Night.]

(The cons try and push the van out of the mud.)

Michael: Come on!

(They all grunt and groan with effort.)

Sucre: This thing ain't going nowhere.

Lincoln: How far's the airstrip?

Michael: On foot? Maybe two miles.

Abruzzi: What the hell are we waiting for? Let's move.

Sucre: Three-legged-race over here ain't gonna make it ten feet.

Michael: Oh, we'll manage, won't we?

T-Bag: Sure, Pretty. We team mates! Team mates to the end.

Lincoln: Let's get outta here, let's go!

Abruzzi: Let's go!

(The cons all start to run. Tweener goes to follow but Michael holds him back.)

Michael: This is as far as you go, my friend.

Tweener: What? No, man. You can't leave me out here! Not like this...

Michael: We had a deal, remember?

Tweener: Yeah, but...come on, bro.

Michael: You and I? We're not bros. And I don't think you want me telling the guys what I know. Now, walk.

(Tweener runs off in another direction, looking upset.)

T-Bag: We got trouble, Pretty.

(He gestures to helicopter spotlights flashing in the woods behind them.)

Michael: We got more than that.

(They sprint after the others. The cons run blindly through the woods.)

Lincoln: Come on, come on, come on!

(They crash through the tree line and suddenly stop in their tracks.)

Various Cons: Whoa, whoa!

Lincoln: Oh, my God.

C-Note: Oh, come on!

(They are standing on a rock ledge, overlooking a quarry.)

Sucre: Now what? What do we do now?

Lincoln: I don't believe this.

Sucre: What now?!

(The helicopter approaches them. The cons all look round in terror.)

ACT 3.

[Camera shot of the helicopter in the sky.]

[21. EXT. Forest. Night.]

(The helicopter scours the area with its hi-beams.)

Pilot (o/s): This area's clear. Negative contact.

(Camera pans down to show the cons are pressing themselves up against a rock outcropping as the helicopter races over them.)

C-Note: It's comin' back, y'all! It's comin' back! Make yourselves small...

(The helicopter races over them again.)

C-Note: There is no way we're gonna make two miles like this! Especially with that bird up there!

(Sucre looks down and spots a small beat-up car outside a small motor home.)

Sucre: We are if I got something to do with it.

[Camera shot of a rustic Midwest farm house. Night.]

[22. INT. Garage. Night.]

(A little girl aged around 10 spins the wheel of her bike on a workbench. It makes a clicking sound as the spokes smack against a playing card.)

(Behind her, Haywire watches through a dirty window.)

[23. EXT. Airstrip. Night.]

(The air strip controller approaches Maggio and the pilot.)

Controller: Excuse me.

(Maggio turns to him, at the same time drawing his gun from his pocket and keeping it behind his back.)

Maggio: What can I do for you?

Controller: Sir, I was gonna ask you the same question. I run the tower during the day. There's no traffic allowed here after sundown.

Maggio: Had some mechanical problems.

Controller: You need me to take a look at anything?

Maggio: No, no. We got it.

(The controller looks at the plane suspiciously.)

Maggio: Don't trouble yourself. We'll be on our way in no time.

Controller: You sure?

Maggio: Positive.

Controller: Okay.

Maggio: Have a good night, eh, buddy?

Controller: Yeah, you too.

(He walks away.)

Maggio: Those guys better hurry up.

(The controller takes a cell out of his pocket and flips it open.)

Controller (quietly): Hey, it's me. I got an unidentified aircraft here at Goose Park. I think you'd better have a look at it. Tail number's 986-Delta.

[24. INT. Beat up car. Night.]

Lincoln: Hurry up.

Sucre: Shh. Tranquilo. Just let papi work a little bit of his magic, okay?

Lincoln: You know what you're doing?

Sucre: Are you kidding me? Hot wiring this thing is like hot wiring a toaster. Now, if it were an Acura or one of the Chinese cars, that's a whole different story. Electronic ignition, computer chip - forget about it. But no, we're good.

Lincoln: That chopper's gonna be coming back again, so hurry up.

[25. EXT. Riverside. Night.]

(Michael and T-Bag sit and rest nearby. C-Note joins them.)

C-Note: Hey, yo, what they got in Mexico anyhow?

Michael: Never been there?

C-Note: Ain't never been nowhere, except for Iraq, Chi-Town and Fox River. (To T-Bag) Hey, what you lookin' at?

(T-Bag looks away, holding up a hand.)

C-Note (to Michael): Look, man. Is it a good place where you can have a family?

Michael: Lots of families down there, so I hear.

C-Note: Hey, you know what I'm talking about. For a black man. An American man. With a family.

Michael: So that's the plan, huh? They're gonna meet you down in Mexico?

C-Note: Yeah. It's worse than not seein' 'em. And I can't do that no more.

Michael: Not much of a life for 'em.

C-Note: But it'll be a life. More than what me and them have been having for the last two years, man. They're family, snowflake. Ain't no way in hell I'm leavin' 'em behind.

[26. INT. Beat up car. Night.]

(Lincoln and Abruzzi watch Sucre work.)

Sucre: Good. I must've done this a thousand times.

Lincoln: Man, I thought you got busted for armed robbery.

Sucre: That's what they caught me for.

Abruzzi: Come on.

Sucre: Red's the juice, white is the ground. Strike them together, and we blow this town.

(Nothing happens. Sucre looks confused.)

Lincoln: What? What?

Sucre: I...I don't get it.

(They all hurry round and pull up the hood. They all stare down at a large hole where the engine should be.)

Lincoln: Great. That's just great.

[27. INT. Garage. Night.]

(Haywire creeps into the garage towards the girl. She sees him and backs away. Haywire pauses, looks at the girl.)

Haywire: Okay.

(He grabs her bike off the table and moves back towards the door. He stops to look at himself in the mirror, then takes an old fashioned football helmet and jams it over his head.)

Haywire: Sorry.

(He rides off into the night.)

[28. EXT. Field. Night.]

(Bellick and the others have found the van stuck in the mud. Bellick speaks on his cell phone.)

Bellick: It's still warm, and I don't see any other tyre tracks out here. They're on foot, and judging by how hot this engine is, they haven't got far. Five, ten minutes ahead of us at the most.

CUT TO: Pope, on the cell phone to Bellick.

Pope: Where are you? Renwick Road?

Bellick: A quarter mile west of Weber on Renwick.

Pope: Okay, we've got Renwick on the south, Weber on the east, 143rd Street on the north, and 55 on the west. Units are in place along all those roads.

Bellick: And I got a dozen more coming.

Pope: Brad, this could be over quicker than we thought.

(He draws a line on the map connecting all the places together. It makes a square.)

Pope: We've got 'em boxed in.

[29. INT. Infirmary. Night.]

Stolte: Sir, we've got an update on Dr. Tancredi.

Pope: Tell me.

Stolte: None of the staff had any interaction with her, she left work suddenly in the early afternoon, returned for maybe an hour, then left again. All of it's very erratic.

Pope: Has anyone been able to reach her?

Stolte: Doesn't have a home line, cell phone seems to be shut off. Chicago PD identified her car outside her residence. They're getting an emergency warrant to go in. Sir, it's none of my business but are you gonna call the governor? This is his daughter we're talking about.

[30. EXT. Field. Night.]

Patterson: Captain. The dogs picked up a trail.

Bellick: Which way?

Patterson (points): That way, and that way.

Bellick: They split up.

Patterson: Looks like it.

Bellick: Well, what the hell we waiting for?

[Camera shot of the mansion in Blackfoot, Montana.]

[31. EXT. Woods. Night.]

(Veronica hurries up the hill towards the mansion. She slides close to the house and looks in the kitchen. She watches Terrence Steadman blending carrots in a liquidizer.)

(Steadman leaves the room. Veronica tries the back door: it's open. She goes inside and closes it behind her quietly. She moves through the rest of the house.)

[32. INT. Press Conference. Night.]

(Vice President Reynolds stand on a podium before rows of reporters.)

Caroline: I think it's pretty clear that our policies have been effective. We've had 14 consecutive quarters of GDP growth above 3%. The tax cuts are working.

(The reporters all raise their hands shouting, 'Madam Vice President!')

Caroline: Peter.

Peter: Madam Vice President. A lot of people question the wisdom of granting tax cuts to the oil industry in light of the fact they're seeing record profits. Do you have thoughts on that?

Caroline: We're a market-driven economy, Peter. Punishing companies for being good business models doesn't make a whole lotta sense to this administration.

(She picks up her bottle of water.)

Reporters: Madam Vice President, Madam Vice President...

Caroline: Yeah. Rebecca?

Rebecca: Thank you. Madam Vice President, are you saying...

(The sound disappears as Caroline sips from the water bottle, only echoes can be heard.)

Rebecca: ...if you're elected President?

Caroline: If those tax breaks result in growth - yes.

(A man rushes into the room and begins whispering to each reporter. One by one the reporters hurry from the room. Caroline attempts to call for order.)

Caroline: Excuse me. Excuse me, sir. Yes. Sir, can I...

(One of her aides comes across the stage and whispers into her ear. Caroline drops the bottle of water she is holding and it spills onto the floor.)

[33. EXT. Woods. Night.]

(Lincoln and C-Note sprint ahead of the group as they come upon a farm. Sucre and Abruzzi follow them into a barn.)

[34. INT. Barn. Night.]

(The cons catch their breath, gasping.)

Lincoln: Where are they?

Sucre: They're...they're way the hell back there.

C-Note: They're slowing us down, man.

Lincoln: This ain't gonna work like this. We gotta do something.

CUT TO: Outside, Michael and T-Bag approach the barn, still handcuffed together.

Michael: This way.

(Someone whistles from inside the barn and the pair run inside.)

Michael: Come on.

(Lincoln shuts the door behind them.)

T-Bag: What's going on? What's going on?

(Lincoln grabs him from behind and forces him down onto the hood of an old car that is parked in the barn. Sucre grabs a pair of shears.)

T-Bag: Hey, what are you doing? What the hell are you doing?

(Sucre tries to cut the handcuffs apart using the rusty shears.)

T-Bag: Oh, I swear to God...

Michael: You swear what?!

(They glare at each other.)

Sucre: It ain't gonna work.

(T-Bag laughs at them.)

T-Bag: I guess it was just meant to be, hey now, fellas?

[Camera cuts to Abruzzi, standing behind T-Bag, holding an axe high in the air. He sinks the axe into T-Bag's wrist. T-Bag screams wildly.]

ACT 4.

[35. INT. Barn. Night.]

(The cons stand around in horror and shock at what Abruzzi has just done. T-Bag is still screaming in agony.)

Abruzzi: He's lucky I didn't take this to his head.

Sucre: You cut his...you cut his...

(Camera pans over T-Bag, lying on the floor cradling his arm, with his hand next to him. Michael stands shocked, the handcuff still hanging off his wrist but covered in blood.)

Sucre: You...you cut his...

Lincoln: Sucre, shut up!

Farmer (o/s): Hello?

(The cons peek outside at the farmer holding a shotgun, most likely alerted by T-Bag's screams. The cons all stay quiet.)

Farmer: Hello? Hello?

(The farmer walks back to the house, clearly still suspicious.)

Lincoln: Come on, let's go!

(He heads out, followed by Michael.)

Sucre: We can't leave him here, just like...

C-Note: You wanna stay here, be my guest!

(Sucre hesitates but follows the others out. T-Bag shakes on the ground, his severed hand lying close to his face.)

[36. EXT. Woods. Night.]

(Bellick charges through the woods, surrounded by dogs and COs.)

C.O.: Good boy. Good boy.

(At the same time, Tweener is running through the woods. He comes to the road, where a line of cars has been delayed by construction. He halts behind a tree.)

C.O.: Boss, I think we got something.

(Bellick and the COs follow the dogs, who have caught Tweener's scent.)

(Tweener looks behind him, seeing flashlights and hearing dogs bark. He looks at the road and spots a horse trailer. He runs across the road and climbs into the back of the trailer. A construction worker waves the traffic on. Tweener is in the clear.)

[37. INT. Pope's office. Night.]

Pope (on the phone): Yes, this is Warden Henry Pope at Fox River Penitentiary. I need to speak with the governor.

Governor Tancredi (v/o): Yes?

Pope: Governor, I'm sorry to bother you, but there's been a...

CUT TO: Governor Tancredi, sitting in his office watching television.

Governor Tancredi: Are you watching this?

Pope: Watching what?

Governor Tancredi: I suggest you turn on your TV, Warden.

(Pope hangs up and goes through to the next room where there is a television set.)

Reporter (on TV): Doctors at Washington Medical Center have corroborated that President Mills was admitted into emergency care here a little more than 45 minutes ago. In the Chief Surgeon's words, President Mills suffered massive cardiac arrest. Doctors were unable to revive him. The news out of Washington Medical Center is official now. The president of the United States, Richard Mills, is dead.

(Pope and the others in the office look shocked and saddened.)

Reporter (on TV): And keeping with protocol, Vice President Reynolds is in an undisclosed location being sworn in as the 46th president...

[38. INT. Hotel kitchen. Night.]

(Caroline stands within a small group of people, her right hand on the Bible and the other raised in the air. A judge stands before her holding the Bible.)

Caroline: I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Judge: I hereby recognize you as the 46th president of this country.

Caroline: Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a lot to attend to tonight. Thank you, all.

Man: This way, Madam President.

(Caroline is walked away by several Secret Service guys including Agent Kellerman. They meet Agent Brinker in the kitchen.)

Caroline: And you said I couldn't get things done.

(She and Kellerman walk on.)

Brinker: Madam Vice President, perhaps we can get together and discuss how...

Caroline: It is 'president' now, Madam. And you're gonna have to talk to my organizers. My schedule is suddenly quite full. I'm sure you understand.

[39. INT. Sara's apartment building. Night.]

(A police officer knocks on the door of 236.)

Officer: Sara Tancredi? It's the police. We have a warrant to come in. It's easier if you just open the door, otherwise we're gonna come on in.

(An officer kicks down the door. They enter the apartment, guns drawn. As they all enter the living room, they slow down and put their weapons away.)

Officer: Dispatch, this is 15-David on scene. Roll a bus to 1616 Van Lear Drive, apartment 236.

[Camera pans in on an empty bottle of morphine and a used needle on the table, along with a shot glass with some whiskey in it. Sara is lying face down on the settee, very pale and still, her lips blue and vomit covering the cushion.]

Officer: Possible overdose, likely DOA. Copy?

Dispatch: Copy 15-David.

[40. INT. Horse trailer. Night.]

(Tweener sits hunched up in the trailer. The trailer passes a sign: St. Louis - 256.)

[41. EXT. Road. Night.]

(Haywire rides the bike down the road, the playing card in the spokes making a noise as he peddles. He puts his arms out and rides no-handed.)

[42. EXT. Woods. Night.]

(The remaining cons dive into a ditch when they see a police SUV parked at the end of a bridge near them.)

Michael: The airstrip's on the other side of that field. Just 500 yards and this whole thing's over.

Sucre (Re the police SUV): He's not moving.

Abruzzi: Every second we stay here is another chance for them to find the plane. We gotta go now.

Michael: Wait! Wait!

(Another police car crosses the bridge, its' siren blaring.)

Michael: All right, let's go. Let's go.

(The cons move to the road. Lincoln grabs Michael.)

Lincoln: Michael, if this doesn't work out, I want you to know...

Michael: I know. I know.

(They run under the bridge and the police car spots them.)

Officer (on Bullhorn): Freeze. Don't move!

[43. EXT. Airstrip. Night.]

Maggio: I'll tell you when we've gotta go.

Pilot: No, man, I mean we've gotta go.

(The helicopter flies overhead and the air is filled with sirens heading towards the airstrip.)

Maggio: Fire her up.

[44. INT. Steadman's house. Night.]

(Veronica walks up the stairs quietly.)

[Flashback: Lincoln in court.

Foreman: We find the defendant charged of murdering Terrence Steadman guilty.]

(Veronica walks into a small living room.)

[Flashback: a small digger exhumes the coffin of 'Terrence Steadman'.

Caroline Reynolds: This stunt, by Lincoln Burrows' defense counsel, is an affront to the memory of my brother.]

(Veronica approaches a large leather chair next to a fireplace.)

[Flashback: a forensic expert stands over the exhumed corpse.

Forensic Expert: We made an imprint of the deceased's teeth, and compared them to the dental records of Terrence Steadman. They were a perfect match.]

(Veronica looks down at Terrence Steadman, apparently sleeping in the chair.)

[Flashback: Veronica and Agent Hale in an alley.

Veronica: Who killed Terrence Steadman?

Hale: Nobody.]

(Veronica walks around to stand in front of Steadman. His eyes flicker open and he looks at her.)

Veronica: Hello, Terrence.

[45. EXT. Airstrip. Night.]

(The cons rush up a small hill leading to the airfield and they see the plane waiting.)

(The pilot fires up the engines and closes the door behind him - they can't wait any longer.)

Sucre: I can see it!

C-Note: Let's go, guys.

Michael: Come on! Let's go.

C-Note: That's the runway right there, it's right there...

(Squad cars race up behind them.)

CUT TO: The plane turning round on the runway.

CUT TO: The cons running towards the airstrip.

Michael: Let's go.

CUT TO: T-Bag stumbling through the woods as fast as he can, clutching his severed hand to his chest, covered in blood. Dogs bark behind him.

(The plane turns on the runway.)

(The cons keep running.)

Sucre: We're almost there.

C-Note: Better be there, man. Better be there.<

Kikavu ?

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CastleBeck, Avant-hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Sonmi451, Aujourd'hui à 12:03

Merci par avance à tout ceux qui voteront dans préférence, j'aimerais changer le design de Gilmore Girls mais ça dépend que de vous.

choup37, Aujourd'hui à 12:56

Effectivement, beaucoup de designs vous attendent dans préférences, on a besoin de vos votes

sabby, Aujourd'hui à 16:31

C'est voté pour moi Et en parlant de design, le SWAT a refait sa déco. N'hésitez pas à venir voir

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