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#302 : L'Eau et le Feu

Résumé : Michael et Mahone sont à la recherche de Whistler dont la tête est mise à prix ! Chacun à ses propres raisons pour le pister... Lincoln, quant à lui, se confronte à Betty/Susan qui exige qu'il stoppe toute investigation mais Lincoln est déterminé. Il croise la route de Fernando, lui même confronté à sa plus grande décision concernant son couple... T-Bag réussit à intégrer le groupe de Lechero en lui lêchant carrement les bottes... A Sona, une révolte gronde à cause du manque de réapprovisionnement de l'eau !


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L'Eau et le Feu

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Photo de l'épisode #3.02

Photo de l'épisode #3.02

Photo de l'épisode #3.02

Photo de l'épisode #3.02

Photo de l'épisode #3.02

Photo de l'épisode #3.02

Photo de l'épisode #3.02

Plus de détails

Moments forts :

La rencontre entre Lincoln et Susan
Mahone trouve Whistler
La confrontation entre Bellick et Fernando suivi de la révélation au sujet de Marycruz
La décision de Fernando concernant son couple
Michael fait jaillir une source d'eau...

Michael et d’autres prisonniers font la queue pour leur ration quotidienne d’eau ; soit un verre seulement. Il demande à un détenu, McGrady, pourquoi justement ils sont autant rationnés en eau. Celui-ci lui explique que, suite aux émeutes de l’an passé, l’eau est distribué de cette façon et que Léchero en contrôle la distribution. Puis, Michael demande s’il connaît un certain James Whistler… McGrady lui répond qu’il a disparu mais que de toute façon s’il réapparaissait il ne ferait pas long feu… sa tête étant mise à prix pour avoir tué le fils du maire de Panama City.
Au même moment, une bagarre éclate entre un prisonnier et Sammy, le bras droit de Léchero. Sammy s’énerve rapidement et finit par envoyer l’autre type à terre en renversant le seul baril d’eau de la prison… La tension monte aussitôt mais Léchero affirme qu’il y aura bientôt de l’eau pour tout le monde.  Michael sort de sa poche le morceau de papier que Bellick lui avait glissé juste avant son combat et le lit à nouveau : Versailles 1989 V. Madrid.

Michael demande alors des explications à Bellick qui lui avoue, en échange d’un peu d’eau, qu’un homme caché dans les égouts lui a remis çà. Michael réalise immédiatement qu’il doit certainement s’agir de Whistler et descend le constater lui-même. A travers un mur de brique, il communique enfin avec cet individu qui n’est évidemment pas prêt à refaire surface. Michael lui promet de venir le chercher plus tard et que tout s’arrangera. Whistler reste sur ses gardes.
Entre temps, Lincoln revoit Susan dans un restaurant. Celle-ci lui fait clairement comprendre que si Whistler ne s’évade pas de Sona, la vie de Sara et de son fils seront sacrifiées. Et elle ajoute qu’il est inutile de la menacer car ça ne mènera à rien… Mais Lincoln promet non pas de s’en prendre à elle mais à sa famille si jamais il leur arrivait quelque chose de grave.
Fernando achète une arme à feu…

Mahone surveille attentivement les agissements de Scofield. Il apprend que Whistler, auquel s’intéresse Michael, est recherché par tous les prisonniers car si on le livre au Maire alors une remise de peine voire une libération pourrait leur être accordée. Mahone décide de le retrouver avant Michael. Tandis que Wyatt, un détenu assoifé, commence sérieusement à remettre en cause la bonne foi de Léchero, ce dernier réalise qu’il pourrait être renversé. IL doit à tout prix trouver un moyen de résoudre ce problème.
Bellick a de la visite ! C’est Fernando qui le menace aussitôt avec son révolver : il lui reproche d’avoir laissé mourir Maricruz. Mais Bellick, devant la pression, reconnaît qu’il a piégé Sucre. Non seulement Maricruz n’est pas morte mais il ne l’a jamais enlevé… IL voulait juste qu’il l’aide à l’époque à retrouver l’argent… Bellick demande alors à Sucre d’appeler sa mère pour lui mais Fernando, trop heureux par la nouvelle, disparaît sans un mot.
C’est au tour de Michael de recevoir de la visite. Il montre à Lincoln le bout de papier. Aucun d’eux ne comprend sa signification… Michael demande à son frère de se renseigner et exige aussi de l’argent pour l’évasion… Ils n’ont qu’une semaine pour s’enfuir.  

Mahone a finalement repéré la tanière de Whistler et arrive à l’en faire sortir en plantant une barre de fer à l’intérieur de l’ouverture.  Whistler est prit au piège. 

Lincoln et Fernando se rencontrent fortuitement à un arrêt de bus. Lincoln apprend à Sucre que Michael est enfermé à Sona et qu’il aurait bien besoin de son aide, d’autant qu’il parle très bien espagnol. Mais Fernando ne peut pas ; il doit rejoindre Maricruz. Lincoln lui rappelle que « les personnes innocentes doivent le rester, même si çà signifie devoir les abandonner ». Sucre ne saisit pas et monte dans le bus qui s’éloigne sous les yeux de Burrows. A l’arrière, une publicité attire son attention : Banco de Versailles. Il compare avec le papier que son frère lui a laissé…

Au même instant, Sofia, dans un taxi, se rend à la banque de Versailles munie du même papier. 

Léchero apprend que personne à l’extérieur ne lui apportera de bidon d’eau supplémentaire… Il devient alors très inquiet. Michael demande à T-Bag un entretien avec Léchero… et devant son refus, il insiste et promet qu’il a des informations capitales.  

Bellick révèle à T-Bag, en échange de vêtements plus dignes, qu’il y a un homme caché dans les égouts… T-Bag réalise qu’il s’agit sûrement de Whistler et en informe aussitôt Léchero. Puis, il part distribuer le seul bidon d’eau qui restait à Léchero mais qui ne suffira pas à abreuver tous les prisonniers. Ceux-ci se jettent sur lui… 

McGrady apprend à Michael qu’en 3 ans personne n’a jamais réussi à s’évader d’ici. Puis, il aperçoit les hommes de Léchero se diriger vers les égouts… Au même instant, Bellick ressort avec des vêtements sur le dos et de la nourriture dans les mains… Michael a compris ! Brad a parlé… Il court alors vers les égouts.  Tout le monde se retrouve dans les égouts. Mahone détient Whistler mais menace quiconque de s’en approcher. C’est son prisonnier… et il tient à la récompense. Michael tente de le raisonner : ce n’est pas comme çà que tu vas sortir d’ici… et il finit même par lui promettre de plaider en sa faveur lors de son procès s’il le relâche… mais devant l’agitation et les hommes de Léchero qui se dispersent, Whistler se détache de Mahone et s’enfuit.  

Michael se rend alors chez Léchero et le supplie de lever la sanction qui pèse sur Whistler mais Léchero appelle T-Bag et lui demande s’il peut lui faire confiance. T-Bag saute sur l’occasion et répond que Michael est un crottal ; un serpent qui poignarde les gens dans le dos !!! Léchero est prêt à le renvoyer alors que Michael exige encore deux minutes quand soudain une pierre traverse une des vitres…  Dans la cours, Wyatt a réussi à convaincre suffisamment de monde que Léchero ne tenait pas parole… Ils réclament tous de l’eau immédiatement… 

Michael voit à nouveau le jeune McGrady et lui remet de l’argent pour que celui-ci lui déniche de l’alcool.  

Pendant ce temps, Sofia est arrivée à la banque et converse avec une employée : Véra Madrid. Lincoln surveille de loin… Sofia obtient en réponse qu’elle est signataire du compte de Whistler. Elle le remet alors à Sofia le contenu du coffre de James. Sofia sort mais elle est de suite interceptée par Lincoln. Il lui rappelle qu’ils se sont déjà vus à Sona et qu’il connaît Whistler… Puis, il s’empare de son sac à main… Sofia n’a pas eu le temps de réagir que déjà Burrows a mis la main sur le petit livre d’oiseau qu’elle venait tout juste de récupérer. Il le conserve même s’il ne sait pas à quoi il peut lui servir… Sofia se demande bien pourquoi autant de gens s’intéressent à son mari. Toute la scène est suivie de près par un autre homme; Elliot Pike.  

Mahone a retrouvé Whistler… et tente de le persuader de remonter avec lui mais James ne l’entend pas de cette oreille… et refuse. Mahone commence à le tirer. 

Tandis que Michael noue du linge ; McGrady lui apporte son alcool et Michael commence à tremper la corde fabriquée dans le seau. Il lui demande aussi des sacs plastiques…  Lorsque McGrady revient avec des sacs, Michael promet de ne rien révéler de cette histoire et commence à verser l’alcool dans les sacs. Il sort dans la cour, toujours martelé par les hurlements des prisonniers enragés qui scandent le nom de Léchero comme s’ils allaient le livrer à la potence, et descend aux égouts.  

Mahone est en train de remonter avec Whistler mais se heurte à nouveau aux hommes de main de Léchero. Il les menace avec sa barre de fer.  Michael continue sa progression en suivant un tuyau de la main… Puis, il glisse son sac rempli d’alcool dans une des branches de la canalisation. Celle-ci est obstruée mais Michael parvient à le descendre grâce à la corde de tissu préfabriquée. Il tente ensuite de craquer une allumette… 

Au même instant, Mahone a enfin réussit à ramener Whistler aux yeux et à la vue de tous… Léchero semble très intéressé par la prise de Mahone mais la colère des détenus atteint son maximum… 

Michael enflamme enfin une allumette et met le feu à la corde… le sac d’alcool explose !!! L’eau se met à jaillir dans la cour… les prisonniers se ruent dessus. Léchero est sauvé et remarque l’œuvre de Michael qui réapparaît pile au bon moment. Il se tourne alors vers Mahone et lui fait comprendre que Michael vient de renchérir avec succès et que désormais Whistler ne sera plus inquiété.  

De son côté, Fernando téléphone à Maricruz qui n’en revient pas d’entendre son fiancé au bout du fil… sentiment d’ailleurs partagé. Mais Sucre lui annonce qu’il ne reviendra pas auprès d’elle car pour sa protection, il vaut mieux qu’il reste éloigné. Cependant, il la retrouvera un jour et promet de subvenir aux besoins de son enfant. Maricruz en larmes reste sous le choc. 

Lincoln est surpris par Susan qui attendait patiemment dans sa chambre d’hôtel son retour. Elle le menace aussitôt d’un révolver et exige qu’il lui donne le bouquin. Lincoln obéit mais une fois seul, il sort de son autre poche le « vrai » bouquin… il le regarde alors plus attentivement.  

Retour à Sona 

Les hommes de Léchero ont attrapé Wyatt et le maintiennent de force… Léchero ordonne qu’il soit exécuté… Wyat est noyé dans un seau d’eau.  

Dans la cour, tout est redevenu plus calme. Michael et Whistler discutent ; James le remercie pour son geste et lui demande comment il compte les faire sortir de là. Michael lui répond qu’il n’en a aucune idée.

Opening scene:

(SONA. Various shots of inmates doing their own thing. Mahone is muttering to himself. Tbag is looking around. Bellick is still in his diaper. There is a queue for people who want water. Michael and McGrady are standing in the queue.)

McGrady: So where are you from up there bro?

Michael: Chicago.

McGrady: Michael Jordan.  (Michael nods). You meet him?

Michael: It's a big city.

McGrady: Oh yea... big city.

(At this point Bellick walks up to Michael).

Bellick: Thanks for saving me a spot. (Michael looks sympathetically towards Bellick).

Another prisoner: (To Bellick) Hey! Forget it! (He pushes Bellick out of the line).

McGrady: You ever have sex with blonde cheerleader?

Michael: Yea, sure (not really listening).

McGrady: (Laughs) You're the man bro!

Michael: How long has the water been out?

McGrady: Since the riots last year. Government blame us. They say 'Screw you, you break it'. No water.

(It's Michael's turn to get the water. Another inmate pours a cup of water into Michael's glass).

Michael: Gracias. (He proceeds to drink the water. Look quick, there's an inmate here. Name's James Whistler. I'm looking for him.

McGrady: Welcome to the club. EVerybody looking for him.

Michael: Why's that?

McGrady: He killed the Mayor of panama city's son. Bar-fight.

Michael: So where is he now?

McGrady: (shrugs his shoulders) Disappeared. Some say he might even escape. (Michael looks interested and drinks his water.)

Sammy: (To another inmate) Hey, Hey, Hey! I don't have no money. I don't have no money. That's all I hear from you, you know that. But then I see you with this (points to the food in the inmate's hand), eh, life must be good, eh?

Inmate: Man, look, I'm hungry, ok?

Sammy: You worry about me being hungry.

Lechero: (To Sammy) Eh eh eh.. c'mon... C'mon!

Inmate: You eat all the time. Ok... I can see you up there.

(Sammy walks up to the inmate and pushes him against the barrel of water. The barrel of water spills and there is no more water left for the prisoners at SONA. Lechero pushes Sammy aside. Another inmate kicks the barrel in anger.)

Lechero: There's going to be more water.

The inmate who kicks the barrel of water: When?

Lechero: I said, there will be more water.

(The other inmate walks off, frustrated.)

McGrady (to Michael): Later, bro.

(Michael looks around, drinks his water. Mahone looks at Michael. Michael stares back and then proceeds to his pocket. He removes the note he found in the last episode, and reads it again. Flashback of Bellick putting the note in Michael's pocket. Michael looks away.
Cut to: Bellick trying to drink water out of the pipe. Michael approaches him.)

Bellick: Spare a little? (referring to the water)

Michael: I need some information.

Bellick: Absolutely.

Michael: You slipped this note in my pocket yesterday, why?

Bellick: My memory's a little foggy on account of this thirst.

(Michael pours some water into Bellick's glass. Bellick drinks it up.)

Bellick: Yea, it's starting to come back to me now a little more ..." "..(didnt catch that part.. sorry..)

Michael: The note?

Bellick: This guy gave me some rat meat in exchange for putting that note in your pocket and the guy you were set to fight.

Michael: Why?

Bellick: He's nuts. He might have lived out of those sewers, doesn't have all those faculties.

Michael: Where in the sewers?

(Bellick shows Michael his empty glass.)


(The Sewers. Michael enters and covers his nose from the smell. He goes down the steps which lead to the beginning of the sewers.)

Michael: Whistler? (He gets no reply, so he continues to walk down the sewers. He puts his hand on the pipe above him as he walks and suddenly stops. He removes his hand and rubs his fingers, trying to figure out whats sticking to the pipe.) Whistler? (He continues to walk and stops at a wall. He bends down and speaks through an open brick-hole in the wall.) My name is Michael Scofield. I was sent to get you out of here. I'm going to assume that they told you I was coming. Or that someone was coming. Whistler? (No reply). Last chance. I'm not coming down here again. (He prepares to leave, but suddenly, he hears a cough.)

Whistler: You're here to get me out of SONA?

Michael: Are you surprised?

Whistler: It's just that it's going to be a bit difficult getting me out of this hole, seeing as if I go up above ground, and another inmate spots me, I'm a dead man.


Cut to:

Whistler: (coughs) There's this.. there's a slight misunderstanding that I have with the mayor of...

Michael: You know what... (getting impatient) .. it's none of my business. I'll come back and get you when the time is right.

Whistler: I may not make it that long.

Michael: That's your problem, my friend. I've got problems of my own.

Whistler: So you work for these people? The one's that want me out of SONA?

Michael: Look, just stay put. As long as noone knows you're here, you should be safe. I'll be back.

Whistler: Why do these people want me out so badly? Can you at least tell me that?

Michael: This is the part where you pretend you're innocent. Just a pawn in all this.

Whistler: If they told you anything about me, before you came here, you'd know that to be true. I just want to know what they want with me.

Michael: Stay put! (He leaves)

Cut to:

(A bar in some restaurant. Susan (the woman from the previous episode with the scratches on her face) is sitting on one of the couches, waiting for Lincoln. Lincoln arrives.)

Susan: In an effort to save some time, I'm going to have to insist that we skip right past all the threats I know you're prepared to lay out, should anything happen to Sara or LY, you will scavour the earth and hunt me down and rip my heart from my chest, and bop bop bop. I absolutely know how you feel. As would I. Okay? So that's done. On to business. Did you're brother get the message? (Lincoln nods). Good. You and I will meet here everyday. I want a full report of the prior day's progress. When I call your cell phone, answer. Don't ask me stupid questions. Don't waste my time. Get a plan together. Execute it. LJ and Sara will be traded for Whistler, are we clear?

Lincoln: I want a picture of my son and Sara to prove that they're alive.

Susan: Fine. I can do that. Next.

Lincoln: Why us?

Susan: I'll answer that question so we can put it to bed and you can focus on your work. There's a political spotlight on Whistler. Due to the nature of his crime, raids, bribes, what have you are not an option. We have to go through the back door. So to speak.

Lincoln: This can't be done in a week.

Susan: You have a week. That's it. Are we clear?

Lincoln: What's your name?

Susan: Susan B. Anthony. 

Lincoln: I'm assuming you were'nt born by immaculate concepton.

Susan: You're right Lincoln.

Lincoln: Family trees, being what they are. Moms, Dads, brothers, sisters. Anything happens to my son or Sara, I'm not coming after you Susan.

Susan: Get to work. (Lincoln nods and leaves).

Cut to:

(A shop in Panama. Sucre is present. Flashback to moments of him with Maricruz. He looks like he is waiting for something. The shopkeeper approaches him.)

Shopkeeper: (in spanish) It's a deal.

(Sucre slaps some money down on the table, while the shopkeeper gives him a gun and a box of bullets. Sucre takes it and leaves it.)

Cut to:

(SONA. Michael has appeared from the sewers. He closes the door behind him and faces the courtyard. Mahone watches him from afar. )

Frustrated inmate from before: .. and lechero just walks away. He doesn't care about us. Doesn't give a damn. Living like a king up there. (Michael walks past them and hears all this). opa opa da suzukii...( I ahve no idea what he said there).. come out, what are you afraid? (mahone is still staring at Michael).... Cmon... Lechero... cmon!

Cut to:

(The hallways of SONA. Bellick enters a cell with his empty glass. He stares at the food being made.)

Bellick: Por farvor... Por favor.

(The inmates throw something at him and send him away.)

Bellick: (Sees Michael) Why are you so interested about that guy down there?

Michael: No reason.

Bellick: Then why are you whispering, college boy?

Michael: Why don't you lower your voice already?

Bellick: What's in it for me?

Michael: I'm sorry.. do you have any other friends in here besides me? I'm it.

Bellick: Friends don't let friends go hungry.

Michael: Alright.

Bellick: ...and thirsty.

Michael: Alright.

Bellick: ..and damn near half naked.

Michael: I said alright, I'll take care of it!

Bellick: When?

Michael: When I can.

Bellick: What's the big deal? Why is he hiding? (Michael leaves)... Who's he hiding from?

Cut to:

(Courtyard in SONA. McGrady and Mahone are talking).

McGrady: Mayor get message to Lechero.. He say if Whistler guy gets killed here in SONA, whoever kills him gets to go to court, gets to see a judge. Judge friendly with Mayor.

Mahone: Kill him and you get to get out of here and be free?

McGrady: It's what Lechero said.

Mahone: This will stay between me and you.

McGrady: Of you're friend wanted you to know, why didn't he tell you?

Mahone: Cause... cause you and I are friends now. Unless you want to be enemies.

McGrady: Friends...

Mahone: Good, me too.

Cut to: (Visitation in SONA. Looks like Bellick's got a visitor. It's Sucre!!)

Bellick: Sucre, Sucre get me out of here please.

Sucre: Where's Maricruz?

Bellick: Ya, Maricruz she's good, she's okay. But, I'm not telling you anything until you get me out of here.....

Sucre: (interrupts him) Tell me where she is right now. (He points the gun he bought, to Bellick)

Bellick: You shoot me, you'll end up inside this hell-hole.

Sucre: I'm done. I don't care anymore. I can only guess she's dead by now. So I die with her.

Bellick: (scared) I never had her. In that house in Mexico, I chased your aunt and Maricruz out. I told them I'd lock them up for accessory if they " ..." (didnt catch that). I swear to God.

Sucre: And the crucifix?

Bellick: I ripped it off Maricruz before she ran and there was no phone in that dump so I knew you wouldn't be able to call her from the road... to make sure I wasn't lying. I conned ya.

Sucre: So... Maricruz is....

Bellick: She's picking grapes, .. I have no idea. Just lower the barrel (Sucre smiles ... he's so happy) ... put the gun down. (Sucre puts the gun down). Now I came clean with you and helped you out right buddy?... So you gotta return the favour. Call my mom at Joliet, Edna Bellick, and if she's listening... Sucre...(Sucre walks away).. I never laid a hand on Maricruz.. I would never do that. Sucre, help me please!! Sucre, help me! (Sucre is still not turning back... he leaves!)..Help me!

Cut to:

(SONA. Mahone is now in the sewers, presumably looking for Whistler as well. He stares down the pathway, thinking twice about it, turns to leave, but suddenly, he hears a cough. That cough triggers him, and he walks towards the wall that keeps Whistler secure from him)

Cut to:

(Visitation in SONA. Lincoln has come to meet Michael)

Lincoln: Hey.

Michael: Hey.

Lincoln: You find Whistler?

Michael: Yea.

Lincoln: What's the story?

Michael: I don't know. Maybe it's better that way, huh. I just gotta get him outta here, right?

Lincoln: C'mon man, cmon. We gotta keep moving, whats the next play?

Michael: Whistler got a note out on a dead body yesterday. (shows Lincoln the note) I don't know what it means or what it's for. (Lincoln takes it). We need all the leverage we can get. And uh, I need some money.

Lincoln: (Hands michael some money. The guards on the tower tell them to move apart in spanish).

Michael: Noone's ever broken out of this place before, let alone a week to plan it. So you tell these people, whoever it is that took Sara and my nephew, you tell them I get it. And I'm going to do everything I can. I'm going to break this guy out of here. Or I'm going to die trying and if it's the latter, then that should count for something, right? That's gotta count for something. You tell them that.

Lincoln: I will.

Michael: You tell them. (turns to leave)

Lincoln: I'd trade places with you in a second.

Michael: I know...(He leaves....awww...... )

Cut to:

(SONA. Mahone is still in the sewers. He's almost approached the wall. )

Mahone: Whistler. (Halfway, he bend down and graps a steel/wooden/heavy pipe). You're not safe here. I can take you someplace that is. (Whistler coughs again, which reveals the location of his hiding spot).

Whistler: If you're here to help me, then just leave me alone... please.

(Mahone reaches out towards the wall, put the pipe through the brick-hole and tries to break down the wall.)

Cut to:


Cut To:

(Lincoln is walking towards a cab in the streets of Panama. He sees Sucre on a payphone.)

Lincoln: Sucre.

Sucre: Linc. (surprised to see him).

Lincoln: Hey man.

Sucre: What are you doing here? (hugs him) What are you doing here?

Lincoln: Michael's locked up.

Sucre: (shocked) for what?

Lincoln: I don't know. I'm sorting it through. I could use your help. We're um... we're in a bad spot.

Sucre: I feel for you man, but... I'm done with basketballs linc. I'm going to see Maricruz. I just talked to my cousin Pete, he told me she's back up over in Chicago.

Lincoln: Hey, you're still wanted in Chicago remember?

Sucre: I'll figure something out.

Lincoln: Look, if you change your mind, I'm staying at the Plaza de sol. ( A bus pulls up)

Sucre: I won't. I'm outta here bro. I'm going to go see my girl.

Lincoln: Listen to me. You got innocent people in your life, means you gotta keep them innocent. That means walking away from them, that's what you've got to do.

Sucre: Good luck linc... (Boards the bus)

(The bus leaves and there's a board on the back of the bus which reads : "BANCO DE VERSAILLES". Something hits him, he looks at the note Michael gave him. At the same time, it cuts to Sofia (the woman who was in the previous episode who was shouting about her "dead husband"..) who is reading the note, pulls over a cab and gets in.)

Sofia: Banco De Versailles, por farvor.

Cut To:

(SONA. Lechero's headquarters. Tbad is unsuccessfully trying to peel a mango with a knife).

Sammy: (To Lechero) Have we had our laugh with him yet? He's useless brother.

Lechero: You want to get rid of him? ... huh.. then you cut my mango.. huh.. You caused me a big big problem out there, you understand that? Now there is no more water.

Sammy: They'll live.

Lechero: Oh yea.? They'll live? Well go on, and tell them that then. Theodore, there's water here. (Gives him a big bottle of water) Give each man a little, eh?

T-Bag: At once.

Cut to:

(Courtyard of SONA.)

Frustrated inmate form before: Hey Lechero. Don't worry about us, we're fine. (to the other inmates) He may have ruled the streets out there, but in here, he's just like us. Just like us. C'mon, what are you, afraid? Cmon and lean on it. Cmon. (All the inmates start shouting).

(Michael walks across and asks another inmate something.)

Michael: The american in his underwear, you seen him?

(The inmate shakes his head.)

Cut To:

(Inside the halls of SONA. Bellick is present. He sees Tbag walking down with the big bottle of water)

Bellick: T-bag..

T-Bag: Boy, you will be drinking your own urine before you'll be getting any of this.

Bellick: I just need to speak to senior Lechero please.

T-bag: Do yourself a favour and scamper.

Bellick: But I got something.

T-bag: Oh yea. You got yourself the 'untouchable' status.I could get myself killed just talking to your mangy ass. Underling.

Bellick: I got information. Good information.

Cut to:

(Sewers. Mahone is trying to get Whistler out of the wall.)

Cut to:

(Lechero's headquarters. Bellick comes limping in, followed by Tbag)

Sammy: Are you out of your mind?

T-bag: He's got info.

Sammy: Pick a knee-cap huh..

Bellick: I got information. I just want

T-bag: Patron please.

Lechero: Hold on .. hold on. This better be informative. Coz your knee cap next.

T-bag: This morning, before that whole kneecap thing, I heard you and the lads talking about that Whistler character, I know no-ones found him. Well.....

Bellick: Please... I just want food and clothes.

T-bag: Just tell him, idiot!

Bellick: There's a guy hiding down in the sewers. I figure he's hiding from you right, because you run this place, right? And and so I figured you want to know everything that goes on here so...

T-bag: Fine. Shutup! It just might be Whistler. See, Patron, see?

Lechero: Is he australian?

Bellick: Yea, yea!

(Lechero looks happy and turns away.. so does Tbag)

Cut to:

(Courtyard of SONA. He's carrying the water bottle.)

T-bag: Courtesy of teh Lecheros' magnificence..Now cmon, back up.. back up.

Michael: (To McGrady) Hey, how long you been in SONA?

McGrady: You mean years?

Michael: How old are you?

McGrady: Seventeen (awww........poor McGrady)

Michael: As far as you know, noone's ever broken out of this place.. except maybe this Whistler guy.

McGrady: You Americans ask a lot of questions.

(Michael notices two of Lechero's gang entering the sewers and starts getting suspicious. He then sees Bellick coming out of Lechero's quarters which new (torn) clothes and food, and his suspicions are confirmed)

Michael: Oh no. (he runs towards the sewers)

McGrady: What's wrong?

Cut to:


Mahone: C'mon....

Whistler: Please.

Mahone: CMON!

Whistler: I have a family.

Mahone: So do I. C'mon..(he drags Whistler out of his hiding place).. Stop.. stop okay? Just...

(Lechero's gang enters. Mahone puts his pipe out defending himself. Michael enters from behind and sees the situation. )

Mahone: (Referring to Whistler) He's coming with me.


Cut To:

(Sewers. Michael carefully approaches Mahone.)

Mahone: Just back up Michael. Just...

Michael: You don't actually think that killing someone's going to help you get out of here, do you?

Mahone: It does seem pretty strange, but this is a really strange place. One that I want to get out of.

Michael: Then I'll help you. I'll testify for you, whatever it takes.

Mahone: Wow, look at that halo! It just appeared above your head, that's amazing!

Michael: I don't have a choice Alex.

Mahone: What did you tell me yesterday? What did you tell me yesterday, huh? You're on your own Alex. Back up! BACK UP! You, you don't want this.

Michael: Let me help you Alex. (Gives out his arm)

(Whistler manages to get away from Mahone's grip and runs further off into the sewers. Mahone runs after him but not before saying 'Back up!' to Lechero's men. Michael, on the other hand, goes off into the different direction).

Cut To:

(SONA. Courtyard. Angry, frustrated inmate is blaring once again)

Inmate: Hey! Your Majesty! Where are you hiding?

Sammy: (In Lechero's headquarters) You gotta shut him up.

Lechero: I need ..."  ...." and he not calling me back.

(Michael enters..)

Michael: I need to talk to you.

Lechero: Don't you ever walk in here without being called!

Michael: I'm sorry, but it's worth a breach in etiquette.

Lechero: Is it now?

Michael: I thought you could use my help. There are ways in which I can be of assistance. Just take the bounty off of Whistler.

Lechero: (laughs) No man. Whistler don't mean nothing to me, man. I have five consecutive life sentences. I ain't coming out of SONA no time soon. THen why should I deprive other men of their chance at freedom, eh?

Michael: I need you to trust me.

Lechero: Ooh, trust you? hahaha....I don't know you good enough, brother. Theodoro!

(T-Bag comes in)

T-Bag: Si, Patron?

Lechero: Can I trust this bobo?

T-Bag: He's a snake. He stabbed me in a back every chance he got.

Lechero: Huh.. (approaching Michael).. A snake who stabs a man in the back? I never heard of such a creature before.

(Suddenly, someone throws something into Lechero's HQ through the window).

Sammy: You gonna stop this?

Michael: Just give me two more minutes.

Lechero: Leave! Now! Leave!

(Michael leaves).

Frustrated inmate from the courtyard: Hows your television? Hows your whore? Come out, what are you scared off?

(Michael approaches McGrady.)

Michael: Hey, I need some, some munsha.

McGrady: Munsha?

Michael: Some alcohol, booze. (Gives the kid some money).

McGrady: Booze, yea...

Michael: Well, I need it now. A litre, a gallon, whatever you can get your hands on.

McGrady: It's not good time for a party bro.

Michael: Bring it to me in my in my cell.

(Cut to: Banco De Versailles. The woman who has the other part of Whistler's note enters the bank. We see Lincoln sitting on one of the chairs, behind observing her.)

Some random lady: (In spanish) Vera, Vera. The woman's been waiting for you.

Vera: Thankyou. (introduces herself to the woman who has the note. She's a teller I think). Vera Madrid. I hope you haven't been waiting long.

Woman: Sofia Lugo. (She has a name!!!)

Sofia: (in spanish) I'm James Whistler's girlfriend.

Vera: ((in spanish) You're a signatory on his account. Wait here.

(Lincoln is observing all this).

Cut To:

(A bus stop in Panama. Sucre is waiting for the bus. A young woman with her baby is sitting on the same bench. Sucre is looking at Maricruz'z crucifix.)

Sucre: (About the baby) (in spanish) She's beautiful.

Lady: (in spanish) Thankyou.

Sucre: (in spanish) My girlfriend's pregnant.

Lady: (in spanish) Oh, congratulations.

Sucre: (in spanish) I'm going... (puts his head down as he notices two policemen pass him. They look at him).

Policeman: (in spanish) Can I help you?

Sucre: (in spanish) No thank you. I'm good.

Policeman: (in spanish) Cause it looked like you needed something.

Sucre: (in spanish) No. I'm just waiting for the bus. (The two policemen leave. The lady gets suspicious of Sucre and gets up. The bus arrives, she boards it, but Sucre thinks and does not. Looks like he's staying in Panama, after all!)

Cut To:

(SONA. Sewers...Whistler is running away from Mahone. He crawls back into his hiding place, and puts the bricks back. Mahone sees this.)

Mahone: Ah, c'mon Whistler. Whistler, stop. STOP! (Takes the bricks out and pulls Whistler out again.) What are you...?? (He stops getting Whistler out and takes a deep breath.) Just come up and talk with me. You got a better chance coming up with me, atleast you can plead your case to Lechero. Just get...

Whistler: Go to hell!

Cut To:

(Michael cell. He's making a rope of some sort with pieces of cloth. McGrady arrives with a bucketful of alcohol.)

McGrady: Not his best batch, he said.

Michael: That's fine. I'm gonna need some plastic bags.

McGrady: You didn't get it for to party, did you?

Michael: Plastic bags, as many as you can get. I'll make it worth your while, I promise. (McGrady leaves and Michael soaks the rope thing which he has made into the bucket of alcohol. )

Cut To:

(Banco De Versailles. Vera removes a tray of contents from a safe and takes it to Sofia. She opens it.)

Sofia: (in spanish) This is it?

Vera: (in spanish) That's it.

(Sofia takes the book out of the safe and puts it in her bag).

Vera: (in spanish) If you could just sign for it. Gracias.

Sofia: Gracias. (She leaves. Lincoln gets up and follows.)

Lincoln: Excuse me, you speak English?

Sofia: Yea.

Lincoln: We've met. I mean I saw you yesterday at SONA.

Sofia: Yea.

Lincoln: You know, you can lose the whole grieving widow thing. You're Whistler's girl right?

Sofia: I'm sorry, I have to be somewhere.

Lincoln: Just uh, I got to do something alright?

Sofia: Do what? (Lincoln takes her bag) Give me that back or I'll call the police.

Lincoln: You're not going to call the police. (He takes out the book from her bag). Why does he want this? (It's a bird book).

Sofia: I don't know. He's just a fisherman.

Lincoln: (Disbelieving) Fisherman? Well tell your fisherman friend, tell your firsherman friend that Scofield's brother has this. (He turns to leave).

Sofia: Why won't your people just leave him alone?

Lincoln: You think we want to be forced into this? You think we want to be here lady?

Sofia: Force into what? What are you talking about? (Clearly, she has no idea as to what's going on. Lincoln leaves. Someone, possible from the company, is witnessing this from his car. It's the same guy who visited Michael from the previous episode - Elliot Pike).

Cut To:

(SONA. Michael has the plastic bags. He puts one into the other.)

Michael: (to McGrady) Okay, hold this. Hold it. (McGrady holds it). Watch the hallway for me. (He pours the contents of the bucket into the plastic bags).

McGrady: I'm friends with everybody here, bro. That's how I keep alive.

Michael: You and I are friends, right?

McGrady: Yeah, but looks like you got enemies. (Watches the hallway). What I did for you, getting you those things...

Michael: Noone will ever know. ( He takes the bucket + plastic bags and leaves. He passes by the courtyard where all the angry inmates are screaming "LECHERO LECHERO" over and over again. Michael enters the sewers)

Cut to:

(Sewers. Mahone has Whistler).

Mahone: Stand up, stand up. Stand up. Cmon. Back off (sees Lechero's man approach him). Back up. You can have him, but two of you will die in the process. You first? I swear I'll wrap this around your head. Move. MOVE!

Cut to:

(Another part of the sewers. Michael is following the pipelines, feels a knot somewhere in one of the pipes, and enters the door right next to it.)

Cut to:

(Courtyard of SONA. Inmates are screaming. )

Sammy: Enough! (To Lechero) Let me go down there. Let me cut just one throat. Just one. They'll quiet down, man.

Tbag: And then re-group later. With the real reason to come after you.

Sammy: Shut your mouth.

Lechero: He's right Sammy.

Sammy: So, what we gonna do Boss, eh? We just gonna sit up here, hope they run out of rocks.

(Lechero's phone rings. He picks it up.)

Lechero: We have a problem.

Man on the other side: What is it?

Lechero: Run out of water.

Man (who is a guard of the prison): So you mean, you've got a problem.

Lechero: Look, there was an accident. The tank tipped over. My men need water.

Guard: I'll see if I can get the water truck there day after tomorrow.

Lechero: (Shouting) No, I need water now!

Guard: I guess it's too bad there's no guards in there with you, huh? You could hostages, have riots, make the bands.... day after tomorrow. You call me, and raise your voice at me like that again, you're not going to see water for two weeks. Hmm? Tindero. (Hangs up)

Cut To:

(Michael is removing the cover of a pipe in the room. He successfully removes it and throws the bag of alcohol down, with the end of the rope hanging out. (We see that there is a bloackage in the pipe. Michael lights a match, several of them, but they all blow off very quickly)

Cut To:

(Mahone has just emerged onto the courtyard with Whistler. He's behaving like a mad man. Sammy sees this from the balcony of Lechero's cell/HQ/room)

Cut To:

(Michael finally manages to get a match-stick lit and lights the end of the rope. It spread down fast to the end of the pipe, where the bag of alcohol is lying.)

Cut To:

Sammy: (To Lechero) They got Whistler.


Cut To:

(The screen switches from Mahone to the fire reaching the bag of alcohol every other second).

Lechero: Enough. Enough. I'll decide this.

Angry inmate: You'll decide nothing.

(The fire had reached the bag of alcohol).

Angry inmate: You can't deliver Lechero. You're done here.

(Suddenly, the bag of alcohol catches fire, blows up and the blockage in the pipe is removed which results in......... water coming out of one of the pipes in the courtyard. All the inamtes run toward it, and Lechero looks in disbelief. We see Michael coming out of the sewers. Lechero sees him and realizes it was Michael who got the problem of water fixed.)

Mahone: Now what? What do we do?

Lechero: (looking at Michael) You've been outbid.

Mahone: Wait, what are you talking about? What are you talking... what are you talking about?

(Lechero approaches Michael)

Lechero: Now thats uh.. very useful. Very useful.

Michael: And whistler's clear?

Lechero: Yea... Clear as the blue sky, brother. ( He smiles and leaves. Michael looks relieved, and so does Whistler. Mahone looks distraught - poor guy!)

Cut To:

(Sucre on a payphone.)

Maricruz: Hello?

Sucre: Baby, it's me.

Maricruz: Oh my god, I've been so scared, I've been praying everyday.

Sucre: I did too, baby. Thankgod you're okay.

Maricruz: Pete called me after he talked to you and he said that you might be coming back here..

Sucre: It's what I told him.

Maricruz: You have to be so careful.

Sucre: Baby, I've been thinking, and uh, the only thing that I care about now is that you and the baby are okay. That's what matters to me. I'm not coming back. It's not because I don't love you, because you know I do. I love you more than anything. But all I do is bring you down... I'm not good for you.

Maricruz: That's not true. That's not true (crying)

Sucre: It is. It is. It is. And sometimes the only way to protect the people that you love is by staying away from them. One day when I get my life together, however long that takes, I'll find you. I'll find you and I'll make you and our baby proud.

Maricruz: I wish we can go back, I would give anything to go back.

Sucre:  (holding back tears, devestated) I wish that too baby.

Maricruz: I love you so much baby.

Sucre: I love you too baby. Goodbye.

Maricruz: (in tears) bye.

(Sucre hangs up..He puts his fingers to his lips, kisses it, and then outs it on the crucifix which he's hung around the pay-phone. He leaves... poor Sucre!!)

Cut To:

(Lincoln emerges from the bathroom. He's in his hotel room. Apparently, so is Susan. He's surprised to see her there.)

Susan B: You know, they told me that your brother got all the brains. But I didn't realize that you were this stupid.

Lincoln: What do you want, Susan?

Susan B: No sooner do I tell you to stick to the plan, then you go and hassle Whistler's girlfriend. You need to quit playing Sherlock Holmes and leave her alone.

Lincoln: Why?

(Susan points a gun at Lincoln)

Susan: Cause I said so. How about that?

Lincoln: How about you beat it, so I can get back to work?

Susan B: I will. As soon as you give me what you took from her.

Lincoln: I took nothing from her.

Susan B: I got a gallon of bleach, a tarp and a hacksaw in the trunk of my car. One hour, tops-- You're off the face of the earth.

Lincoln: It's just a bird guide.

Susan: I am not going to ask you again. (Lincoln removes the book from his pocket and hands it over to Susan).Toss it. (Lincoln does.). Tomorrow. bar. Progress Report. I will be waiting. ( She leaves. Unfortunately for her, lincoln removes another book from his other pocket. It's the actual book. He gave Susan a fake one.)

Cut To:

(SONA. Lechero's HQ. His men bring the frustrated inmate to the room. He looks very scared.)

Lechero: So it's water you want. (Inmate nods his head). Here's your water. (Lechero and his men drown the guy in a tub of water.... ouch!)

Cut To:

(Courtyard in SONA. The inmates are enjoying the water. Whistler is cleaning himself up and drinking some water. Michael is standing next to him and thinking.)

Whistler: Thankyou. (Michael looks at him and nods). So how are we getting out of here?

Michael: (he looks at Whistler, looking completely lost). I have no idea! (Camera zooms out of the two of them).

Kikavu ?

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Locksley, 04.12.2024 à 13:14

Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

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